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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 210 Conspiracy

The three of them were playing cards and chatting at the same time. They seemed to be talking about what happened at the card table, but if you listen carefully, there was something behind their words.

Wu Feilin is the oldest among the old fellows in San’er. He is 96 years old this year. He is the old man who wears Zhou Zheng clothes but has a pair of slippers on the soles of his feet.

After throwing down a pair of fours on the card table, he said to the old man wearing flowery underpants at his side: “Xiao Kang, how are the people you sent out to test?”

Kang Shijie squinted at the cards on the table and casually threw down a pair of five: “No news yet, but I guess the result won’t be good.”

“Four A… bombs…” Lu Zhengyang, who had just thrown away Wang Zhao, said angrily: “Why should I test it? Just find someone to be that kid, and then push someone else up…”

“If everything were to be killed as you said, the world would have been in chaos long ago…” Wu Feilin tapped the table with his fingers.

Kang Shijie also knocked on the table: “The third child has such a bad temper that he doesn’t even know how to change it even as he gets older.”

The three people playing cards were the three executives of Gemini Sanjia Business Group.

Since Qi Yiming captured the Lost Galaxy, the three executives have been dormant and rarely attended company meetings. They are waiting to see the policies of the new federal government.

However, what disappoints them is that the new federation has not promulgated any new policy agenda other than announcing that it will inherit the government of the former human federation. Businessmen like them live their lives as usual and pay taxes in full to the local government.

The three people who were originally planning to engage in political speculation were completely disappointed.

Herein lies the problem. I had never thought before that when I was engaged in political speculation, I could live my life however I wanted.

But since these three people had the idea of ​​​​political speculation, they sit together every day and discuss how to get what they want through political operations.

The first thing they thought of was to use the identity of the Awakened One.

Because they themselves were awakeners, they just climbed out of the dormant cabin earlier than Qi Yiming.

These three people have a very thorough understanding of the concept of citizenship in the former Human Federation. Of course, they know that the highest level of citizenship in the former Human Federation is much more comfortable than that of the top executives of the Three Best Groups, but citizens at this level have greater responsibilities. Heavy.

To put it bluntly, what the three people value is the privileges behind citizenship, and they do not want to bear social responsibilities.

In other words, they want to be Qi Yiming’s supreme emperor.

Therefore, the three of them planned to test Qi Yiming’s attitude towards the Awakened first. After all, announcing the inheritance of the political system of the former Human Federation can be considered a kind of political capital in a sense.

Isn’t there a saying that “XX area has been the inherent territory of our country since ancient times…”

Therefore, announcing the inheritance of the former Human Federation government only legally inherited the inherent territory of the former Human Federation. It did not mean that Qi Yiming would welcome the awakened people with a smile. This is why a large number of so-called awakened people went to Gaia to give Qi Yiming Call for free labor.

While the three of them were chatting, a servant walked into the room cautiously, came to Kang Shijie and whispered a few words.

Kang Shijie nodded without any emotion.

After the servant left, Kang Shijie said, “It really doesn’t work. That kid doesn’t seem to be easy to handle.”

“I’ve said before that testing is useless. It’s better to follow my plan. We will reveal our identities directly and invite Qi Yiming to travel to Gemini. Then we will find an opportunity to kill him and push a puppet up.” Lu Zhengyang grabbed his hand. He threw the cards on the table and said casually.

“Will Qi Yiming’s men recognize the person we choose?” Wu Feilin said angrily.

“Then what do you think we should do?” Lu Zhengyang looked a little angry.

Kang Shijie advised from the side: “Don’t get angry, what a big deal! I don’t believe that Qi Yiming is surrounded by a monolith?”

The two people who were about to quarrel looked at Kang Shijie at the same time. Wu Feilin was the first to ask: “What are your plans?”

“I heard that there is a man named Liu Bishu next to Qi Yiming. He is a greedy guy, and he has been with Qi Yiming for a long time. It will be easier for Qi Yiming’s old subordinates to accept him if he is promoted. We can find a way Win over this person.”

After Kang Shijie told his plan, several people were silent for a long time. Finally, Wu Feilin made the final decision: “Try this method first. Don’t expose us until you are sure.”

“Don’t worry about this. I have never made any mistakes in my work…”

With a new plan, the three people’s game of cards fell apart.

Let’s talk about Qi Yiming. After bringing Xue Ming to the Engineer, Xue Ming went completely crazy.

Especially after seeing the technological heritage shown to him by Qi Yiming, he kicked Qi Yiming out of the laboratory and vowed not to leave the Engineer until he tinkered with something in his life.

Qi Yiming was also happy to waste less time. After calling Song Borui from the Academy of Sciences for a few words, he returned to the Xuefeng and rushed back to Gaia.

Qi Yiming returned to Gaia and served as the head of state for several months.

Following Fang Min and Liu Bishu, they inspected the progress of many engineering projects.

Except for the slow progress of the production line of building battleships, Qi Yiming is still very satisfied with the rest based on the current human technology.

After all, many projects are purely based on manpower. It is already a very remarkable thing to build three airports with different functions in the Gaia star synchronous orbit in just half a year.

During this period, Wang Shuhua also came back from the Lando Galaxy once.

The first was to return to Gaia to receive the newly reorganized fleet. For half a year, the Engineer was produced day and night. Coupled with the non-stop work of the recruitment offices of each colonial star, the supplementary fleet that Wang Shuhua should have received half a year ago was finally made up.

At this time, the number of battleships in the Lando galaxy has reached more than 7,000.

Although there are no battleships, the performance of the Venom-class cruisers in previous battles made Wang Shuhua fall in love with this type of battleship.

Therefore, except for the more than a hundred battlecruisers and two battleships captured from the Commercial Alliance, most of the remaining battleships in his fleet were Fang-class cruisers.

Coupled with the special channel environment of the Lando Galaxy, it can be said that the defense of the Lando Galaxy is already impregnable.

If the Business Alliance wants to regain the Lando Galaxy again, it must invest more than a dozen full fleets here.

Those are nearly 100,000 warships of various models. Not to mention that the Business Alliance cannot take them out. Even if they can take them out, they cannot be thrown into the Lando Galaxy in one go. After all, he still has internal strife to quell.

As for the territory of the Fei family that had newly joined the new federation, under Ye Lu’s high-pressure rule, they fought several small-scale fleet battles and finally completely took over the territory that the Fei family had separated from the Yunhuan Federation.

Yunhuan Federation did not even issue a statement about this, but only published a condemnatory article of less than 100 words on a small domestic information platform.

The Yunhuan Federation was indeed frightened by Qi Yiming. He was afraid that if he expressed too fiercely, Qi Yiming would come over with his fleet out of displeasure. By then, the senior officials of the Yunhuan Federation might have to take the government team into exile abroad.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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