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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 212 A game within a game

Two days after Liu Bishu was forced to join the gang, Fang Min received an electronic report from the intelligence department.

The report stated that after their interrogation of the captured Awakened Alliance members, although there was no specific harvest, some of the arrested people with higher status had received transfers from the same account, with varying amounts. .

The intelligence department traced the account and found that the account’s opening address was in Gemini, which frightened Fang Min.

He knew that Qi Yiming had just set off for Gemini.

It couldn’t be such a coincidence, so he thought of Liu Bishu, who tried his best to promote this matter.

Fang Min was actually very reluctant to associate this matter with Liu Bishu. After all, they had worked together for such a long time, and some friendship had developed.

In order to confirm whether this incident was related to Liu Bishu, Fang Min made a private appointment with Liu Bishu.

The conversation between the two was normal. Liu Bishu’s innocent look made Fang Min unable to see any flaws.

After Liu Bishu left, Fang Min immediately sent a messenger, asking the messenger to chase Qi Yiming back no matter what, and even if it didn’t work, he would inform Qi Yiming of the matter before Qi Yiming arrived at Gemini.

The rest is up to God.

Liu Bishu immediately told Cheng Xianbin about the incident after returning to his residence.

He asked Cheng Xianbin to find a way to kill Fang Min. For Liu Bishu, Fang Min was a time bomb that could explode and hurt him at any time.

That night, a fire broke out in Fang Min’s apartment. Although there was an intelligent fire protection system, the fire was put out quickly.

But when rescuers arrived at the scene, they found only a burned body.

Fang Min’s sudden death made Liu Bishu’s nervousness finally relax a little.

Three days later, Liu Bishu disappeared suddenly and inexplicably while attending Fang Min’s funeral.

This caused all officials on Gaia to panic. Two high-ranking officials had accidents in a row. It was obvious that someone was targeting the New Federation.

The Gaia star government, which was originally functioning well, suddenly fell into paralysis.

But what is surprising is that Liu Bishu reappeared in the government office building three days after his disappearance. Thanks to his efforts, the paralyzed Gaia star government became operational again.

Liu Bishu’s reputation has also improved a lot in the eyes of Gaia officials.

No one knows where Liu Bishu has been in the past three days, but Liu Bishu began to actively contact officials from all walks of life after returning this time. It can be said that there was a small banquet for two days and a big banquet for three days. At the banquet, Liu Bishu often tried his best as a superior. Win over all officials.

Some people with a keen political sense have already faintly smelled something different.

That night, after another banquet, Liu Bishu returned to his residence tiredly.

As soon as the door opened, two men wearing exoskeleton armor capable of optical stealth were standing in the room.

Liu Bishu was already used to it.

“Where have you been in the past three days?” The person who came was none other than Cheng Xianbin.

“My former comrades died because of me, what’s wrong with me going out to relax?” Liu Bishu said confidently.

“It’s best this way. I hope you can understand that there is no other way out for you.”

“You don’t need to threaten me. I might have rebelled before. Now that Fang Min has been killed, I won’t be able to get off the boat even if you put a gun to my head and drive me off the boat.”

Cheng Xianbin nodded and continued: “Counting the time, Qi Yiming is almost at Gemini. You are not far away from reaching the pinnacle of power in the New Federation. You’d better be honest during this period, but you have to win over officials. You’re doing pretty well, please keep it up.”

Liu Bishu smiled bitterly: “Are you done? Now that you’re done, please leave. I’m tired and need to rest.”

Cheng Xianbin was not angry, turned on the invisibility function and returned to the room arranged for them by Liu Bishu.

The next day, Liu Bishu returned to his office.

At this time, Chen Cheng, the commander-in-chief of the internal defense forces, was already waiting here.

Liu Bishu came to Chen Cheng with a flattering look on his face, took out his personal terminal and played the conversation with Cheng Xianbin last night, and then whispered, “Brother Chen, you heard it! I was indeed forced…”

Chen Cheng looked at Liu Bishu expressionlessly: “I will tell Mr. Qi truthfully about your situation. I can’t guarantee how to deal with you, but as long as you cooperate with us to play this scene well, I believe Mr. Qi will not do it.” It’s your life.”

Liu Bishu continued to say in a flattering voice: “I will definitely cooperate with you.”

Chen Cheng then returned to the headquarters of the Internal Security Forces. At this time, there was also a person sitting in his office. It was Fang Min who died in the fire two days ago.

Chen Cheng raised his neck and drank a large glass of water before saying to Fang Min: “Mr. Qi is still great. When Liu Bishu tried his best to promote the trip to Gemini, we didn’t realize there was any problem. Only Mr. Qi said that Liu Bishu There’s something weird about it.”

“Yes, I complained to the head of state at that time, how could a head of state abandon political affairs and go out for a wander.” Fang Min was holding a bald head at this time, and the light in the room shone on his forehead. It’s sparkling.

Although Qi Yiming was sitting on the bridge of Xuefeng talking with his adjutant at this time, he secretly summoned Chen Cheng before departure and asked him to keep an eye on Liu Bishu.

Chen Cheng didn’t understand what happened at the time and asked curiously.

Qi Yiming explained to Chen Cheng that Liu Bishu was usually very cautious in doing things and never took the initiative to recommend Qi Yiming to do anything. However, during this Gemini inspection, it could be said that Liu Bishu was very proactive in order to facilitate this matter, which had to be allowed to Qi Yiming. Yiming became suspicious.

He told Chen Cheng that if there was no big problem with Liu Bishu, it was definitely because he had accepted bribes and worked as a lobbyist for Gemini businessmen. He regarded Liu Bishu as an anti-corruption operation.

But unexpectedly, Qi Yiming actually guessed it.

Not two days after Qi Yiming left, members of the internal security forces ambushing near Liu Bishu’s residence noticed something strange about Liu Bishu.

First of all, the amount of garbage sent out every day at home has increased, and Liu Bishu has always been alone.

And the time at home is limited, so the garbage cleaned out every day is very small.

But since Qi Yiming left, a cleaning robot has delivered more than twice the amount of garbage to Liu Bishu’s home every day.

But what puzzled those following him was that no trace of the second person was found in Liu Bishu’s home.

There was no other way, so they applied to their superiors for more advanced detection equipment.

This was terrible. As soon as the new detection equipment arrived, they discovered two strange figures in Liu Bishu’s home.

He rescued Fang Min from the fire a few days later, and casually dumped the body of one of Fang Min’s security team members at the scene.

The dead security member was Cheng Xianbin who set the fire for convenience. He kidnapped a security member who was on vacation, killed him and took his place.

Because this security member was not a personal bodyguard and did not show up while working, no one noticed this.

If the internal security troops hadn’t found out in advance, a real funeral might have been held for Fang Min.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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