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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 213 Going with the flow

“What to do next?” Fang Min said, touching his bald head.

“To arrest people… we have to figure this out before Mr. Qi arrives at Gemini.” Chen Cheng said firmly.

So the intelligence department launched an operation to arrest Cheng Xianbin that night with the cooperation of the internal security forces.

With Liu Bishu’s cooperation, the arrest operation only had a small accident. Liu Bishu was accidentally injured and broke an arm. Cheng Xianbin was finally captured alive, but another man who stayed with Cheng Xianbin at Liu Bishu’s home was shot dead on the spot.

The intelligence department worked overtime to interrogate him all night long. Unexpectedly, Cheng Xianbin, who looked extremely tough, told everything without any resistance after seeing the interrogation tools produced by the intelligence department.

Now the three old men behind the Sanjia Group surfaced.

Ever since being caught up by the messenger sent by Fang Min, Qi Yiming started to stop and go, all for inspection work.

Every time he arrives at an administrative star, he will stay there for two days to learn about the local development.

Finally, the day before entering the lost galaxy, I received encrypted information from Chen Cheng.

Seeing the information introduction, Qi Yiming couldn’t help but smile.

“These people are really determined to kill me, and they actually want to attack me…”

He Zhenzhu, who followed Qi Yiming out this time, took the information from Qi Yiming and read it carefully.

“You tell me how I should deal with them. No matter what you say, they are all people from the same era.”

“These people deserve to die. Even if they don’t want to avenge their loved ones who died in the swarm, they can’t stop others from taking revenge just to enjoy life.”

“Then it’s settled, kill them…” In fact, Qi Yiming had already sentenced these three people to death in his heart. But when he found out that his former comrades had fallen to this level, he felt very unhappy. He just thought Just looking for someone to talk to.

“Do we need to mobilize the fleet?” He Zhenzhu asked softly as he looked at Qi Yiming who was becoming murderous.

Qi Yiming shook his head: “No need, the Xuefeng is enough. Intelligence says they don’t have much armed force.”

Gemini, the three old men still get together on time every day to fight Landlords, and occasionally find other activities to spice up their boring lives.

Such a day was something they could not even imagine in the former Human Federation.

“Lao Kang, has the person you sent responded to your letter?” Wu Feilin asked Kang Shijie, who was also lying beside him, while enjoying the service of the massage robot while lying on the massage chair.

Kang Shijie first let out an extremely comfortable groan, and then said slowly and leisurely: “I just received news two days ago that Qi Yiming is on his way, and that they have taken care of Liu Bishu, and everything is going according to plan.”

Lu Zhenyang, who was sitting aside and playing with a handicraft, said angrily: “Don’t be complacent yet. It won’t be too late to be happy when we really kill Qi Yiming and help Liu Bishu take over.”

Kang Shijie smiled and said to Lu Zhenyang: “I’ll leave the rest to you. Among the three of us, you are the best at assassination.”

“It has been prepared for a long time, and it will be done flawlessly.”

After speaking, Lu Zhenyang threw away the handicrafts he was playing with and quickly left the place where the three of them were gathering.

Three days later…

The Xuefeng appeared in the Lost Galaxy on time. Qi Yiming looked at the two stars emitting light blue light in the center of the galaxy in ecstasy. He seemed to recall something happy, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

The reception spacecraft sent by Sanjia Group had been waiting near the jump bridge for a long time, and immediately sent a communication request to Qi Yiming as soon as it discovered the Xuefeng.

Qi Yiming asked the communications director to connect the communications with the intention of putting on a show.

On the communication screen was a beautiful young woman, dressed in professional attire that made Qi Yiming’s eyes light up.

“Your Excellency, welcome to Gemini. I am your guide for this visit. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to board your battleship and explain the beauty of Gemini to you in person?”

Qi Yiming did not refuse.

Soon the young woman came to the bridge of the Xuefeng. Although she was extremely curious about the interior of the Xuefeng battleship, her superb professionalism allowed her to restrain herself from looking around and concentrate on introducing it to Qi Yiming. The history of Gemini.

But Qi Yiming was thinking at this time, when will those three bad old men take action? Qi Yiming really didn’t want to play cat and mouse game with them here.

Fortunately, Gemini is indeed said to have pleasant scenery.

In the following days, he visited several wonders of the universe with this guide, and Qi Yiming finally felt bored.

These scenes were nothing new to Qi Yiming, who had been on the battleship all year round, but he had not been able to wait for the people behind the scenes to take action. Qi Yiming completely lost his patience and was ready to take action immediately.

He Zhenzhen commanded the combination of the Lightning destroyer and the Guardian frigate to quickly enter the Gemini atmosphere and go straight to the villa of the boss behind the Sanjia Group.

But before He Zhenzhu could lock the target, the Lightning’s hull suddenly shook violently, and she was attacked by a bursting laser from the high orbit of Gemini.

“It’s a Blade-class battleship…” Qi Yiming immediately warned He Zhenzhu in the fleet channel.

“Why is there a Blade-class battleship here?” He Zhenzhu looked at the behemoth that suddenly appeared in the high orbit of Gemini with a look of horror on his face.

At this time, a gloomy voice sounded in the wide-area communication channel of the disassembled Xuefeng and Lightning: “Kang Shijie is an idiot. He didn’t even know that his own people were captured, and he was still there smugly asking us to wait for good news. If I hadn’t returned to the Resurrectionist in advance when I saw that the situation was not right, I might have been tricked by you.” Qi Yiming frowned and looked at the Resurrectionist. He couldn’t understand why Fang Min and the others had been so secretive. How could there be a rumor? “Don’t think about it. If old man Kang can send people, can’t I send people?” Qi Yiming suddenly realized that it was not surprising that this person had a backup plan after all this time. Since he was discovered, there was nothing to say. It was just an encounter. “I have heard that the warships of the strategic strike fleet are powerful for a long time, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to fight them.” Lu Zhenyang became more and more excited as he spoke, and he was obviously a war maniac. “Since you want to know the combat capability of the strategic strike fleet, I will fulfill your wish today.” Qi Yiming sounded the battle alarm in the Xuefeng ship and recalled the separated Lightning immediately.

How could Lu Zhenyang let the Lightning fly out of the Gemini atmosphere so easily? He moved to the top of the Lightning before the Xuefeng ship, and all the weapons were fully charged, waiting for the Lightning to emerge from the atmosphere.

The chapter was banned and just released.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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