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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 215 Dangerous Breath

More than ten years of being comfortable and getting angry have almost worn away Kang Shijie’s bloody spirit when fighting against the insect swarm.

When he realized that his plan failed and led to death, Kang Shijie behaved like an old dog wagging its tail and begging for mercy.

He lay on the ground and prayed for Qi Yiming to spare him.

Looking at Kang Shijie’s face covered with snot and tears, Qi Yiming instantly lost interest in talking to him, and casually named two members of the internal security force: “Lock them up first and bring them back to Gaia.”

Next is Wu Feilin, this old man is slightly smarter than Kang Shijie.

When Qi Yiming led people to surround his villa, Wu Feilin strolled out of the door and said to Qi Yiming without any sense of guilt: “Winner or loser, you win… I admit defeat.”

This was the first time Qi Yiming had seen such a straightforward person.

Qi Yiming didn’t waste any words and still asked his men to take Wu Feilin into custody first.

On the way back to Gaia Star, Qi Yiming interrogated the two men separately.

Not much useful information was obtained. These two idiots didn’t even know Lu Zhenyang’s true identity.

When Qi Yiming mentioned the former Director General Lu of the Logistics General Equipment Department of the Human Federation in front of them, they both shook their heads and denied Lu Zhenyang’s identity.

This made Qi Yiming a little confused.

Wu Feilin and Kang Shijie are both soldiers. Even if they mess around, they should know the name of the equipment chief, right?

But what made Qi Yiming and the others dumbfounded was that they had also doubted Lu Zhenyang’s identity, but Lu Zhenyang excused them by citing the same name.

But this is not the point. The point is that Qi Yiming wants to know through two people whether Lu Zhenyang has any other hiding spots.

However, what disappoints Qi Yiming is that apart from knowing where Lu Zhenyang’s residence is, the two of them have no idea about the rest of the situation.

Qi Yiming was so angry that he just wanted to hit them with a whip.

However, it was indeed Qi Yiming who had wronged the two of them. Apart from having a fixed residence in Gemini, Lu Zhenyang did not set up a secret shelter elsewhere.

So Lu Zhenyang, who fled from Gemini, suddenly lost his only place to stay.

Now he can only command the Resurrector to hide in various places in the New Federation to avoid Qi Yiming’s wanted wanted.

“The New Federation can’t stay any longer…” Lu Zhenyang muttered quietly as he stood on the bridge of the Resurrector.

But his eyes were fixed on the holographic star map in front of him without blinking.

After a while, Lu Zhenyang’s adjutant walked up to him and said: “Captain, we don’t have enough supplies…”

Lu Zhenyang nodded to express that he understood, without looking away from the star map.

Now Lu Zhenyang looks very calm on the surface, but actually he is extremely angry inside.

Obviously, all the mistakes that happened to him were attributed to Qi Yiming.

If Qi Yiming hadn’t suddenly attacked the business alliance, he might still be living a life of luxury and dissipation.

It’s better now, let alone a life of extravagance and extravagance. Even wanting to find a safe place to survive has become a luxury.

In desperation, Lu Zhenyang could only choose to flee the New Federation.

Although Qi Yiming immediately issued a wanted order against Lu Zhenyang, Lu Zhenyang was much more cunning than expected. After using all the resources at his disposal, he successfully escaped from the control of the New Federation and successfully entered the business alliance.

Due to lack of supplies along the way, one-third of the crew on the Resurrection starved to death.

What is creepy is that no one mentioned the issue of disposing of the corpses when the Resurrection was carrying out its first resupply after escaping from the New Federation.

The bodies of the starved crew members seemed to have evaporated, leaving no trace.

Before Qi Yiming took over the Lost Galaxy, Lu Zhenyang was already a well-known businessman in the Business Alliance, so the news that he successfully escaped from the New Federation quickly spread within their circle.

Originally, Lu Zhenyang wanted to sell some bearer securities he brought out from Gemini. The money would be enough for him to spend the rest of his life safely.

But the tragedy is that because he escaped from the New Federation unharmed, it became an excuse for others to doubt him.

On this day, he was invited by a friend to visit his home. But before he could even sit down, he was surrounded by intelligence officers rushing out from all sides.

Even though Lu Zhenyang was the former vice-president of the Human Federation, he still behaved submissively when faced with armed intelligence agents, fearing that the other party would shoot him if they were upset.

After being taken away by the intelligence agency, there was an interrogation that lasted for dozens of days. Lu Zhenyang was tortured to death and told everything he could and could not say.

This time I really stung a hornet’s nest.

A former deputy director of the Human Logistics Equipment Department, even if he stood on the podium and talked about the weapons and equipment he had seen, it would be enough for a group of scientists to stay busy for a long time.

So Lu Zhenyang’s hellish life began.

But these have nothing to do with Qi Yiming.

After returning to Gaia, Qi Yiming handed Kang Shijie and the two to the intelligence department, and followed Chen Cheng to see the imprisoned Liu Bishu.

At this time, Liu Bishu no longer had the glory of the past. During the period of imprisonment, due to the excessive mental pressure, he lost weight.

When he saw Qi Yiming, Liu Bishu got up from the ground immediately, crying bitterly and said to Qi Yiming: “Führer, I was really forced. At that time, I really thought that the other person just wanted to be a Promotional work.”

Qi Yiming interrupted Liu Bishu: “You don’t need to say it. We have learned the details from the arrested Cheng Xianbin. Although you didn’t know about the assassination, you did accept bribes.” Qi Yiming listened for a long time, and seemed to be thinking about how to deal with Liu Bishu. Liu Bishu also looked at Qi Yiming intently at this time, fearing that he would say: “Take him out and shoot him…” Fortunately, Qi Yiming didn’t think of shooting Liu Bishu, but just pulled him to the bottom and sent him to the resource star for mining. After dealing with these things, Qi Yiming thought that the matter had come to an end, but to his surprise, Lu Zhenyang took the initiative to contact Qi Yiming a month later. He sent Qi Yiming a letter through a friend who still lived in the New Federation. The content of the letter was very simple, asking Qi Yiming to surrender, otherwise he would lead the coalition forces of several countries to attack the New Federation. Qi Yiming was not prepared to take it seriously at first, but when he learned that the military technology of the Commercial Alliance had made a major breakthrough with the help of Lu Zhenyang, he knew that this war was inevitable.

Although he didn’t know what kind of breakthrough the Commercial Alliance had made, from Lu Zhenyang’s confident statement, they should think that they have the New Federation in their hands.

Qi Yiming would definitely not sit and wait for death. After receiving the surrender message sent by Lu Zhenyang, he immediately issued a mobilization order.

The sudden mobilization order completely disrupted the development plans of various administrative stars in the New Federation, and a large number of young people of military age were conscripted into the army.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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