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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 225 Shocking Change

As the first female president of the Business Alliance, Genoa has shown the delicacy of women in national governance and has had a very high praise rate among various political groups for a long time.

But that was in peacetime.

Ever since the civil strife broke out in the Business Alliance, and then the successive wars, this lady was suddenly a little tired of dealing with it.

If the government’s mess in dealing with domestic rebellion is due to lack of experience and the sudden and excusable nature of the incident.

Then in the subsequent war against the New Federation, Genoa’s hesitant character caused her and her motherland to suffer a lot.

In fact, the situation on the front line is already extremely favorable to the coalition forces. Anyone sent to attack can successfully retake the border star field occupied by the New Federation.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the coalition commander sent this time is here to take credit, and each political group wants their own people to join.

In fact, what the major political groups value is not the merit of regaining lost territory, but the huge reputation behind this incident.

With the merits of regaining lost ground, the person they promote in the next general election will have a good chance of winning the presidency.

And this kind of political wrangling should actually stop the moment Genoa determines the candidate.

However, Genoa was hesitant and could not make up its mind to decide on the candidate.

This gives major political groups the opportunity to make small moves behind the scenes.

Today I poured dirty water on your candidate, and tomorrow he will send your candidate to the hospital through a dirty trick.

After a while, the smell of gunpowder became a bit strong. Before the fighting started on the front line, the backyard of the Business Alliance caught fire first.

Just when the major political groups were quarreling over the candidates, a sudden change occurred in the Commercial Alliance Military Department.

At 11:00 on April 18, 3323, Stardate 3323, Vice Admiral Guo Zhaoyuan, the commander of the Thirty-third Task Force of the Commercial Alliance, led the Marine Corps to capture the Capital System Military Management Committee Space Station, and at the same time sent a task force to block all access channels in and out of the Capital System.

Two hours later, the task force launched an attack after failing to persuade the Capital Star ground forces to surrender. In just one hour and twelve minutes, it broke through the Capital Star ground force defenses and broke into the government building to arrest Genoa, the current president of the Business Alliance, for war crimes.

At the same time, they divided their forces and arrested the leaders of several major political groups in the Business Alliance.

At 17:00 on the 18th, the Commercial Alliance government was announced to be dissolved, and a military government was established at the same time, and all military personnel of the Commercial Alliance were required to take the initiative to maintain order in various domestic galaxies.

The galaxies that had just experienced domestic rebellion really did not want to experience another war, so they immediately expressed their submission to the military government.

The coup happened very suddenly and ended very quickly.

Who is Guo Zhaoyuan? No one knew this person before the coup, but anyone familiar with him knew that Guo Zhaoyuan was an idealist through and through.

He has been keen on war games since he was a child and determined to become a general. When he grew up, it was natural for him to join the army.

With his passion, he started from a small soldier, repeatedly made meritorious deeds in the turbulent war of the Business Alliance, was promoted to lieutenant general, and became the captain of the 33rd Task Force.

It stands to reason that he realized his dream, but the chaotic political environment in the country made this idealist feel very unhappy. However, he had no political background and could not do much with his passion. Fortunately, he became an ostrich and guarded the country. Live on one-third of an acre of land.

But his only son, who was willing to die, was transferred to the front line during the formation of the coalition forces. As a military family, there is nothing wrong with executing orders.

Guo Zhaoyuan personally sent his only son to the battlefield, and was then tricked and killed by Qi Yiming in the minefield of the Lando system.

The grief-stricken Guo Zhaoyuan requested to go to the front line several times to avenge his son but was rejected. He could only wash his face in tears at home and wait for the coalition forces to invade the hinterland of the New Federation and capture Qi Yiming alive to avenge his son.

But just for the selection of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, the top brass of the Business Alliance had been debating for more than a month, watching as the New Federation stabilized its position in the Ancestor Galaxy.

If the coalition forces drag on any longer, there will be a big question mark as to whether they can still invade the hinterland of the New Federation.

In anger, Guo Zhaoyuan took advantage of the lax defense of the capital system and rushed into the capital system with the 33rd Task Force. What followed was a coup and the establishment of a military government.

Now Guo Zhaoyuan was in great power. After giving up huge benefits, he attracted a group of politicians, quickly stabilized the domestic situation, and then personally went to the front line to command the coalition operations.

When the coalition forces received news of the coup in the commercial alliance, Guo Zhaoyuan used the established facts to convince the fleet commanders of various countries to continue to fulfill their alliance obligations.

Under the command of Guo Zhaoyuan, the coalition forces took back the lost homeland of the Commercial Alliance in just one week.

During this period, Guo Zhaoyuan also learned about the insularity within the coalition, so he did not have any hope that the fleets of other countries in the coalition would be able to attack the New Federation.

After discovering that the New Federation’s Ancestral Star Territory defense line had taken shape, he decided to postpone the attack.

Reflexively, he began to use the great prestige brought to him by regaining his homeland to rectify domestic order.

The war potential of the business alliance under the management of the military government was finally unleashed, and a large number of young people of school age were recruited into the army.

Major business groups have received purchase orders from the military government. All warship production lines in the Commercial Alliance are working at full capacity, with dozens of warships coming off the production lines every day.

In just half a year, the Business Alliance had formed three full fleets.

A total of 30,000 warships of various types were ordered by Guo Zhaoyuan to set off for the front line to confront the New Federation.

With the addition of new forces, Yao Zhaolong can launch a new round of offensive against the New Federation by simply commanding his own fleet while the fleets of various countries are competing.

Qi Yiming was stunned by this series of operations.

He really didn’t expect that such a murderous god would be provoked in a trap.

Not only did he kill his teammates, but now he has accumulated enough strength to show his sharp fangs to the New Federation.

In fact, Qi Yiming has not been idle in the past six months.

After completing the evacuation of ordinary citizens, immediately began to set up a defense line in the Ancestral Star Territory.

At the same time, it ordered the country to speed up the transformation and upgrading of warship production lines, and strive to complete the upgrade of one or two warship production lines within two months.

Fang Min’s work efficiency did not disappoint Qi Yiming. The original work of upgrading the production line started before the war broke out.

After the war broke out, at Qi Yiming’s urging, Fang Min invested all the resources he could mobilize into upgrading the production line, and completed what Qi Yiming had asked ahead of schedule in just one and a half months.

The production efficiency of the upgraded battleship production line is no less than that of the Engineer.

Therefore, in the past six months, the number of warships in the New Federation has increased from less than 10,000 to more than 30,000 today.

These more than 30,000 battleships are no longer the same cruisers that Wang Shuhua commanded before.

Instead, it is a large interstellar fleet equipped with various battleships.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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