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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 226 Fierce Battle

On July 9, Star Calendar 3323, after another civil strife, the Business Alliance sent a large number of fresh blood to the front line under the strong management of the military government.

And Qi Yiming also has a lot more trump cards due to the upgrading of domestic industries.

With both sides believing they were well prepared, the coalition forces spearheaded by the Business Alliance once again launched an attack on the New Federation’s defense line in the Carter System, the only border between the Ancestral Star Territory and the Frontier Star Territory.

Although Guo Zhaoyuan hated Qi Yiming deeply, he never involved any personal feelings in commanding operations.

He clearly knew that although his own warships had a numerical advantage, the overall technological level of the warships was worse than that of the New Federation’s warships.

Therefore, he did not expect the fleet to be able to break through the New Federation’s defense line near the jumping bridge to establish a bridgehead for the subsequent fleet.

Half a year before the launch of the campaign, when he had just taken over the position of commander of the coalition forces, he ordered the remaining fleets of the Commercial Alliance to bring enough supplies and head directly to the Ancestral Starfield through a faster-than-light jump.

Of course, he dared to do so because the journey from the Border Star Territory to the Ancestral Star Territory was not too far, and it would only take more than half a year for the fleet to fly through the jump.

And Guo Zhaoyuan also took advantage of this half year to stabilize the rear.

Due to Guo Zhaoyuan’s strict blockade of the Ancestral Star Territory, it was difficult for Qi Yiming to obtain information on the mobilization of the coalition fleet through reconnaissance.

So when the coalition fleet left the jump channel and appeared at the edge of the Carter Galaxy, Qi Yiming was a little confused.

Qi Yiming, who was accustomed to using bridge jumps to navigate between galaxies, didn’t even think about how these warships appeared at the edge of the Carter galaxy.

When Qi Yiming thought of sending a fleet to intercept, the coalition forces also used the bridge to launch an attack on the Carter galaxy.

Qi Yiming was disrupted by this sudden tactics. After annihilating nearly 2,000 coalition warships near the jumping bridge, he was worried that the enemy fleet that appeared on the edge of the Carter Galaxy would steal his retreat, so he had no choice but to give up jumping. The defense line near the bridge retreated to the orbit of the eighth planet in the Carter galaxy.

Qi Yiming put a lot of effort into the defense line in the orbit of the eighth planet.

No different than the defense line near the jumping bridge, the front of this defense line in the orbit of Planet Eight is very wide, and can be said to span most of the galaxy.

There are not only a large number of air mines on the defense line to limit the frontal expansion of the coalition forces, but also a large number of giant forts to supplement the fleet’s firepower.

At the same time, there are also some larger asteroids that have been hollowed out from the inside and equipped with turrets, and then placed at various defense nodes to serve as defense centers of gravity.

Don’t underestimate these turrets transformed from asteroids. The artillery installed in them is the main gun installed on a defensive turret of pre-humanity that Xue Ming and people from the Academy of Sciences analyzed from the technological heritage.

This main gun can be said to be a smaller version of the War Spear. It also fires high-energy particle streams, but it is much smaller in terms of range and power than the War Spear’s particle light spear. However, when facing the coalition fleet, it is Has a fatal advantage.

The only unsatisfactory thing is that the number of such main guns is too small. After all, it is a technology that has just been analyzed not long ago. It is not easy to produce the real thing so quickly.

After the coalition successfully passed the bridge jump, they were not in a hurry to continue the attack. Instead, they sent a large number of reconnaissance ships to test the firepower distribution of the new federal defense line.

Of course, Qi Yiming would not let the enemy spy on his true identity so easily, so those who could send fleets to attack tried their best to drive away the enemies. Those who had no choice but to order the turrets at each defense node to be careful in their output.

Finally, after two days of continuous testing, the coalition launched a large-scale attack on the New Federation’s defense line located in the orbit of the eighth planet.

The two sides started an artillery battle at a distance of 0.2 light minutes.

The main guns of the Commercial Alliance’s battleships have made great progress with Lu Zhenyang’s help, so they are not much worse than the New Federation’s battleships in artillery battles.

The New Federation did not suffer any loss even when it relied on its defense lines to fight against the coalition forces.

So the entire artillery battle eventually turned into a brutal war of attrition.

Less than ten minutes after the coalition attack started, more than ten battlecruisers were killed by Xuefeng’s particle light spear in one shot.

Coupled with the fact that the modified asteroid defense turrets on the defense line opened fire one after another, the New Federation’s firepower projection was actually much higher than that of the coalition forces.

For a time, the loss rate of coalition warships surged. Almost every minute, a warship suffered heavy damage and retreated to the rear of the battle line for emergency repairs.

One out of every two battleships that suffered heavy damage was sunk by the New Federation warship because it failed to evade in time.

Fortunately, battleships have incomparable maneuverability for turrets. After Guo Zhaofei adjusted the fleet formation, the rate of loss of some battleships was slightly reduced.

However, the disadvantages of the New Federation were also exposed at the same time.

Since many forts are not mobile, they are easily hit by enemy forces.

Although the fort’s protective capabilities are excellent, it cannot withstand multiple shots from enemy ships.

As the number of fort losses increased, the New Federation’s fire projection capabilities gradually declined.

Under the circumstances, the New Federation Fleet led by Qi Yiming gradually showed its decline.

Fortunately, the New Federation’s warship protection capability is much stronger than that of the coalition’s warships. A New Federation cruiser often requires two or three rounds of concentrated fire from several coalition warships to sink it.

When their warships suffer heavy damage and need to be pulled to the rear for emergency repairs, they can often withstand one more round of fire than the coalition’s warships. Therefore, the overall battle damage ratio of the New Federation is lower than that of the coalition.

But Qi Yiming knew that a long-term artillery battle would be extremely detrimental to the New Federation.

When the forts on the defense line were almost cleared by the enemy, it was when the New Federation warships suffered heavy losses.

Rather than losing a large number of warships at that time, it is better to launch a surprise attack on the enemy fleet when the two sides are in a stalemate.

By drawing the enemy into the melee, Qi Yiming can take advantage of the Wise Man and attack in a chaotic and orderly manner on the chaotic battlefield. By the time the coalition forces discover that the situation is abnormal, Qi Yiming can already take the initiative on the battlefield. , when the time comes, he can fight Qi Yiming however he wants.

But the key is how to get close to the coalition fleet under the enemy’s intensive firepower?

Qi Yiming really missed Qiao Shan’s Azure at this time. If the Azure was there, he could rely on the energy shield deployed by the Azure to cover the fleet and rush into the coalition fleet group.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only use the most brutal method to achieve this tactical goal.

Soon the assault fleet was organized, waiting for the attack channel specially set aside on the defense line.

As the main force among the main force, the Xuefeng is of course also in the ranks of the assault fleet.

Moreover, the Xuefeng will bear the important responsibility of attracting the coalition’s firepower, otherwise the assault fleet will most likely be annihilated before it even gets close to the coalition fleet.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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