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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 228 Melee

Guo Zhaoyuan looked at the enemy troops who were adjusting their fleet formation, and always had an ominous feeling in his heart, but he didn’t know where this feeling came from.

Uncharacteristically, he had no choice but to constantly urge his fleet to speed up.

Seeing the fleet gradually completing adjustments, Guo Zhaoyuan felt a little more at ease.

But when he saw the coalition fleet speeding towards his own side, his sensitive nerves became tense again.

“Is the enemy commander really stupid? He wants to fly over at normal speed at a distance of 0.2 light minutes?”

While Guo Zhaoyuan was puzzled, a large distorted space appeared in front of the New Federation assault fleet, and the next second all the warships entered the jump channel.

Before Guo Zhaoyuan could react from the shock, the assault fleet appeared fifty kilometers away from his own fleet.

The captains of the coalition’s first-line battleships looked at the fleet that suddenly appeared in front of them with ghostly eyes, and for a moment they forgot that they were on the battlefield.

After the fleet of the New Federation, led by the Xuefeng, quickly passed through the short distance of fifty kilometers between them, they all reacted and hurriedly ordered the warships to open fire.

The melee started in an instant.

I saw the New Federation’s fleet, led by the Xuefeng, rushing into the coalition fleet and quickly dividing the enemy’s formation.

At this time, the Xuefeng was on full fire, and the main and secondary guns on the ship fired at the same time.

As long as the warship is locked by Xuefeng, it will be easily sunk in less than two rounds of shooting.

The performance of the other warships was not inferior. A group of three or two warships received target instructions from the Wise Man through the tactical data link, and immediately began a concentrated fire attack.

Although they are not like the Xuefeng that sank an enemy warship in two or three attacks, their efficiency is far higher than the shooting efficiency of the coalition forces.

At this time, the coalition’s command channel was already in chaos.

Guo Zhaoyuan made various emergency plans at the beginning of the battle, including of course the response measures in this kind of melee.

But he never expected that a melee would suddenly occur when the two sides were 0.2 light minutes apart.

The coalition forces are now using common long-range artillery formations, which are simply unable to deal with this kind of melee.

But under the current circumstances, ordering the fleet to change its formation will only make the battlefield more chaotic.

The only thing that made Guo Zhaoyuan feel at ease was that the New Federation’s assault fleet warships were not many, with only more than 5,000 cruisers and one battleship Xuefeng.

Guo Zhaoyuan knew that as long as the Xuefeng could be killed, the coalition would have won half of the war.

Therefore, he would definitely take this opportunity to keep the Xuefeng, even if he suffered a loss and fought again.

“Command all ships… to get as close as possible to their nearby friendly ships, and jointly kill this fleet. There are not many of them…”

With clear instructions, the coalition fleet gradually stabilized from the chaos and began to launch a counterattack against the New Federation fleet in an orderly manner.

Although the assault fleet led by Qi Yiming rushed into the enemy’s formation and was surrounded by three layers of enemy ships, it looked extremely dangerous.

In fact, the warships on the periphery of the coalition can only watch the friendly ships within the battle group desperately, but they themselves can’t help at all because of the rat trap.

The performance of the New Federation’s warships is completely superior. In this case, the longer the melee time, the better it is for the New Federation.

Don’t forget that the Xuefeng has remote repair capabilities. Coupled with the Wise Man’s proper path planning, every severely damaged warship can appear within the Xuefeng’s remote repair range at the right time.

As long as the main gun on the battleship is not destroyed, the battleship will appear next to the enemy in full force in a few minutes.

After the coalition forces received the order to fight separately, although they organized an attack on the New Federation Fleet, which looked very lively, it actually did not achieve much results.

In the first ten minutes of the melee, the New Federation’s assault fleet only lost 13 warships. These thirteen warships were still hit by stray bullets on the battlefield, otherwise the coalition would not even achieve any results.

However, in just ten minutes, the New Federation’s recorded sinkings reached more than 400, and more enemy ships were lost due to collisions in the brief chaos when the raid was just launched. .

However, Guo Zhaolong turned a blind eye to his own losses. In fact, he had given up on the warships that were fighting with the enemy from the beginning, and quickly organized a fleet outside the coalition forces.

While they were waiting for the right time to enter the battlefield in a formation suitable for melee combat, they were also constantly compressing towards the center of the battlefield, trying to reduce the maneuvering range of the New Federation’s assault fleet.

As the first batch of friendly ships fighting with the assault fleet were lost, they finally found an opportunity to break into the battlefield.

But when they entered the battlefield, they discovered something was wrong.

The melee lasted for more than an hour, and our side lost more than 7,000 warships, but the raiding fleet did not seem to have lost many warships.

Although the battlefield is too chaotic to count the enemy’s losses, clues can be seen from the loss speed of our own warships.

This new fleet that joined the melee only had more than 8,300 battleships due to the limitations of the battlefield. However, they lost 19 battleships in less than three minutes after the battle, and one of the battlecruisers was killed by the Xuefeng. Volley away.

In fact, Qi Yiming was under a lot of pressure at this time. The chaotic battlefield and the huge number of warships had caused the shipboard brain inside the Wise Man to overclock.

Under the continuous overclocking work, the temperature inside the Wise Man increased sharply. Even if the Xuefeng attacked the Wise Man with a large amount of energy to increase her cooling rate, it was still a drop in the bucket.

The scientific officer on board the ship said to one of them: “Captain, the overclocking work of the Wise Man’s shipboard brain has exceeded the limit. If this continues, the Wise Man’s shipboard brain may burn out at any time.”

“Is there any way to integrate the computing power of the regional modular battleship into the Wise Man?” Qi Yiming looked at the science officer worriedly.

The ship’s science officer shook his head: “It’s impossible. The shipboard brains of other modular battleships are also responsible for the operation of equipment in their respective areas. The Xuefeng is now operating at full capacity and has no extra computing power to support it. Wise Man.”

Qi Yiming nodded: “If the Wise Man stops supporting now, how long will it take to complete the cooling and resume work?”

“It will take half an hour if most of the Lightning’s energy supply is obtained.”

“Half an hour…” Qi Yiming repeated involuntarily.

Then, as if he had made some determination, he ordered the central brain of the Xuefeng: “Stop the support work of the Wise Man, and at the same time transmit new tactical information to all friendly ships.”

Soon new tactical instructions were issued to each warship through the data link.

After receiving the new order, the captains of the assault fleet quickly followed the instructions and adjusted their combat positions while dealing with the enemy ships.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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