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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 229 Space Battleship Version Three-Three System?

Although the assault fleet led by Qi Yiming had the battlefield plug-in Wise Man, more than a thousand battleships were sunk by the coalition forces after more than an hour of melee.

However, compared with the losses of nearly 8,000 warships of the coalition forces, this result can be called brilliant.

However, as the Wise Man temporarily stopped working, the assault fleet lost the avoidance channel provided by the Wise Man, and the battle losses increased significantly.

However, as each warship adjusted its battle position, the battle losses decreased again.

Guo Zhaoyuan, who had been observing the enemy’s movements, discovered that the New Federation’s assault fleet had forcibly adjusted its formation during the melee, and smiled disdainfully.

In order to kill this assault fleet, although Guo Zhaoyuan did not risk everything, he still shouldered a lot of pressure.

The huge losses have already caused some of his commanders to criticize.

But when Guo Zhaoyuan discovered that the New Federation’s fleet had adjusted its formation against its own firepower, the expression on Guo Zhaoyuan’s face was extremely wonderful.

He really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

The New Federation’s assault fleet actually used a three-by-three formation that was only used by the Marine Corps.

“Should I call you smart? Or should I call you stupid?” Guo Zhaoyuan said to himself: “Call you stupid for actually thinking of applying the Marine Corps’ combat formations to battleship battles, but call you smart? Don’t you know that the outdated combat formation of three by three is only applicable to the Marine Corps?”

The adjutant standing next to him heard his commander muttering softly, and the corners of his mouth turned up, as if he was mocking Qi Yiming for making a stupid move.

And the officer corps of the coalition command slowly noticed the clues, and the expressions on their faces were extremely rich.

“Are you seeking death? Who has ever seen the fleet use the three-by-three system?” A young officer couldn’t bear it anymore and complained loudly.

The others were holding back laughter and shaking their heads.

“Isn’t the commander on the opposite side promoted from the Marine Corps through nepotism?” A thin voice came from the officer corps.

This remark caused a roar of laughter.

But a trainee officer who looked like he had just graduated from the military academy said in a low voice: “There seems to be nothing wrong with using the three-three system in fleet melee?”

“There seems to be nothing wrong with using the three-three system in fleet melee. Friendly ships can cover each other, but the premise is that the warships can really cover friendly ships as flexibly as humans? Unless their warships can be like air and space fighter jets Just as flexible, otherwise using the three-three tactic is asking for death.” Another older officer placed his shoulder on the trainee officer and answered his question in a preaching tone.

However, the discussion among the officer corps was just discussion, and Qi Yiming did not know about it.

Qi Yiming waited until the fleet completed the formation change and then opened super maneuver permissions to each warship.

The super maneuver authority is locked by the fleet captain in regular fleet battles in order to prevent warships from colliding with friendly ships due to lack of control.

Because super maneuverability can be seen from the name, it is a way of maneuvering warships that goes beyond conventional methods.

After the super maneuvering authority was opened, RCS jets of different sizes appeared in various parts of the hull of each warship.

There are two to three more vector engines in the main directions of movement of the battleship.

With the cooperation of these devices, a huge battleship can complete a ballet-like performance in space.

This is why Qi Yiming dared to use the three-three system.

However, the commanders of the coalition forces were not aware of these minor changes, or they simply did not notice the changes in the warships in the New Federation assault fleet.

Still tilting their firepower towards the New Federation’s fleet according to their planned attack method.

But many captains reacted quickly.

Everyone rubbed their eyes and looked at the enemy warships.

Obviously, their fire control radar had accurately locked on the target a moment ago, and the main gun opened fire immediately. During the melee, the two sides were too close, and it was basically possible to fire from one side and hit the other side.

But what did they just see? A battleship suddenly shifted laterally during maneuvers? Cleverly evaded their bombardment.

What made them even more desperate was that the vital points of an enemy ship had been completely exposed to the muzzle of one of their own warships. When the captain ordered the cannon to be fired and waited to see the other side’s warship set off fireworks, the other enemy’s A spaceship was spraying white gas all over its body, and in a strange posture, it used its hardest part to receive the attack for the friendly ship.

Before the captain could curse, another warship among the three warships appeared at the rear of his warship with an erratic maneuvering route. Then the ship’s hull shook violently, and its engine was destroyed by the New Federation’s warship. gained motivation.

Then the battleship that had just been covered was also spraying white air all over its body and adjusted the direction of the ship’s bow at an extremely fast speed, aiming its naval guns at the enemy ship quickly, and then fired a salvo of main guns.

In this way, a coalition warship went from having an absolute advantage to being sunk in an instant. The captain only had enough time to say: “What the hell…”

At this time, the officer corps of the coalition command headquarters had long lost the temperament of pointing out the country just now, and everyone looked at the battle scenes transmitted from the battlefield monitor with ashen faces.

They never thought that a cruiser could fly in space as flexibly as a fighter plane.

But after thinking about it, I feel that according to the design concept of the New Federation warship, it is not impossible to achieve this level.

The elderly officer who had just pointed out Qi Yiming’s weakness in using the three-by-three formation in a preachy tone slapped himself hard: “You are so mean-mouthed…”

Guo Zhaoyuan was also frowning at this time. As a general who had climbed up from the bottom, he had seen all kinds of weird things on the battlefield, so the New Federation’s warships could perform such super maneuvers. He was just surprised for a moment, and then quickly thought about what to do next. How to proceed with the battle.

Although super maneuverability allowed the enemy to use a three-by-three battle formation, the New Federation’s fleet losses were much greater than when the melee began.

Therefore, Guo Zhaoyuan is thinking about whether to use the refueling tactic and use his numerical advantage of warships to overwhelm the opponent.

But the best result he got was that Xuefeng was troubled by too few friendly ships and was sunk in the end of the battle, while his own side lost nearly two-thirds of the fleet.

Guo Zhaolong knew that even with this result, the coalition would not have to fight in the future.

Because the remaining troops are simply not enough to break through the line of defense in front of them.

What’s more, given the current situation, the coalition forces may not be able to successfully capture the assault fleet in front of them.

There is a high probability that Xuefeng will withdraw to the defense line with the remaining fleet when nothing can be done.

At that time, the Xuefeng can completely repeat its old tricks and bring a group of fresh troops to engage in melee combat with them.

After weighing the pros and cons, Guo Zhaoyuan decisively issued the order to retreat.

He wanted to reorganize the fleet, and he could not let the New Federation’s assault fleet successfully stop his revenge plan in a melee.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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