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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 23 Goodbye Liu Bishu

While waiting for Wang Sen to bring people back, Qi Yiming drove a transport boat down to the ground many times and tried to help some humans.

Fortunately, the Yaluo people seemed to realize that Qi Yiming and the people who carried out the orbital bombing were not the same group, so they reluctantly accepted Qi Yiming’s help.

When Wang Sen brought his people back, Qi Yiming’s state shocked Wang Sen.

In the communicator, Qi Yiming said to Wang Sen with messy hair and red eyes: “Have your people go down to rescue people, treat the injured as much as possible, and take away all the people who are still alive.”

Wang Sen didn’t dare to ask what happened. He didn’t even dare to ask more about Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng, which had undergone tremendous changes.

Qi Yiming’s eyes were so scary that Wang Sen felt that as long as he dared to say one more word, Qi Yiming would definitely dare to blast the fleet he brought.

After the orbital bombardment, less than 30,000 humans survived on Yarrow. Qi Yiming didn’t know how many people there were before, but based on the scale of the war, it was estimated to be at least two billion.

In the blink of an eye, more than a billion people died unexpectedly, or died at the hands of the same kind. In Qi Yiming’s view, this was an unforgivable sin and a complete crime against humanity.

But Qi Yiming is alone, what can he do?

In this deformed world, values ​​are like this.

Humans with high-level technology regard humans with low-level technology as resources, allowing them to take and take them.

The better ones are to plunder people back to their own territory and let them reintegrate into the new social system, which is what the Wang family does.

The worse ones would directly use the plundered people as slaves without caring about their life or death.

Qi Yiming was thinking about what was wrong with the world, and suddenly thought of Liu Bishu.

“Glory Federation…Glory Federation…” Qi Yiming kept repeating the name of this organization.

Qi Yiming might not be able to do much on his own, but he thought of the Glory Federation, an organization that once had its mission to restore the human federation.

“Perhaps I can go public through a backdoor scheme and use the Glory Federation to do something.” Qi Yiming murmured to himself.

First of all, after the exchange with Liu Bishu that night, Qi Yiming did not think Liu Bishu was a peripheral member of the Glory Federation. At least he knew more or less the real reason for the existence of the Glory Federation.

All this can be guessed from what he took out.

The military emblem of the garrison fleet cannot be faked, and Liu Bishu said that it was something passed down from generation to generation.

But Liu Bishu would never have access to high-level officials because he mistakenly regarded Qi Yiming as the son of the organization leader.

Liu Bishu is likely to be in the outer circle of core members and has access to some secrets of the Glory Federation, but it does not involve core secrets.

At least he knows the true purpose of the Glory Federation’s existence.

If things are really as Qi Yiming thinks, then Liu Bishu will definitely have the ability to contact some members of the Glory Federation who have the same status as him.

Some of these people may be in the organization because of their livelihood, but Qi Yiming believes that there are definitely people among them who are full of yearning for the old human federation.

Qi Yiming can make these people his initial team and slowly re-establish the Glory Federation. Perhaps one day Qi Yiming can lead these people to restore the glory of the Human Federation.

A few days later, Qi Yiming led the pioneering fleet back to the Gray Rock Star. He said to Wang Sen: “You go and report to the head of the family, I still have something to do.”

Leaving Wang Sen alone in a daze, Qi Yiming hurriedly ran towards Liu Bishu’s house.

Liu Bishu knocked on the door and looked at Qi Yiming doubtfully: “Isn’t Mr. Qi on a development mission? Are you back so soon?”

“Do you want to restore the former glory of the Federation?” Qi Yiming went directly to the topic.

Liu Bishu was as confused as a monk Zhang Er, looking at Qi Yiming with a wary expression.

“Mr. Qi, don’t be ridiculous! What age is this? Why are you bringing up those old things?”

As expected by Qi Yiming, Liu Bishu did know the true purpose of the existence of the Glory Federation.

“Think about your ancestors…” Qi Yiming ignored Liu Bishu’s answer.

This time Liu Bishu looked at Qi Yiming with a solemn expression: “Mr. Qi has figured it out and wants to make a comeback?”

Qi Yiming did not want to lie to Liu Bishu, because if an organization is built on a lie, then sooner or later the organization will collapse.

“I am not the son of the leader you said, but I am inextricably connected with their senior leaders. No…” Qi Yiming thought for a while and then said: “To be precise, I have close ties with the existing people. All human beings are inextricably linked.”

Suddenly Liu Bishu froze as if he had been electrocuted. He remembered what Qi Yiming said when he first came to his house: “Corporal, how long have you been awake?”

Liu Bishu slowly raised his trembling finger and pointed at Qi Yiming: “You… you… are you from that era?”

Qi Yiming nodded slowly.

After Liu Bishu guessed Qi Yiming’s identity, she was not too frightened. Instead, she was very excited and pulled Qi Yiming, who was still standing at the door, into the room.

“I have to say, you are really brave!” Liu Bishu looked at Qi Yiming sitting opposite him.

“Why do you say that?”

“You trust me so much? Tell me your biggest secret.”

“That military badge doesn’t lie.”

“Couldn’t I have picked up that military badge from the roadside?”

“You would wipe a thing you picked up on the roadside so clean? How could that military flag be preserved so well?”

It must be said that Qi Yiming did not expect Liu Bishu to guess his identity. But Qi Yiming was taking a huge risk by admitting his identity. Fortunately, this risk was worth it.

The two were silent for a long time, and Liu Bishu spoke again: “My grandfather was also a person of that era. When he woke up, the Glory Federation was still at its peak of development.”

“You mean, people from our era occasionally wake up in this world now?” Qi Yiming asked in surprise.

“Isn’t this normal? If you can wake up, why can’t others?” Liu Bishu looked at Qi Yiming with wide eyes: “You don’t think you are the protagonist in the storybook? You are the luckiest person in the world who has been sleeping for nearly a thousand years and has not died?”

Qi Yiming thought about it, this is normal.

Since he can survive, there must be at least 10 billion people who fled at the time. How could he be the only one who survived by chance?

“Then why is this world still like this?” Qi Yiming was even more confused. Since there were still others awakening, how could those people watch the once united human beings fall to this point.

Liu Bishu raised his index finger and pointed upward and said: “Some people don’t want people like you to exist. My grandfather died at the hands of the assassins sent by those people.”

“Don’t they know that this universe is not peaceful?”

“Hehe…” Liu Bishu smiled helplessly: “How can the vested interests allow the benefits they have obtained to be taken away by others?”

The support of all readers is very important for the new book. If you think the story is not bad, I hope you can cast your precious vote. The author would like to thank you here!!!


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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