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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 232 Ten Years of War

An attack organized by Guo Zhaoyuan was instantly disintegrated by the Xuefeng in this extremely violent way.

He didn’t even have any chance to save the battle, and was kicked into the abyss by Qi Yiming the second before victory was about to be won.

The coalition’s follow-up fleet was so shocked by the sudden and powerful attack that they even forgot to escape from the battlefield. They all stood blankly at their respective combat positions, watching the empty pictures uploaded by the battlefield monitors.

A few minutes later, sporadic warships from the coalition forces turned around and quickly left the battlefield.

As time passed, more captains reacted from shock and fear, and commanded their ships to quickly evacuate the battlefield.

This time the coalition retreated very completely. All warships withdrew from Carter’s message and withdrew to the border star field that originally belonged to the Commercial Alliance.

Those were 30,000 warships. To be taken away by Qi Yiming in such a short time would make anyone go crazy in front of them.

Guo Zhaoyuan was unconscious for four hours before slowly waking up.

The first thing I asked after waking up was: “Have all the fleets been withdrawn?”

His adjutant, the Federation, helped Guo Zhaoyuan up, who was about to get up: “Everyone has withdrawn, but there was a bit of chaos during the retreat, and a lot of warships were lost.”

“It would be great if we can withdraw it. The losses caused by chaos are inevitable. Will the Xuefeng take any further actions?”

The adjutant shook his head and said: “The Xuefeng did not conduct a second attack. I don’t know whether it was due to the performance of his warship or the conscience of the commander of the Xuefeng. In short, he allowed the coalition fleet to evacuate the Carter system.”

“How is the mood of the crew on each battleship?”

“It’s not good. Most of them are in low mood. I’m afraid no one wants to face that New Federation battleship again.”

“We still know too little about the secrets of ancient battleships…” Guo Zhaoyuan raised his hand and rubbed his swollen head. The sudden fainting made him feel very uncomfortable to this day.

“Sir, what should we do next?” The adjutant asked the question he least wanted to ask with difficulty.

Because he was really afraid that Guo Zhaoyuan would be dazzled by hatred and continue to arrange the fleet to attack the Carter Galaxy again.

Fortunately, Guo Zhaoyuan was not angered by this unexpected failure, nor was he dazzled by hatred. He now knew very well that if he immediately ordered the fleet to attack again, a large number of warships would probably flee the fleet.

So Guo Zhaoyuan thought for a while and then slowly said: “Let everyone rest for a while before talking. We will dispatch a large number of psychologists from the rear. Our soldiers and commanders need psychological counseling. Before this work is completed, , the coalition fleet will no longer perform any combat missions.”

Ordinarily, Qi Yiming should seize this opportunity to launch a massive counterattack.

However, Qi Yiming was also forced by logistical pressure and temporarily gave up the pursuit plan after rearranging the Carter Galaxy’s defense line.

Although Xuefeng can single-handedly control the direction of the war, she also needs a large number of warships to fill the gaps on the front.

Even though the New Federation upgraded its two battleship production lines, their production efficiency was extremely high and they still could not meet the needs of the front line.

After these few defensive battles, the number of warships Qi Yiming can deploy has plummeted to more than 11,000.

Even if the rear supplies a batch of new warships to the fleet in just half a month, it still cannot meet the conditions for launching a counterattack against the enemy.

On December 7, 3323, after the Carter Galaxy War, both sides returned to the state before the war.

Since then, the small-scale fleet battles between the two sides have never stopped.

From 3324 to November 3325, for nearly two years, the New Federation had been on the defensive.

The numerical disadvantage of battleships reached its peak in October 3325.

The coalition forces have organized several large-scale battles in the past two years, but in the end they were always frightened back by the Yukikaze using an enhanced version of the particle light spear.

Although the coalition’s psychological intervention was carried out very early, the psychological shadow left by the particle light spear on the captains and combat personnel of the coalition was too great.

So much so that during the battle, the Xuefeng did not fire a particle light spear for more than ten minutes. The fleet that was attacking a moment ago would immediately stop attacking, turn around and consciously leave the frontline battlefield.

If he encounters some captains who are not so self-conscious, Qi Yiming will not hesitate to give all captains the opportunity to relive the battle.

Two years later, although the New Federation’s warship production capacity was upgraded, Qi Yiming’s fleet has been unable to expand unscrupulously due to population restrictions.

After Qi Yiming accumulated a certain amount of strength, he just re-entered the border star field and started a tug of war with the Commercial Alliance fleet in the border star field.

The border star field, which was not very prosperous in the first place, became even more desolate under the unscrupulous attacks from both sides.

The coalition forces also announced their disbandment one year after the war began due to the long-term consumption of the war.

Only the Business Alliance is still in constant conflict with the New Federation because of Guo Zhaoyuan’s hatred for his only son.

But this is just a high-sounding excuse for the arms dealers in the Commercial Alliance. After all, they have made a lot of money through this war, and they are the group of people who most hope that the war will continue.

In 3329, Guo Zhaoyuan, the top commander of the Commercial Alliance military government, died of illness on the front line. His successors raised the banner of revenge and continued to fight against the New Federation.

At this time, the people in the two countries were living completely different lives.

Because of the warlike nature of the Commercial Alliance, the government departments had no energy to develop the economy. In addition, domestic taxes were increasing day by day, and many enterprises related to people’s livelihood were either bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy.

Many citizens who lost their source of income were forced to apply for personal bankruptcy and sleep on the streets with their families.

Although the lives of citizens in the New Federation could not be said to have been unaffected by the war, their lives could still be maintained normally.

When the war reached the seventh year, large-scale riots finally broke out again in the Commercial Alliance.

However, due to insufficient preparation, they were bloodily suppressed by the military government.

The New Federation also took advantage of the internal chaos of the enemy to recapture the border star field.

After completing the domestic suppression, the military government once again turned its attention to the New Federation in order to divert the contradictions.

In August 3332, the Commercial Alliance once again organized a large number of fleets to form a confrontation with the New Federation in the border star field.

In September of the same year, the New Federation prepared to completely end this long war under the instruction of Qi Yiming, and a large number of fleets were sent to the front line.

It took less than half a day for the New Federation fleet to break through the enemy’s defense line.

After the defense line was breached, there was no decent resistance in the alliance. Almost every time the fleet arrived at an administrative star, locals would guide the fleet and quickly clear out the remaining enemies in the galaxy.

In January 3334, the New Federation took nearly two years to completely swallow up all the territories of the Commercial Alliance.

Several surrounding countries were also silent, fearing that they would anger this newly grown neighbor.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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