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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 236 Roadblock?

Turing Republic, Oak Galaxy.

A fleet of up to 70,000 warships is gathering here.

The commander is former Commodore Evans of Turing Republic, a down-and-out fleet commander.

In fact, Evans can be regarded as a supporter of Qi Yiming. He advocated the escape plan from the moment Qi Yiming announced that the insect swarm was about to invade humans.

However, the poor political environment of the Turing Republic once made it difficult for those who advocated escape plans to proceed.

And Evans was the most miserable of these people.

Because he was too active, he was beaten to the end by the Turing Republic Military Department and lost all his privileges.

Fortunately, he saved a lot of savings during his reign.

After resigning from the military, he tried his best to get a ticket to board the giant colonial spaceship from some senior officials of the New Federation. Unfortunately, he failed to do so until he spent all his wealth.

Not only did they fail to get a boat ticket, but they broke up the originally harmonious family.

After a few years of being confused, I heard that Qi Yiming had launched an escape plan and wanted to try his luck again.

But what he didn’t expect was that not only did the money he finally collected go down the drain, but his only son who was still willing to pay attention to him silently deleted him from his address book.

But instead of reflecting on why he was where he was now, he attributed all problems to Qi Yiming’s unfair handling of things.

He felt that since he wanted to escape, Qi Yiming should treat everyone equally. If he wanted to escape, everyone should escape together. Since some people were destined to be abandoned, why was he among the abandoned people?

The more he thought about it, the more unfair he felt. Evans felt that since he couldn’t run away, I shouldn’t even think about running away.

So he started running around, trying to recruit some like-minded people to attack Qi Yiming’s evacuation fleet.

At first, few people paid attention to Evans, but as Qi Yiming’s escape plan progressed, more and more people realized that they would be abandoned. Only then did Evans take charge of a large interstellar fleet with 70,000 battleships. .

“Compatriots, why can those people board the colonial spaceship and escape from this damn place?” Evans was delivering his speech at the top of his lungs.

And the crowd gathered to listen to his speech.

A small number of people have already begun to echo Evans’s speech.

“Yes… why? We are all human beings? Why can they survive, but we have to stay here and wait to die?” A shrill howl suddenly came from the crowd, which shows how desperate this person is in his heart. .

Evans had a miserable smile on his face, raised his arms and shouted: “We want equal rights to life… Since those people above us can’t give us this, then we will get it ourselves!!!”

“Yes…go get it yourself…”

“Brothers… join our fleet!! I will lead you to completely sink the only support of those shameful escapees!!” This sentence, brothers, completely ignited the emotions of the crowd.

A large number of people flocked to the airport and entered each battleship under the guidance of Evans.

If there is no support behind Evans, even Qi Yiming would not believe it.

Such a huge fleet was assembled in the Republic of Turing, but the officials did not take any action and allowed these people to gather so many warships.

In fact, Qi Yiming didn’t want to pay attention to these people. Although Evans owned nearly 70,000 warships, if he wanted to break through the outer defense line of withdrawing and adding troops, this warship was simply not enough.

Today’s New Federation is not the weakling that struggled to defend both star regions decades ago. Today’s New Federation is a giant with nearly 300,000 warships of various types.

And it’s also the most powerful of all the Big Macs.

Because the warships of the New Federation are all produced according to the technical standards of the warships of the former Human Federation, the escort fleet that escaped the fleet is not only a large fleet, but also a fleet with powerful combat power.

Now even if the Turing Republic and the Taylor Empire attack the New Federation together, Qi Yiming is confident that the battle will end within half a year.

However, with the further implementation of the evacuation plan, the size of this fleet has also grown.

The number of participating warships may exceed 100,000.

This had to make Qi Yiming pay attention.

As mentioned before, although the giant colonial spacecraft is huge and can carry more humans, its target is also huge. Coupled with its fragile internal life support system, as long as a missile or burst laser penetrates the spacecraft The outer city armor is likely to cause a series of chain reactions.

At that time, all the humans in the colonial spaceship would have to suffer together. Qi Yiming could not take this risk. He decided to use Ivinson’s fleet as an example and use the force of thunder to eliminate them in the Oak System.

So the human advance fleet adapted from the first mixed fleet of the New Federation Capital Star quickly maneuvered towards the Oak Galaxy, preparing to wipe out Evans in one fell swoop.

But what made Qi Yiming find it ridiculous was that when the advance fleet entered the territory of the Turing Republic, it actually received an official declaration of war from the Turing Republic.

Qi Yiming only saw the word “Declaration of War” and threw this official diplomatic document from the Turing Republic into the trash can.

At this point, how can Qi Yiming still care about this?

“When the swarm master lays his eggs on the beds of you bastards, I’ll see how you can still be so stubborn!!”

Facing these stubborn people, Qi Yiming really had no choice but to curse.

In fact, he has really been talking a lot in recent years, just to persuade the Turing Republic and the Tyro Empire to join his escape plan and save more vitality for mankind.

Unfortunately, when he saw their sarcastic faces again and again, Qi Yiming completely lost confidence in these people. He once said to Ye Lu: “Humanity today is like this because there are too many bastards like these people. To this point.”

But no matter how Qi Yiming curses, the reality still cannot be changed.

On the contrary, because of this declaration of war, Evans’ fleet suddenly became the official military force of the Turing Republic.

Now Evans has even more reason to attack Qi Yiming.

Soon the number of warships under Evans exceeded 100,000. Although most of the warships were armed merchant ships, they would still cause a lot of trouble to Qi Yiming.

In March 3342, the evacuated fleet, the two giant colonial spaceships used their own power systems to sail for nearly half a year before arriving at the edge of the Carter Galaxy.

If a relatively small warship uses bridge jumping to sail, the time spent covering this distance may only take less than half a month.

In April of the same year, the fleet led by Evans split into two and launched attacks on the advance fleet and the two giant colonial spaceships behind it and their escort fleet.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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