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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 237 The Mirrored Strategic Strike Fleet

Do you want to say that Evans is stupid? He also knew how to divide his forces to draw down Qi Yiming’s energy.

Are you saying he’s not stupid? However, he actually did not conduct any reconnaissance on the New Federation’s fleet, and just carried out a hasty divided attack.

The originally weak attack power, with such a small force, completely lost its ability to suppress the New Federation’s advance fleet.

After Qi Yiming learned about the situation of this rebel army from the reconnaissance fleet, his nervous mood suddenly relaxed.

It’s not that he underestimated the enemy, but that this enemy force was indeed too weak compared to the current fleet of the New Federation.

Xuefeng didn’t even need to come to the battlefield in person, a fleet of ordinary warships could take care of them.

But Evans didn’t care about this at all. He was already imagining the desperate expressions of those in the New Federation after he sank two giant colonial spaceships.

The fleets of both sides met as scheduled at the junction of the New Federation and the Turing Republic.

But when the fleets of both sides exchanged fire, Qi Yiming immediately discovered something unusual about the enemy fleet.

The hit rate of the main guns of the battleships in the Evans fleet is extremely high, even exceeding the hit rate of the main guns of the New Federation fleet with the support of the Wise Man and the Probe.

This kind of warship performance is simply beyond the reach of ordinary armed merchant ships.

“Ask the escort fleet about the performance of the enemy warships behind them…”

Ten minutes later, the adjutant came to Qi Yiming and said, “Captain Wang Shuhua replied that the enemy fleet’s combat power was average and they defeated the enemy thirty minutes ago.”

“Is there any statistics on the number of enemy ships?”

“The number of enemy ships is around 70,000…”

Qi Yiming frowned and looked at the enemy force in front of him. Their warships numbered around 40,000.

Moreover, when our own fleet attacks, we can clearly see that the enemy warships have made clear evasive actions. This is not an evasion without a clear purpose that should occur when the two sides are fighting.

Why does Qi Yiming feel this way?

Because he saw a warship in the enemy fleet that was not seriously injured. When evading, he used his relatively intact position to block a fatal blow to a friendly ship that was on the verge of being sunk.

If this happened once only by chance, then if it happened more than ten times in a short period of time, it would be worthy of Qi Yiming’s suspicion.

Is there a battleship similar to the Wise Man in this fleet that is controlling the overall situation? Plan tactical routes for each of your own warships?

Soon, the Xuefeng, which was originally at the rear of the fleet, accelerated into the battle line, and Qi Yiming also took over the command of the front-line commander.

With the addition of Xuefeng, the artillery shooting efficiency of the New Federation Fleet has been effectively improved.

However, the machine-like precision of the enemy warships greatly hampered the New Federation’s attack.

Evans’ fleet successfully sank hundreds of New Federation warships within the first ten minutes of attack, but since the Xuefeng joined the battle line, it has been almost difficult to achieve substantial results.

The New Federation’s fleet was also unable to achieve decent results.

The two sides reached a stalemate in this strange way.

“Is this fleet using robots?” Qi Yiming immediately thought of the Turing Republic’s expertise.

If this is indeed the case, it is not surprising at all that Evans’ fleet behaves like this.

But the real situation was beyond Qi Yiming’s imagination.

The reason why Evans was able to gather such a large fleet in a short period of time as a down-and-out general was all due to the secret support of the Redemption Society, a semi-official organization in the Republic of Turing.

The Redemption Society actually controls everything in the Turing Republic, because the Turing Republic has an unwritten rule that if a person wants to climb higher in the Turing Republic, that person must be a member of the Redemption Society.

Evans only knew that the founder of this Redemption Society was an awakener like Qi Yiming.

But what Evans didn’t know was that the founder of this organization was Shi Shaojie, the former president of the Human Federation Academy of Sciences and the overall designer of the strategic strike fleet.

All the design drawings of modular battleships in Qi Yiming’s hands were made by him.

Today, thousands of years later, although Shi Shaojie has turned into a handful of loess, the organization he founded has been passed down.

Along with it, a set of blueprints for the construction of a strategic strike fleet have been handed down.

The reason why the Turing Republic has not successfully copied this fleet for so many years is firstly due to the limitation of technological level. Secondly, the Turing Republic scorns this design idea and believes that the design idea of ​​​​the variable battleship is just taking off your pants and farting, and it is unnecessary.

Therefore, they kept this set of blueprints hidden until the appearance of Xuefeng. They intuitively realized the value of this set of blueprints, and then began secret research and construction of a new strategic strike fleet in the Republic of Turing.

Due to limitations and technological levels, they were unable to meet many of the technical parameters in the blueprint, but at least they digested some of the science and technology and managed to create a batch of modular warships.

The fleet Qi Yiming faced today was a fleet composed entirely of modular warships secretly built by the Turing Republic.

The reason why the Turing Republic sent this fleet to intercept the Xuefeng at this time was entirely because the members of the Redemption Society blindly worshiped the Xuefeng’s combat power.

Isn’t it ridiculous?

If you admire Xuefeng so much, why don’t you want to join Qi Yiming?

Because they felt that since the Xuefeng was able to defeat the swarm of insects that appeared out of nowhere in the Cloud Ring Federation, it would be able to accomplish such a feat again this time.

Originally, they were planning to contact Qi Yiming and join him in resisting the swarm, but before they could send out the contact messenger, news came that the New Federation had launched an escape plan.

The senior elders of the Redemption Society were angry and despised Qi Yiming’s behavior of greed for life and fear of death.

So they decided to dispatch this experimental modular fleet in their hands to intercept the Xuefeng and try to capture her.

The reason why Evans was chosen to be the commander of this fleet was entirely because of his radical ideas after running into many obstacles.

At this time, Evans has turned into a complete madman, and only this kind of person dares to face the Xuefeng’s powerful combat power on the battlefield.

Evans’ performance did not disappoint them. After Xuefeng joined the battle line, Evans did not feel fear but instead felt a bloodthirsty feeling in his heart.

Under his command, this special fleet, which was born out of the strategic strike fleet, exerted its due combat power.

As the war progressed, Evans knew it was time to reveal his trump card.

So with an order, tens of thousands of warships abandoned their attack formation and gathered together again under Qi Yiming’s surprised eyes.

What happened next made Qi Yiming stunned.

The enemy ships gathered together in twos and threes, and were locked and connected by the rigid structures protruding from their respective battleships to form a new battleship.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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