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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 238 Tiger turns into cat

Seeing that enemy warships could transform like the Xuefeng, the captains of the New Federation were stunned.

They are very familiar with Xuefeng’s combat power. With the existence of a BUG-level battleship like Xuefeng, they are already a little suspicious of life, but now the enemy fleet is actually undergoing a collective transformation?

Qi Yiming was also confused, what the hell is going on?

The ability of the Xuefeng to transform was entirely a special project created by the former Human Federation in order to save military expenses. Creating such a transformable fleet without this goal was really just taking off your pants and farting.

The reason why the Xuefeng is so powerful is entirely because the technological strength of the former Human Federation is powerful enough.

Therefore, the designed battleships give people the feeling that the combat power of the battleships will increase once they are combined.

In fact, when these modular warships are compared individually, their combat power is already strong enough.

Now that the Turing Republic has come up with something nondescript, Qi Yiming doesn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Evans, on the other hand, watched with high spirits as his fleet completed its collective transformation.

He actually started taunting Qi Yiming through the public channel: “How about it, Mr. Qi? My transforming battleship is no worse than your Xuefeng, right?”

What can Qi Yiming say? He really couldn’t figure out how this kind of person became the commander of the fleet? Is this a battlefield? Are you still in the mood to show off to your enemies?

Taylor, who was monitoring the entire battle remotely, was almost going crazy. He pointed at his secretary’s nose and cursed: “How did you choose this person? In such an ever-changing situation as the battlefield, you actually still have the heart to mock the opponent’s commander? “

The secretary was so excited after eating Evans.

Fortunately, Evans is not an unreliable person. The reason for the taunting on the battlefield is that the relationship has reached this point and he expresses his feelings.

After Qi Yiming admired the enemy’s collective transformation, his curiosity was completely aroused.

After all, when the enemy just started to attack, the cooperation between the warships was very similar to the situation when Qi Yiming used the Wise Man to fight. In addition, now that he can combine the warships like the Xuefeng, he is very Trying to figure out how the enemy does this.

“We have to find a way to capture the enemy commander…” Qi Yiming said to his adjutant.

The adjutant rolled his eyes and thought: “We have a Xuefeng that can move sideways. Now the enemy has at least twenty deformable warships. Do you still want to capture the enemy commander?”

But looking at Qi Yiming’s confident expression, maybe he can actually create another miracle.

What happened next was a bit confusing for both the enemy and us.

Under the command of Qi Yiming, I saw the Xuefeng breaking away from my fleet alone and rushing towards the enemy.

Evans looked at the Xuefeng flying towards his own fleet in confusion, and besides being ecstatic, he was filled with doubts.

“What’s going on? Is this Qi Yiming out of his mind?”

In any case, Evans believed that he had more than twenty transformable warships in his hands, so he was not guilty at all.

The task he received was to find a way to capture the Xuefeng.

Now that Xuefeng has taken the initiative to deliver it to his door, what else does he have to complain about?

Immediately ordered more than 20 of our own deformable warships to rush forward and surround the Xuefeng, while the remaining warships continued to engage in long-range artillery battles with the New Federation’s advance fleet.

But strangely, neither fleet opened fire on all the deformable warships in the center of the battlefield, including the Xuefeng, which undoubtedly exposed the thoughts of the commanders on both sides.

At first, the deformable warships of both sides were relatively restrained in attacking the enemy, especially the Xuefeng, which did not even use the super-heavy main gun, for fear of sinking the enemy warship with one shot.

But when the Xuefeng got closer and closer to the more than twenty deformable warships surrounded by the enemy, Qi Yiming finally discovered the difference between the enemy.

It’s not that the attack power of these deformable battleships is very powerful. On the contrary, the attack strength of these battleships is even inferior to that of ordinary battleships to some extent.

Because the Xuefeng was moving, Qi Yiming consciously asked the Xuefeng to use the thickest armored part of the ship to try to receive a shot from the enemy.

Not only did this gun fail to penetrate Xuefeng’s outer armor, it even failed to leave any decent attack marks on Xuefeng’s outer armor.

Evans also looked incredulous at the time.

In his imagination, the attack strength of the combined twenty-odd modular warships should be greatly improved, but how could the Xuefeng’s outer armor be unable to be penetrated?

Evans was a little unbelieving: “Every ship fires freely. I don’t believe it. Can’t it penetrate your outer armor?”

But how did Evans know that these imitation modular warships overemphasized their deformability during the manufacturing process, greatly sacrificing the overall performance of the warships. The fundamental reason for this situation was the gap in technological levels.

So when all the modular battleships under Evans fired at Xuefeng without scruples, they did not cause much damage to Xuefeng except that the firepower was more accurate.

As the owner of a genuine module battleship, Qi Yiming can probably guess this situation, but he is just more cautious about cashing in before it is verified.

Now that his idea has been verified, will he be as good as Evans?

Xuefeng immediately began to charge the ship’s super-heavy main gun, and at the same time began self-checking before launching the particle lance.

Because Qi Yiming only needed to capture one warship, he attacked recklessly.

After the Xuefeng began to attack without thinking, Evans jumped up and down in the bridge like a clown.

He launched his mouth cannon skills across the screen, as if he could scold the commander of the Xuefeng to death.

But when he saw the Xuefeng approaching his ship, his face was already a little blue.

When he realized that the Xuefeng wanted to capture his ship, it was too late to turn the bow and escape.

More than a dozen blue tractor beams shot out from the Xuefeng ship, firmly binding Evans’s ship.

The Xuefeng approached Evans’s ship leisurely under the fierce fire of more than 20 modular warships of the enemy.

In fact, Qi Yiming was not sure whether the warship captured by the Xuefeng was the enemy’s flagship. It could only be considered that Evans was unlucky. Qi Yiming’s random choice actually made him run into it.

When the Snow Peak completed the docking with Evans’ ship, the internal security forces quickly rushed into the enemy ship through the temporary docking port.

The Snow Peak turned on the gravity lock mode and poured a particle light spear at the enemy without hesitation.

The enemy captains who had rushed up confidently to intercept the New Federation’s advance fleet found that their flagship was captured, and the modular warship they had placed high hopes on was actually vulnerable to the Snow Peak.

In addition, the Snow Peak fired particle light spears at the same time, and the fleet instantly showed signs of collapse.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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