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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 242 Danger (2)

But are the swarms such an easy race to fool? Can they just watch the biomass that is about to enter their belly just run away?

After the mutant overlord discovered that the human fleet was showing signs of escaping, it immediately accelerated its attack frequency.

The human captains on the front line of the battlefield suddenly felt a sudden increase in pressure.

Whether it was the density of explosive mosquitoes, the flying dragons raging around the battleship, or the corrupted flying dragons that were slightly closer to the manned fleet, they all attacked with all their might.

These are not important. The most important thing is that the human fleet discovered that no matter how they attack, except for killing some Zerg individuals, there is no threat to the large number of Leviathan behind the Zerg swarm.

This makes people feel very desperate.

Because many people can see that the huge swarms of insects all fly out of Leviathan.

Since the beginning of the battle, all the Leviathans behind the swarm have never stopped releasing individual swarms.

So far, the swarm has almost filled half of the warring galaxy.

Coupled with the bugs pressing up from both wings of the human fleet, the human fleet, which originally had insufficient maneuvering space, now finds it extremely difficult to conduct large-scale maneuvers and evades.

Jiang Bingsheng was already sweating. He had indeed seen the insect swarm with his own eyes, but the insect swarm in front of him was completely beyond his cognitive scope.

The front-line fleet has shown signs of decline due to the huge casualties.

Suddenly, a captain in the first-line fleet lit up the white lights on the ship.

This is a standard signal of surrender in the human world.

But the captain, who had hoped to surrender and escaped with his life, desperately discovered that the swarm didn’t care whether he sent a surrender signal or not.

Instead, because of his surrender, the firepower density of the battleships was reduced, allowing the insect swarm to seize the opportunity and rush into the fleet group.

For a time, the screams reached the ears of every captain through the fleet communication waves.

The other captains only saw the surrendering warship, which slightly lowered its firepower density just because it wanted to surrender. In less than ten seconds, the hull of the warship was covered with parasites sprayed by the Hive Lord.

The battleship’s outer armor was peeled off piece by piece by the parasites like pieces of paper.

Then a large number of flying dragons sprayed highly corrosive acid into the stripped outer armor of the ship.

Just like this, a cruiser was instantly engulfed by the insect swarm, seizing the fleeting opportunity.

The crew members inside were killed by the parasites that rushed into the ship and were thrown out of the warship one by one. The flying dragon flying over the warship used its claws to grab the thrown corpses and quickly flew back to where they belonged. of Leviathan.

No one knows what these corpses will be used for, but anyone who thinks about it knows that their end will definitely not be much better.

After realizing that there was no hope of surrender, many captains began to think of escaping, but they looked at the dense insects around them.

As long as the battleship changes course slightly, there will be a slight gap in the originally intensive firepower, and the result is self-evident.

The swarm did not accept surrender, and there was no way to escape. They really had no choice but to fight to the death.

In this desperate situation, the human fleet actually launched a small counterattack.

The swarm’s offensive also stalled slightly.

But apart from being fearless and fearless of death, the most troublesome thing about the insect swarm is its huge number of individuals.

Even if the human fleet had a small climax, it still could not save the fact that they were about to be overwhelmed by the swarm of insects.

Seeing this, Jiang Bingsheng had completely lost all hope of escape and was ready to live or die with the fleet.

It’s just that he now regrets very much for listening to the opinions of those experts.

He clearly had a chance to persuade the Turing Republic’s top brass to respond to Qi Yiming’s plan, but now it was too late.

After the swarm calmly eats their fleet, what other means can the Republic of Turing have to prevent the invasion of the swarm?

Thinking of this, Jiang Bingsheng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Not to mention that it is impossible for the Turing Republic to build such a huge fleet in a short period of time. Even if it can build such a fleet, it will be nothing more than a big meal in front of the insect swarm.

Despair was despair, but he was not willing to die in the hands of the swarm.

An order was sent to each warship via the fleet communications airwaves, ensuring that all members of the fleet could hear it.

“Compatriots, today may be the day when we die on the battlefield, for the survival of mankind… for the peace of our families… I only ask you one thing, don’t let your death be worthless…”

All the human crew members who heard this message fell into a brief silence. A few seconds later, a human warship lit up all the red lights on the ship.

This means that this battleship will fight the enemy to the end.

After the first warship expressed this, there was a second and third ship.

Gradually, almost all warships in the human fleet lit up the red lights on their ships.

For a moment, the human fleet in the eyes of the insect swarm actually glowed with bursts of red light.

What followed was a suicidal attack by the human fleet.

They completely gave up the protection of their own warships, just hoping to bring more damage to the insect swarm before the warships lost their combat capabilities.

And more battleship captains pressed the self-destruct button on their ships at the last moment of their lives.

The power furnace completely exploded its energy after a few seconds of energy chaos, and all members of the ship gathered in the cabin near the power furnace before the battleship self-destructed.

The powerful explosion not only tore their ship into pieces, but also instantly vaporized their bodies. This was the last contribution they could make to mankind.

Looking at his comrades who were resigned to death, all Jiang Bingsheng could do was to advance and retreat with them.

“The Federation Light… moving forward at full power…”

The Light of the Federation, regarded as a treasure by Qi Yiming, had four huge engine nozzles at the tail emitting light blue tail flames, and the ship quickly rushed towards the swarm of insects in the distance.

The missile launch nest on the weapon platform at the front of the battleship has been opened, revealing exquisite missiles.

Hundreds of super-heavy main guns also completed charging at the same time.


Jiang Bingsheng gave an order, and tens of thousands of missiles rushed out of the launch nest and flew quickly towards the insect swarm under the control of the guidance radar.

The purple-black energy beams fired from hundreds of super-heavy main guns instantly crossed the battlefield. As the muzzles moved, the fan-shaped strike surface formed wiped out all the insect swarms within its range.

But the next second, the insect swarm once again filled the space that had just been swept away, and once again launched an attack on the human fleet.

Only half an hour has passed since the war started. The human fleet, which originally had 470,000 warships, now has less than 200,000 ships left.

The outer defense line of the human fleet has been broken, and the dense swarm of insects regrouped and rushed towards the last hope of the human fleet, the Federation Light.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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