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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 247 Attitude Change

Qi Yiming is not opposed to the spread of such rumors that can boost morale, but he does not encourage it either.

He knew that the Xuefeng super flagship was not as powerful as people said, otherwise the New Federation would not have to abandon their homeland and embark on the road to escape.

At this moment, the evacuation fleet has entered the Turing Republic, because there is an advance fleet leading the way. Apart from the small spacecraft that join the fleet sporadically along the way, most humans still have the mentality of watching a show and have not felt the impact of the insect swarm at all. Their sense of oppression.

The only person whose attitude has changed is the officials of the Tyro Empire.

They seem to have channels to understand the battle between the Turing Republic fleet and the insect **.

When Jiang Bingsheng led the fleet to evacuate the immediate family members of the soldiers, he sent someone to contact Qi Yiming.

The visitor is the first heir to the Tyro Empire, Prince Wells von Tuleyman of the Tyro Empire royal family.

When meeting Qi Yiming, Wells was very humble and took the initiative to salute Qi Yiming and say hello.

Without being humble, their intelligence agency indeed placed spies in the fleet of the Turing Republic and submitted the complete battle report to the emperor as soon as possible.

In order not to cause panic, the empire has blocked the news.

The purpose of sending the heir to the empire to contact Qi Yiming this time was to figure out a safe way to allow the imperial royal family to join Qi Yiming’s evacuation fleet.

But when Qi Yiming heard their request, he laughed coldly.

“Are you saying that the Tyro Empire royal family is ready to abandon its people and run away alone?”

“This…” Wells looked at Qi Yiming awkwardly.

“Can you tell me, what’s special about you royal family? Are you able to produce, or are you willing to go to the front line and fight the Zerg?”

Wells still didn’t dare to speak. He also knew that this request was extremely unfair to the people of the empire.

However, due to their arrogance, they missed the opportunity to prepare before escaping. It is impossible for them to have time to slowly prepare supplies and ships.

After a while, Wells spoke carefully: “We, the Tyro Empire royal family, can provide Mr. Qi with a large amount of supplies to solve the problem of lack of supplies on the road.”

Qi Yiming laughed angrily: “Supplies? Do you know how far we have to go? From the beginning of the plan to the evacuation now, the preparation of supplies alone has been carried out for 2 years, and the supplies collected are enough to feed more than 10 billion people. ten years.”

Ten years… But Qi Yiming didn’t dare to say that the supplies that were enough to support the time were absolutely enough, because according to the instructions of the star map, their journey would take at least a hundred years.

No matter how much supplies he brought, Qi Yiming would still be burning incense if he could survive half of the trip.

And how much supplies can the Taylor Empire royal family provide?

What’s more important is that they actually fled alone regardless of the people who had supported the royal family for thousands of years.

Not to mention that Qi Yiming didn’t have awe of these so-called royals. Even if he had awe, he wouldn’t bother to cooperate with these people in this situation.

The only thing Qi Yiming couldn’t bear was the abandoned humans. In desperation, Qi Yiming could only negotiate terms with the other party.

After all, the other party is the royal family of the Tyro Empire, and in terms of organizational capabilities, it is indeed much stronger than outsiders like them.

Qi Yiming thought for a while and then said: “It’s not impossible to evacuate with us.”

When Wells heard that there was a way out, he was overjoyed and immediately raised his ears to listen carefully to Qi Yiming’s words.

“You must organize the evacuation of at least half of the country’s population, otherwise you can’t even think about it.”

This is the last chance Qi Yiming can get for the civilians of the Taylor Empire to evacuate.

As for how many people could follow in the end, Qi Yiming didn’t care.

Wells thought for a while before saying to Qi Yiming: “It’s not that we don’t want to take so many people to evacuate. Even if we do, without so many supplies, most of them will die.”

Wells is right. Current space flight food is produced by synthesis machines, but synthesizing food requires energy.

For long-term space voyages, energy is always insufficient.

But Qi Yiming said: “It is better to die on the way to escape than to become food for the insect swarm.”

Wells was startled. He only knew that the insect swarm was almost invincible when facing the human fleet, but he never knew that humans would actually become the nourishment of the insect swarm.

I saw Qi Yiming continue to say: “Still under the same conditions just now, it will take about three years for our fleet to completely leave the human territory. I hope you will not miss these three years again.”

After saying this, Qi Yiming ignored Wells and left the reception room in Xuefeng alone.

Three years is nothing for space navigation, but for humans who are in a state of escape, it is extremely fatal.

If the insect swarm arrives within the next three years, Qi Yiming will have no choice but to fight to the death. He has escaped once and will not be able to escape again.

But if fighting to the death is useful, Qi Yiming really doesn’t care about his life. As long as human beings can continue, there will always be someone who takes up the banner of counterattacking the insect swarm.

But he knew that even if he took all the human warships to fight against the insect swarm, it would only delay the demise of humankind.

After the human armed fleet is eliminated, the remaining colonial spaceships will be nothing more than large granaries for the insect swarm.

In fact, Qi Yiming has already grasped the key point, which is the ether crystal.

As long as there are enough ether crystals, a few more long-distance deliveries can leave the insect swarm far behind.

However, the Zentraedi people don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and they did not explain where the ether crystal came from.

This is embarrassing.

Now Qi Yiming can only guard an artifact and wait for the Academy of Sciences to produce results.

The Academy of Sciences did not delay after getting the sample of ether crystallization. There were people in the laboratory studying the ether sample in front of them 24 hours a day.

“It’s really strange. No matter what method is used, the analytical structure of this thing cannot be analyzed.” As the dean of the Academy of Sciences, Luo Shijie has not slept soundly for several days.

There are obviously some free particles with extremely rich energy on the surface, but no energy fluctuations can be detected by any method, let alone its internal structure.

Luo Shijie also looked through the literature in the scientific and technological heritage and could not find any research documents on ether crystallization.

“Aether…ether…free state…” Luo Shijie muttered two completely different words and tried to find some similarities between them.

Although the last character of the two words has the same pronunciation, the words are different. The scientific community is very intuitive about the use of nouns, so typos are unlikely to occur.

Luo Shijie was a little whimsical. He felt that the two names must be connected.

“If the free state is compared to a liquid, could the ether be the solid form of free particles?”

But Luo Shijie shook his head again: “It doesn’t make sense. Can free particles be compressed into a solid state?”

This idea shocked Luo Shijie himself.

After so many years of research, he had never thought of solidifying free particles into a solid form.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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