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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 248 Return to the warring galaxy

The whimsical idea of ​​solidifying free particles suddenly made Luo Shijie excited.

However, in the subsequent experiments, he used various methods but failed to solidify free particles.

Qi Yiming also asked about it several times. After all, ether crystals are too important for the current human escape fleet.

The earlier the source of this substance is discovered, the more security the human fleet will have.

But scientific research cannot be completed in a hurry.

Seeing that it is impossible to get a definite result in the short term, Qi Yiming no longer urged Luo Shijie. The escape has just begun, and he still has a lot of things to pay attention to.

The first is to continue to track the movements of the Zerg army. Qi Yiming has arranged people to implement this matter after he joined the advance fleet.

Since the jump speed of human warships is slightly slower than that of the Zerg, if a reconnaissance ship is sent to keep an eye on the movements of the Zerg, then the people on this ship will basically go without returning.

In addition, he just needs to grasp the movements of the Zerg, so he gave up the plan of sending the reconnaissance ship to conduct reconnaissance, but instead launched a large number of probes in the direction where the Zerg appeared in a short time.

The distance of more than 700 light years may be half a year for the Zerg.

But the New Federation’s escape fleet will need at least three years to escape from human territory at the current speed.

But what surprised Qi Yiming was that the probe had been launched for more than half a year, and no trace of the Zerg was found.

The Academy of Sciences also used deep space detection equipment to conduct a full-scale detection of the Zerg’s defense line, and also found no trace of the Zerg.

Only in a galaxy more than 700 light years away was a large amount of energy explosion found, and at the center of the energy explosion, humans discovered a huge spacecraft wreckage with a diameter of more than 3000KM through deep space detection equipment.

The entire galaxy has been destroyed, and the three planets that originally revolved around the star were broken into two halves due to the energy impact.

And the stars of the warring galaxies were observed by the Academy of Sciences. The energy flow released by the stars was even blown in another direction by the huge energy at the moment of the giant spacecraft explosion.

Such amazing power made the humans who observed this scene speechless for a long time.

Qi Yiming also breathed a sigh of relief. The self-sacrifice of the Zenithians completely destroyed the vanguard of the Zerg.

It bought another year or so for the human race to escape.

When the Academy of Sciences observed that the solar wind of the warring galaxies was affected by huge energy, many unknown substances flew out from the interior of the stars.

Luo Shijie jumped up from his seat as if he was struck by lightning.

Without saying a word, he ran away from the observatory and immediately asked the commander of the escort fleet, Wang Shuhua, to arrange a spacecraft to take him to see Qi Yiming.

When he saw Qi Yiming, Luo Shijie’s first sentence was: “We have to send people back to the galaxy where the Zerg are fighting. There is a high possibility that there are ether crystals needed for the Xuefeng to jump.”

Qi Yiming frowned and looked at Luo Shijie: “Are you sure?”

“It’s just a guess, but the possibility is very high!!”

Then he explained his guess to Qi Yiming, and also mentioned the solid matter ejected by the stars of the warring galaxies after being affected by huge energy.

In fact, Qi Yiming only had a vague understanding of the purely theoretical things, but this did not affect his decision.

He said to Luo Shijie: “If we send people back to the warring galaxy now, I can’t guarantee that the people we send will come back alive.”

“I know, but this risk must be taken! Otherwise, we will never be able to shake off the pursuit of the Zerg. Our speed is too slow.”

After thinking for a long time, Qi Yiming finally decided to take a risk.

The Xuefeng must not go, the risk is too high, and he can only send a small fleet to see.

So after explaining the interests to his captains, he recruited a group of volunteers, and Luo Shijie led the team to the galaxy where the human fleet was fighting the Zerg again.

This voyage was relatively easier, after all, there was a bridge jump in the first half.

But it still took more than nine months on the road.

When Luo Shijie led the fleet to the edge of the warring galaxy again, the violent energy in the galaxy had not completely stopped raging.

The stellar wind has been in an extremely chaotic state because of the huge energy impact.

The Zerg is indeed no longer found in the galaxy, and the wreckage of the giant spaceship will burst out some energy from time to time.

The fleet’s communications were severely interfered with, and the electronic equipment on the warships all failed when approaching the galaxy.

Fortunately, the warships of the New Federation have inherited the design concept of the former human federation warships, and have always had mechanical operations as a backup for the entire warship’s operating procedures. Although manual control is much more troublesome, fortunately the warship can still work normally.

The matter ejected by the star did not fly too far. After crossing the orbit of the third planet in the galaxy, it stopped flying out of the galaxy and began to orbit the star.

The fleet led by Luo Shijie did not spend much effort to approach a large piece of debris ejected by the star.

Then the sample collection work began.

What made Luo Shijie excited was that his guess was correct. These ejected fragments contained a large amount of ether crystals.

In his excitement, he did not forget to send this good news back to the Xuefeng.

After the contact spacecraft set off, Luo Shijie immediately started mining.

Ether crystals cannot be cut, but the material wrapped around ether crystals is easy to clean.

So the whole mining process did not take much effort.

After the liaison ship spent half a year returning to the Xuefeng to tell Qi Yiming the good news, Qi Yiming sent a large number of transport ships to pick up Luo Shijie again without even thinking about it.

The entire mining process lasted for nearly half a year. It was not until all the ejected materials in the galaxy were collected that the fleet began to return.

After rough calculation, Luo Shijie brought back more than one hundred tons of ether crystals during this collection work.

With these more than one hundred tons of ether crystals, the human fleet has gained a layer of security.

It took more than half a year for the mining fleet to meet up with the fleeing fleet again.

Qi Yiming looked at these more than one hundred tons of ether crystals and was beyond words excited.

However, after putting the ether crystal into the jump engine, Qi Yiming asked the shipboard brain to simulate a jump procedure.

What dismayed Qi Yiming was that it would take more than 70 tons of ether crystals to deliver the human escape fleet to a galaxy more than a thousand light-years away at once.

And as the fleet gradually expands, the consumption of ether crystals will become even greater.

However, Qi Yiming was not discouraged. At least the human fleet had a chance to save its life.

As for the source of ether crystals in the future, we can only slowly think of a solution.

The Academy of Science has figured out the source of the ether crystals, so now it only needs to be carefully explored in various galaxies passing by, because Luo Shijie discovered it in the process of mining the ether crystals.

Where there are ether crystals, there is often a substance with obvious characteristics but unknown use. The Academy of Sciences can discover ether crystals by looking for this substance.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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