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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 249 Chaotic Evacuation

Since having the ether crystal, Qi Yiming is no longer so anxious.

Let’s deal with the evacuation of the fleet with peace of mind.

Let’s first look at the evacuation of the Cloud Ring Federation. After receiving the giant colonial spaceship built for them by the New Federation, the top officials of the Cloud Ring Federation almost cried.

Compared with the two colonial ships of the New Federation, which have complete facilities and beautiful environments, their colonial ships cannot do anything except carry people.

Qi Yiming also felt very sorry for this, but there was no way. The giant colonial spaceship could not use the jump bridge and had to set off in advance, otherwise there would be no chance of escaping from the eyes of the insect swarm.

Fortunately, Qi Yiming promised the Cloud Ring Federation to gradually transform the internal environment of the giant colonial spacecraft on the way to escape, at least making it look like a habitable place at first glance.

Similar to the evacuation strategy adopted by Qi Yiming, the Cloud Ring Federation also prioritized ensuring the evacuation rights of the immediate family members of military personnel. However, the Cloud Ring Federation had built a large number of small colonial spaceships.

After seeing the giant colonial spacecraft with extremely harsh living conditions, less than half of those who had priority to evacuate chose to board the small colonial spacecraft.

I have to say that this situation is too ironic. Some people don’t even have a chance to evacuate, while some people are picky. Life is so unfair.

Fortunately, since responding to Qi Yiming’s evacuation plan, the Cloud Ring Federation has given up all military production capacity and focused on the production of small colonial spacecraft. At the same time, it has also purchased a large number of small colonial spacecraft and even some larger transport ships in the Turing Republic and the Tyro Empire. All are on the acquisition list.

With the guarantee of a large number of spaceships, nearly 150 people out of a dozen administrative stars in the Cloud Ring Federation were miraculously evacuated from a population of nearly 20 billion.

As for the people who had been abandoned, Qi Yiming didn’t ask any more questions. It wasn’t that he didn’t sympathize with these people, it was just that the more he asked, the more uncomfortable he felt and the heavier his guilt.

As for the Turing Republic and the Tyro Empire, it is a bit difficult to describe.

Especially the Republic of Turing, after learning that the fleet was beaten by the insect swarm, if it were not for the timely rescue of Xuefeng and the self-sacrifice of the Zentraedi people, the fleet assembled by the whole country would have been assembled long ago. It was swallowed up by the insect swarm, not even a scrap was left.

The senior officials of the Turing Republic, who recognized the reality, cried for their fathers and begged Qi Yiming to help them, but Qi Yiming was unable to help even if he wanted to help them now.

Not to mention that even the dock where the giant colonial spaceship was built has been dismantled for material recycling. Even if it had not been dismantled, it would still be impossible to complete the main construction of the giant and deadly spaceship before the insect swarm arrived.

What’s even more terrible is that the social order in Turing Republic has been completely out of control since Jiang Bingsheng led the fleet to evacuate the families of military personnel.

When they are running for their lives, who cares about these superior officials? If they don’t take the opportunity to stab them in the back, it will be the end of their benevolence.

Jiang Bingsheng’s approach was very extreme. He first deployed the personnel on the battleship, assigned all soldiers from the same place to the same battleship, then dispersed them and told them the time to regroup. As for whether he could It’s up to them to rescue their relatives.

How can these people be as good as ordinary civilians if they spread out?

Of course, there are also some inefficient civilians, and messy things like kidnapping and threats to military family members are happening everywhere.

In fact, when the news of the defeat of the Turing Republic fleet spread, Qi Yiming knew that the Turing Republic was going to be in chaos.

To be honest, they know exactly how many of these soldiers can bring their relatives out safely.

It’s just that I don’t want to face reality and is making a final struggle.

As for the Tyro Empire, it was even more lively.

The royal family of the empire could think of abandoning their own people and fleeing alone, but couldn’t the nobles of the empire think of it?

It was originally expected that these nobles could assist the empire in carrying out the evacuation in an orderly manner, but unexpectedly, within two days of the news spreading, two-thirds of the nobles in the empire had fled.

The remaining one-third either encountered accidents while preparing to run away or while running away.

Anyway, the Tyro Empire was in complete chaos, and all administrative stars were completely without government jurisdiction.

Not to mention evacuating people, even if a liaison officer is sent down to the surface of the administrative star, whether they can come back safely is still a problem.

Seeing that the evacuation fleet of the New Federation was getting farther and farther away from the Taylor Empire, the royal family of the Taylor Empire simply took supplies and part of the fleet to escort their royal colonial fleet in another direction, and no longer mentioned cooperating with the New Federation to evacuate. things.

But the royal family left, leaving more than 10 billion humans waiting to die on their respective administrative stars.

This made Qi Yiming extremely angry.

The fleet was directly dispatched to deal a devastating blow to the Taylor Empire’s evacuation fleet.

Then organize personnel to collect as many transport ships as possible within the Tyro Empire that can carry personnel, and after some modifications, they began to accept fleeing personnel.

However, the large number of spaceship teammates collected is still a drop in the bucket for the civilians of the Tyro Empire.

Until all the spaceships were fully loaded with personnel and evacuated the Tyro Empire, a large number of humans were still left behind on their respective administrative stars.

The fate of these human beings is self-evident, and Qi Yiming is helpless.

By the time the New Federation fleet completely left human territory, the size of the fleet had become extremely large.

Even if Xuefeng turns on the jump engine for maximum power long-distance delivery, it will take more than a dozen times to send all human spacecraft away.

Fortunately, through the unremitting efforts of the Academy of Sciences, some ether crystals were discovered in the galaxies along the evacuation route.

Although the quantity is not large, the total number of them is more than 700 tons. Together with the more than 100 tons of ether crystals brought back from the warring galaxies, the Xuefeng can barely carry out 9 long-distance delivery missions at full power.

As for the rest of the evacuation fleet, they can only hope to find more ether crystals during the subsequent voyage. Otherwise, when the insect swarm catches up, Qi Yiming will have no choice but to abandon them.

In September of Star Calendar 3344, after several years of sailing, humanity’s huge evacuation fleet finally reached the boundary within reach of human forces.

Fortunately, in the past few years of sailing, apart from one head-on conflict between the Republic of Turing and the swarm, the swarm has never appeared again so far.

But Qi Yiming knew that the insect swarm must be trying to fly towards the human fleet from a certain direction.

The long time it took for humans to evacuate was entirely thanks to the self-sacrifice of the Zentraedi, who destroyed the vanguard of the swarm by self-destruction after rescuing the human fleet.

Qi Yiming stood on the bridge and looked back at the universe he had lived in since he woke up. His original plan had long been changed beyond recognition due to the invasion of the insect swarm.

Now he is not even sure whether he can lead the remaining humans to survive.

Now thinking about the many outrageous decisions made by the former top leaders of the Human Federation, why haven’t I made the same decisions in the past few years?

Perhaps one day, in the end, among the group of people who are now abandoned, there will be a Song Yiming or Wang Yiming who feels the same as I did back then, and hates these people who made strategies.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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