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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 251 Trap

“Holy crap, has this planet become a spirit?” Qi Yiming’s first words when he returned to the bridge of the War Spear made everyone around him feel terrified.

But what happened next made Qi Yiming no longer in the mood to complain about what happened in front of him.

They saw that the surface of the planet in front of them was constantly bulging with mountain peaks, and the heights of these peaks successively exceeded the height of the planet’s atmosphere.

As these mountains continued to grow higher, Qi Yiming’s face became increasingly ugly.

Because he thought of an extremely terrible result.

As more and more bulging mountains appeared, Qi Yiming shouted and told the War Spear to quickly move away from the planet in front of him.

“Navigator, with the highest engine power, we broke away from the gravitational field of the red giant star at full speed.” Qi Yiming had no time to explain what happened, and continued to the communications officer: “Notify the surrounding special frigates, light up the induction signal, and let Xuefeng Enter.”

At this time, the scientific officer on the War Spear also came to the bridge. He said to Qi Yiming in horror: “A huge bioenergy signal has been detected. The planet in front of us is a living thing.”

After giving all the orders, Qi Yiming had the opportunity to roughly explain what happened in front of him: “What bullshit creature? This is a super Leviathan disguised as a planet. We were fooled.”

As soon as Qi Yiming finished speaking, the planet in front of them suddenly changed.

The crust that originally covered the planet’s surface quickly cracked open, revealing the giant Leviathan battleship hidden inside.

His purple-red biological armor emits this strange light under the dark red light of the red giant star.

The newly raised huge mountain peak shook a few times before revealing its true face.

It was Leviathan’s unique melee weapon, known to humans as the tentacles of death.

The tip of the tentacle is extremely sharp, just like the spearhead in the era of human cold weapons.

With the waving of the huge tentacles, the spearhead at the tip of the tentacles swung towards the War Spear that was moving away, and accurately pierced the War Spear’s hull.

Qi Yiming felt the War Spear’s hull shake violently, and then a sharp alarm sounded inside the battleship.

“Warning… This ship has been invaded by unknown creatures. All personnel are requested to wear spacesuits in the cabin, and the internal security forces are wearing armor to prepare for attacks.” The electronically synthesized sound of the ship’s intelligent brain pulled everyone back from shock and terror.

Qi Yiming cursed and began to put on the spacesuit in the cabin: “Oh my God… what an unknown creature? It is the ship of the Insect King in the insect swarm. It is the most powerful individual of the insect race under the dominance of the insect swarm.”

Qi Yiming clicked on the spacesuits in the cabin of the ship. Looking at the already panicked crew members, he continued to yell: “Don’t be so confused. The weapons commander ordered all the gun crews to shoot Leviathan’s tentacles to try to attack us. The tentacles interrupt.”

Qi Yiming then turned to Yun Mao, the captain of the internal defense force. As a former senior combatant of the Human Federation, he had been assigned by Qi Yiming very early on to the Xuefeng as the commander-in-chief of the internal defense force.

“Yunmao, the people with you must suppress the insect swarm at the entrance of the ship that has been penetrated by the tentacles no matter what.”

Yun Mao didn’t say much, he just saluted with a military salute, picked up the weapon in his hand, and left the bridge.

“Commander, please ask the surrounding special frigates how long it will take for the Xuefeng to arrive.”

“Report, the induction signal has just been sent. It will take at least ten minutes for the Xuefeng to reach the battlefield.”

Qi Yiming nodded: “Everyone has heard clearly, stick to your posts and don’t be affected by the fighting outside.” After speaking, he said to his adjutant: “If anyone leaves his post without permission, shoot him on the spot…”

Without waiting for the adjutant’s reply, Qi Yiming continued: “The ship’s intelligence brain lowers the airlocks in each cabin. Except for members of the internal security forces who have permission to pass, the rest of the personnel do not have permission to pass through the airlocks.”

As soon as the words fell, the two thick airlocks leading to the bridge quickly fell.

At this time, the periphery of the War Spear had been surrounded by a large number of flying dragons, and tons of corrosive liquids were sprayed on the top layer of armor of the War Spear.

The interior of the battleship has long since become a wrestling field between the internal defense forces and the insect swarm invasion forces.

A large number of puppies entered the War Spear through Leviathan’s tentacles pierced into the battleship, and behind the puppies were followed by a large number of cockroaches.

At this time, the combatants of the internal defense force had completely ignored the damage caused by the fierce firepower to the interior of the War Spear.

Tons and tons of ammunition were tilted towards the insect swarm troops rushing into the ship.

Fortunately, the War Spear had turned off the battleship’s artificial gravity system at this time, and the insect swarm invasion force did not advance as fast as expected due to the inconvenience of movement.

All the gun crews of the War Spear directly ignored the group of flying dragons surrounding the battleship, and concentrated all their firepower to bombard the Tentacles that penetrated the War Spear.

Seeing that one of the tentacles was about to be interrupted by ferocious gunfire, before everyone could cheer, the War Spear’s hull was shaken violently again.

Leviathan waved another tentacle and penetrated the outer armor of the War Spear again. The tip of the tentacle accurately penetrated the ship’s hull, continuing to control the War Spear in place and unable to move.

Qi Yiming glanced at the battleship’s damage display. The integrity of the battleship’s outer armor had dropped to 64%, while the integrity of the internal structure had dropped to 58%.

The War Spear has one foot in the abyss of sinking.

At this time, the War Spear has only one chance to escape, and that is to take advantage of the launch of the particle light spear to hit Leviathan’s vital parts and force him to retract the tentacles that restrain the War Spear. In this way, the War Spear Only then did he have a chance to escape.

However, the chicken thief’s Insect King commanded Leviathan’s other tentacles to protect its vital points, not giving the War Spear any chance to attack.

In desperation, Qi Yiming had to postpone the launch of the particle light spear, because the Insect Emperor could not give the War Spear a second chance to launch the particle light spear.

This Super Leviathan has a total of thirteen tentacles, only three of which are in the best position to attack the War Spear.

The remaining tentacles are either too far away from the War Spear, or the attack direction is not ideal, and cannot cause much damage to the War Spear.

What’s more important is that the Spear of War is located directly opposite Leviathan, similar to the bridge of a human battleship. This position is Leviathan’s weakest position.

Although the general main gun cannot penetrate the outer layer of biomass armor at this location, the War Spear’s particle light spear can.

The Insect King’s understanding of the attack methods of the War Spear is not much worse than Qi Yiming’s, so while it directs three tentacles to attack the War Spear, it also allows the other tentacles to shrink to firmly protect its own weaknesses.

Even though a single tentacle can be easily interrupted by the super-heavy main gun of the War Spear, that is because when the tentacle penetrates the outer armor of the War Spear and penetrates deeply into the hull, a violent explosion will occur inside the tentacle. Variety.

The tentacles originally filled with biomass will transfer the biomass to other places through internal pipes in a short period of time. At this time, the tentacles will become a hollow pipe, making it easier for the insect swarm troops to enter the enemy ship through the pipes formed by the tentacles.

That’s why Leviathan’s tentacles look so vulnerable.

However, the defensive capabilities of the tentacles that do not actually transfer the internal biomass are not as much as Leviathan’s biomass armor.

A layer of biomass armor can be penetrated by particle spears, but with multiple layers of biomass armor, particle spears may not be able to penetrate it.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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