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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 252 Bloody Battle (Part 1)

The War Spear was like a leaf being pierced by Super Leviathan’s three tentacles in turn, and the battleship swayed with the swing of the tentacles.

At the same time, there were also a large number of insect swarms inside the ship, fighting madly among the internal guards.

Qi Yiming looked at the battleship’s damage monitoring panel and knew that the Spear would not be able to hold on until the Xuefeng entered the scene for rescue. Now he could only find a way to save himself.

“It seems that I can only take risks with this move.” Qi Yiming’s eyes were firm and he hit the armrest of the captain’s chair with his right fist.

“This ship has entered the particle lance launching process…” Qi Yiming started the preparation process before launching the particle lance.

Soon the electronic synthesized sound of the shipboard brain filled the entire battleship.

“The particle light spear is charged and ready…”

“The pre-launch self-test procedure is completed…”

“Charge 20%…”

Since the War Spear came to this galaxy in a single state, without the help of the Lightning, the particle light spear could only charge at a normal speed.

The whole process takes ten minutes.

However, no matter how powerful the Super Leviathan is, it is still a bit fanciful to sink the War Spear in ten minutes in melee mode.

It’s just that these ten minutes will be painful for the members of the internal defense force, as the insect swarm troops will continue to invade through Leviathan’s tentacles pierced into the hull of the War Spear.

Although the War Spear was in a zero-gravity state inside, which greatly restricted the mobility of the insect swarm troops, it still caused huge casualties to the internal defense troops.

However, the internal guards, led by Yun Mao, always fought against the swarm of insects without fear of death. Even if their comrades fell every minute, they could not shake their defense line.

During this period, Leviathan’s tentacles were interrupted twice by the main gun on the War Spear, but Leviathan’s powerful recovery ability kept one tentacle piercing the War Spear from beginning to end. body condition.

After Qi Yiming spent the longest ten minutes in his life, the electronic synthesized sound of the ship’s brain began to sound again.

“Charging of the particle light spear is completed…”

“Gravity lock…”

All the debris floating in the ship instantly hit the floor of the War Spear, and the War Spear, which was originally dragged around by Leviathan’s tentacles, seemed to be fixed in place by a pair of big hands, regardless of Leviathan’s tentacles. No matter how it shakes, it can’t hold the War Spear back.

The launch button of the particle light spear in front of Qi Yiming also turned green at the same time.

“Weapons Commander, pay attention to the status of Leviathan’s tentacles…” Qi Yiming did not press the launch button immediately, but asked the weapons commander about the status of the tentacles that were now embedded in the ship’s hull.

The weapons commander carefully identified it through the battlefield monitor and reported to Qi Yiming: “Two more rounds of volleys can interrupt the current tentacle.”

“Okay…all the artillery crews follow my orders and fire volleys…”

The weapons commander immediately transferred the command of the artillery group to Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming immediately ordered a round of artillery bombardment after taking over the command.

A dozen purple-black high-energy beams fired from the super-heavy main cannon, together with the burst lasers fired from other main cannons, hit Leviathan’s tentacles at the same time.

Seeing a huge hole opened where Leviathan’s tentacle was hit, one could even see the insect swarm moving rapidly inside through this hole.

After waiting for a moment, when all the artillery groups were fully charged, Qi Yiming decisively ordered all the artillery groups to fire again.

At the same time, he also pressed the launch button of the particle light spear.

A dazzling stream of white high-energy particles erupted from the bow of the War Spear in an instant. When the stream of high-energy particles hit several of Leviathan’s tentacles protecting its weak points, Qi Yiming suddenly gave an order.

“Everyone is preparing for the impact… Zhinao skips the safety procedures and releases the gravity lock…”

“Gravity lock released…”

Suddenly, the War Spear’s hull jerked violently, and then was pushed back violently by the powerful thrust generated by the continuous launch of the particle light spear.

Leviathan’s tentacles, which were already about to be broken, were torn off by the pulling force generated by the sudden retreat of the War Spear.

The huge hull of the War Spear was like a meteor, instantly piercing the encirclement network formed by the insect swarm, and quickly broke away from the Leviathan with the continuous shooting of the particle light spear.

Before Qi Yiming could be happy, the alarm sound of the ship’s intelligent brain rang loudly.

“Warning… The structural integrity of this ship has dropped to 25%…”

Qi Yiming smiled bitterly and automatically filtered the warning. He knew the consequences of releasing the gravity lock during the launch of the particle light spear.

But in that state, it is better to fight than to be sunk by Leviathan.

Obviously Qi Yiming’s life-risking style of play has achieved results, but the cost is a bit too high.

Fortunately, after the War Spear escaped from trouble, the Xuefeng just joined the battlefield.

After He Zhenzhu commanded the Xuefeng to complete the jump, he saw that the almost scrapped War Spear was flying towards the Xuefeng rapidly, dragging a stream of high-energy particles.

He Zhenzhu immediately asked the Xuefeng to activate the remote repair system, and repair the outer armor of the War Spear first.

After receiving the support, Qi Yiming finally breathed a sigh of relief. While letting the Xuefeng release the carrier-based battleships, he commanded the War Spear to regroup with the Xuefeng.

Obviously, the Insect King has no intention of letting go of the Xuefeng.

After the War Spear successfully escaped from the trap, a large number of insect swarm aerial troops flew out of the super Leviathan immediately.

He Zhenzhen was on the phone with Qi Yiming while commanding the fleet brought by the Xuefeng to fight against the insect worms.

“What should we do? Retreat or…”

Qi Yiming ran to the traffic boat inside the Xuefeng super flagship and said to He Zhenzhu: “The Insect Emperor’s Leviathan is too close to the rendezvous point of the evacuation fleet. Unless it gets hot and flies into the star, we will It must be sunk here, or even if it doesn’t work, the Insect King must leave here with its army.”


“There’s nothing wrong with it. Let the newly released carrier-based battleships stabilize the front at all costs. I will return to the bridge to take command personally.”

Obviously, He Zhenzhu didn’t want to fight the Insect King to the end here. Xuefeng could completely jump out of the galaxy immediately after the Battle Spear completed the combination with her.

At a distance of only 300 light years, the warp engine does not need to be cooled at all.

Before Xuefeng joined the battlefield, He Zhenzhu left a special frigate that could send induction signals at the rendezvous point of the evacuation fleet.

But what Qi Yiming said is not wrong. If he joins the advance fleet through space jump, then the Insect King will definitely pursue it with his army of insects.

Not to mention that the advance fleet will be unlucky when the time comes, maybe the three giant colonial spaceships will also have to take advantage of it.

Qi Yiming, who returned to the Xuefeng bridge, immediately took back the command of the fleet from He Zhenzhu.

But the battlefield situation at this moment has become extremely unfavorable for Qi Yiming.

Although Xuefeng itself has carrier-based battleships, these battleships appear so small and helpless when facing the insect swarm army known for its numbers.

The Xuefeng super flagship, which was only escorted by 1,500 low-level warships, had to fight to the death with the Insect Emperor under the command of Qi Yiming in this strange galaxy.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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