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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 258 The Sorrow of Little People

Zhao Ye was originally a non-staff member of the Wutu Star government department of the Yunhuan Federation.

When the Yunhuan Federation responded to Qi Yiming’s evacuation plan, he was fawning over his boss, wondering if he could implement the formalization.

He exchanged all the tickets he had praised for seven or eight years for Wujin, a specialty of Wutu Star.

Zhao Ye’s boss acted very quickly when collecting the black gold, but he delayed it again and again when doing things.

Until rumors spread wildly among colleagues about the swarm invasion, and the Wujin Administrative Star government prepared to organize personnel to evacuate.

Originally, he just wanted to listen to it for fun, but no matter how tightly the matter was kept, they would still know something about it.

Obviously, if a non-staff person like him is around when he is doing things, it is hard to say whether he can be removed in the end.

With no intention of becoming a regular employee, Zhao Ye, who was alone, was only thinking about how to get an evacuation ticket.

Fortunately, he was careful when paying bribes, just to prevent his boss from taking money and not doing anything.

He went directly to his boss with the evidence and said to his boss, “Give me a spot, or we will be ruined together.”

Zhao Ye’s boss certainly didn’t feel good about being grabbed by his pigtails at this time, but he didn’t dare to fall out with Zhao Ye.

For ordinary people, the matter of evacuation is just a matter of listening to rumors. At most, they only talk about it and there is no real way to do it. However, for some big shots, there are many practical ways.

Especially for middle-level officials like boss Zhao Ye, they can definitely evacuate, but if they make a mistake at this time, they will definitely be caught and someone will replace them in minutes.

Not to mention the evacuation quota at that time, it will be good to survive the following social turmoil.

So when Zhao Ye found him, in addition to being angry in his heart, he was very honest physically and helped Zhao Ye get a place to board the ship.

In fact, the method is very simple. Find trouble and drive away a well-organized subordinate, and Zhao Ye takes over the position naturally.

After all, Zhao Ye’s boss was an official and knew some details of the evacuation plan.

Just as Zhao Ye guessed, non-staff personnel like them were not among the first batch of people to board the ship.

In fact, if this kind of thing is not on the first batch of evacuation lists, it means that it has been abandoned.

Because once the evacuation begins, all confidentiality measures will be in vain, and social order will collapse in minutes. Who has the mind to care about the second batch of evacuees at this time?

At that time, won’t everyone rely on their own abilities? Fighting to death is probably a small scene.

Although Zhao Ye is a cunning person, he does not think he is a ruthless person. He missed the first batch of evacuation, let alone the second batch. He probably won’t even be able to grab a spot in the third batch.

What happened next was just as Zhao Ye had guessed. As soon as the first batch of evacuation began, social order fell into chaos.

Fortunately, the first batch of evacuees boarded the Yunhuan without much trouble due to their sudden action and the protection of the Marine Corps.

But Zhao Ye didn’t expect that the hard days of boarding the Yunhuan would just begin.

Yunhuanhao, which does not have any living facilities, is really not a place for people to stay.

Not to mention there was no decent place to sleep, mainly because the heat was unbearable.

Because the Yunhuan has not yet been completed, most of the heat dissipation equipment in the ship has not been installed yet. It is okay to say that there is no one to live in. Since a large number of refugees moved in, the temperature inside the Yunhuan has increased rapidly.

By the time the evacuation was completed and the Yunhuan set sail, the internal temperature had risen to more than 50 degrees.

A lot of people died from the heat in this temperature. If Zhao Ye hadn’t been in good health, he would have died.

But there are exceptions, those so-called social elites before the evacuation. The places where they lived were equipped with cooling devices. As soon as they got on the ship, they lowered the airlock. They felt comfortable while others could only suffocate.

But even though they have a much better living environment than everyone else, these people are still not satisfied. They always want to move out of the Cloud Ring and move to the two deadly spaceships of the New Federation to continue their luxurious life.

But this is not under the control of the Yunhuan Federation. At first, these people could bear it, but as time went by, they couldn’t bear it anymore.

So someone had a wrong idea. Of course, it is impossible for these so-called elites to do things themselves, especially if it is life-threatening work.

So Zhao Ye’s boss thought of him again.

After making a promise to Zhao Ye, he would take him to live a good life together. Zhao Ye was also blinded by lard, forgetting what a piss-poor his old boss was, and agreed to help him when his brain got hot.

Under the temptation of a better life, Zhao Ye led people to plant high-energy explosives everywhere. In fact, he knew in his heart that these explosives were impossible to detonate and were just a bargaining chip.

I originally thought that it would take ten days and a half for both parties, but who would have thought that the matter would be resolved in half a day.

But now that the patrons are living a comfortable life, what should they do as business people?

Moreover, Zhao Ye knew that they would not be the only bargaining chip among those people, otherwise it would not have been possible for him to agree so happily to Qi Yiming’s departure from the Yunhuan.

But when others have lived a good life, what will they do?

The agreed-upon right to live on the Hope is now gone. Can Zhao Ye be willing to do so?

So before the negotiators sent by Qi Yiming opened his mouth, he raised his hands and surrendered.

Not for anything else, because he has the goods.

Moreover, Zhao Ye also believed that Qi Yiming would never just bypass those people. He had to show himself before things took a big turn.

At the very least, you have to fight for leniency and don’t lose your life because of this matter.

In fact, Qi Yiming also understood that since these people dared to cause trouble, they would definitely not have the strength they seemed on the surface. Just because they dared to come out from the Yunhuan, Qi Yiming knew that these people would probably be defeated in a short time. I really can’t move.

In fact, Qi Yiming was right. These elite personnel of the Yunhuan Federation not only held the lifeblood of the Yunhuan, but also had many connections in the escort fleet.

Which family doesn’t have one or two relatives suffering in the Yunhuan?

Their ultimate goal is not to obtain the right of residence for themselves, but to open up the free trade of the right of residence to the two colonial spaceships that originally belonged to the New Federation.

This way they can cage their own people so they can cause trouble.

Qi Yiming couldn’t guess who there were, but Zhao Ye knew it. This is all due to his habit of leaving evidence in everything.

Although Zhao Ye’s boss was also on guard against him, he couldn’t resist this group of people who suffered many losses.

How can you imitate a bug that can be hidden in the anus?

Although Zhao Ye didn’t know much, it was enough to be able to provide Qi Yiming with the names of some key figures.

Qi Yiming promised him to arrange for him to join the escort fleet after the matter was settled. It was impossible for Qi Yiming to move the residence rights. This was related to the stability of the evacuation fleet.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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