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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 260 Vacuum Zero-Point Energy

Hearing that the Academy of Sciences had made new achievements, Qi Yiming proposed a recess.

“After several days of negotiations, everyone is tired… Let’s take a break first. Let’s talk again after I finish dealing with the Academy of Sciences?” Qi Yiming looked at the politicians in front of him.

In fact, everyone also saw Qi Yiming’s dissatisfaction with them from so many days of negotiations, so they agreed to adjourn.

The Academy of Sciences is located in the central city of Hope, one of the most lively places on the entire spacecraft.

When Qi Yiming came to the Academy of Sciences, a group of scientists were discussing something with each other excitedly around a huge device.

When Shi Shaojie saw Qi Yiming coming in, he immediately walked out of the crowd and came to Qi Yiming with an excited face: “We succeeded…”

Qi Yiming looked at Shi Shaojie with a confused face: “What success? Explain it clearly.”

Shi Shaojie asked Qi Yiming in his mind and said: “Do you still remember the scrapped spacecraft of the Zenithians?”

Qi Yiming nodded.

“We carried out some small salvage operations when we went to the warring galaxies for the second time to collect ether crystals.”

“You mentioned this to me. I remember you said you brought back a piece of equipment. I was only listening to your report about ether crystals and didn’t pay much attention.”

Shi Shaojie rolled his eyes and said in a blaming tone: “I told you to clean up the battlefield before, but you never took it seriously. It was okay before. It was okay if you didn’t study the technological heritage in those outdated warship wreckages, but you didn’t take the wreckage of the Zentraedian spacecraft seriously. If we hadn’t gone there again to find ether crystals, you would have missed this artifact.”

Qi Yiming touched his head embarrassedly. Not cleaning up the battlefield was a bad habit he developed in the pre-Human Federation era. At that time, there were special people to clean up the battlefield, and they, the front-line commanders, were only responsible for sinking enemy ships.

So Qi Yiming has never paid much attention to cleaning up the battlefield since he woke up.

Seeing that Shi Shaojie was about to talk too much, Qi Yiming laughed and said, “You didn’t ask me to come here to teach me, tell me about your achievements.”

Shi Shaojie knew that he had strayed from the topic, and paused to reorganize his words: “We call the device in front of you a vacuum zero-point energy extractor.”

Qi Yiming opened his mouth wide. Even if he was not interested in science and technology, he still knew a little about the source of energy at this level, but he only knew a little.

Seeing Qi Yiming’s surprise, Shi Shaojie was not surprised and continued, “This is what we brought back from the Zenith spacecraft.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about this at the time?”

“The equipment was seriously damaged at the time, and I was not sure I could repair it. After all, vacuum zero-point energy is a bit far away from us. We don’t even have the most basic theoretical research. It is almost impossible to repair it, so I didn’t mention it, so as not to make you happy for nothing.”

“Why are you telling me now? Have you repaired it?” Qi Yiming’s voice was trembling. He knew what this vacuum zero-point energy extractor meant to the human fleet.

Shi Shaojie nodded slowly: “Yes, we fixed it… I just sent someone to notify you after it passed the test.” Qi Yiming rubbed his hands and walked back and forth excitedly in front of the equipment. The surprise came too suddenly and he couldn’t accept it for a while. He had to take it slowly. After a long time, Qi Yiming calmed down: “What do you need me to cooperate with next?” “Find a way to connect it to the energy control system of the Hope.” Shi Shaojie pointed to the extractor and then to the Hope under his feet. Qi Yiming didn’t quite understand why he had to connect instead of install. He looked at Shi Shaojie in confusion. Shi Shaojie said to Qi Yiming with an embarrassed look: “It’s pure luck that this thing can work. I can’t guarantee that it can be started normally after moving it to the power room.”

Qi Yiming was completely confused: “Did you fix it by accident? Did you fix it by hammering around?”

Shi Shaojie looked at Qi Yiming with hatred: “Don’t worry about how I fixed it. The most important thing now is to find a way to connect it to the energy control system of the Hope.”

Qi Yiming managed his expression and said to Shi Shaojie: “Your people are responsible for drawing the drawings, and I will recruit people for construction…”

After that, he left the Academy of Sciences without looking back.

Back to the meeting room, a group of political creatures with their minds full of interests were still waiting for her to hold a meeting.

Qi Yiming returned to the meeting room with a warm face, and before everyone spoke, he announced the end of the meeting.

“How can the meeting end when the distribution of materials has not been discussed yet?” The representative of the Yunhuan Federation stood up first and questioned Qi Yiming.

“Isn’t it just an energy problem? I will give you a detailed distribution plan in a few days, and it won’t be too late for us to discuss it then.” Qi Yiming glanced at the man and said nonchalantly: “You can first make the administrative structure of the joint government in the next few days. Arranging people to do things is the most important thing.” In fact, everyone also knows that the focus of material distribution is energy distribution. The energy shortage of the evacuation fleet is a well-known problem. It is definitely unrealistic to want to make the distribution plan clear in a short time, so they accepted Qi Yiming’s suggestion and first implemented the things that had been decided in the early stage of the meeting. Seeing that no one raised any objections, Qi Yiming quickly left the meeting room and called Wang Sen, who was in charge of logistics.

During this period, Wang Sen had been waiting for the progress of the Yunhuan project and was not on the Hope. Qi Yiming waited in the office all afternoon before Wang Sen rushed back in a hurry.

As soon as they met, Qi Yiming said to Wang Sen: “Let your best engineering personnel return to the Hope and wait for them. We have a major project to do.”

Wang Sen was startled by Qi Yiming’s sudden order: “The construction of the Yunhuan is at the most critical time. Do you want me to remove people at this time?”

“I don’t know the details, but this matter is very important. I just asked you to mobilize your good hands, and I didn’t ask you to stop the work on the Yunhuan.”

“Okay, you are the leader! You have the final say…” Wang Sen realized that Qi Yiming’s attitude was very firm, so he agreed.

The next day, when Wang Sen received the construction drawings produced by the Academy of Sciences overnight, he was not calm at all.

Jumping up and down, he asked his men to go to the construction site to mobilize people, which made Qi Yiming a little overwhelmed. He always felt that Wang Sen was more excited than when he knew the details of the matter.

In fact, Wang Sen should be excited. As the head of the Logistics Department, everyone was chasing him to ask for energy quotas. He was almost driven crazy by these people along the way.

Who can bear it if he drags his entire family to block the door of his house to demand energy quotas at every turn?

With the vacuum zero-point energy extractor, he could get rid of this life completely, how could he not be excited.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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