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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 264 Or human?

After several days of discussion, the Academy of Sciences gave a very high evaluation to Qi Yiming’s plan.

So preliminary preparations were quickly laid out in the fleet.

The Academy of Sciences has specially set up a project team to provide strong scientific support for the subsequent construction plan of the fleet.

Soon the Academy of Sciences came up with the corresponding construction plan.

The coalition government also announced to the public the grand plan formulated by Qi Yiming.

Of course, Qi Yiming does not force everyone to participate in the construction project. He just wants to enliven the social environment that is like a stagnant water while executing this plan.

After the plan was announced, the coalition government jumped into action.

The fleet is currently undergoing a long jump voyage, and work outside the ship cannot be performed, but there is a lot of work that can be completed inside the ship.

For example, the platforms for housing the factory can be produced inside the spacecraft in advance, and then when the fleet leaves the jump for rest, these pre-produced platforms can be dragged out of the spacecraft and assembled outside.

Seeing the smooth implementation of the plan, Qi Yiming finally had a wry smile on his face. He was thinking that if the escape fleet of the former Human Federation had the conditions of today’s humans, it would not have lost its armor along the way. Maybe it would have been possible at this time. Sweeping through the swarm.

After everything was on track, Qi Yiming’s work intensity gradually decreased.

It also made him think about asking about the situation of the advance fleet.

Some time ago, He Zhenzhu reported in detail their discovery of the deserted planet through quantum communication equipment.

At that time, after He Zhenzhu dispatched the reconnaissance ship, things went very smoothly.

The aliens He Zhenzhu imagined did not appear. Instead, traces of humans were found on the deserted planet.

In fact, it is not uncommon for this kind of thing to happen on the route of the former Human Federation’s escape fleet.

Otherwise, how did human countries like the Tyro Empire and Turing Republic appear?

But what makes Qi Yiming curious is that even though humans on this desolate planet have already enlightened the space technology, how come they have been messing around and gradually not only failed to form a new interstellar civilization, but have actually declined?

So Qi Yiming ordered the advance fleet to leave a beacon in the galaxy where they were currently located, and then continued to set off to the next abnormal point.

After all, the subsequent fleet also needs detailed intelligence from the advance fleet to decide whether evasion work is needed.

However, since Qi Yiming and the others completely solved the energy shortage problem, mankind’s luck seems to have improved.

In the second leg of the voyage, except for the rather weird desolate planet, no anomalies were discovered that could threaten the evacuation fleet.

So after arranging everything, Qi Yiming handed over the command of the fleet to Wang Shuhua, and he commanded the Xuefeng to leave the fleet and go to the deserted planet to explore in person.

He really wanted to know what happened to humans on this planet and how they eventually declined, so that he could provide some warnings to existing human civilization.

What made Qi Yiming happy was that when he commanded the Xuefeng to arrive over the deserted planet, he actually discovered that someone had launched a sounding rocket from the surface.

This is a new situation not mentioned in He Zhenzhu’s report.

This shows that there are still humans surviving on the surface, and it will be much easier to figure out the situation now.

It is always easier to learn about the situation from human beings who can communicate with each other than to find out from the remains of civilization.

In order to avoid causing trouble, Qi Yiming did not let the Xuefeng get too close to the deserted planet. Instead, he brought a dozen security personnel to the surface of the planet in a small transport boat.

He Zhenzhu lost her desire to explore the planet after confirming that there was no danger to the planet Wuwu. In addition, Qi Yiming ordered the advance fleet to move forward. All subsequent exploration plans were not implemented, and no one was even sent to the planet. Surface reconnaissance.

Qi Yiming soon discovered anomalies after landing on the planet’s surface.

First, they discovered many abandoned human buildings buried underground in the barren land outside the oasis.

These buildings all well recorded the prosperity of this planet in the past, and as they approached the oasis, they also discovered many human skeletons.

According to calculations, the death time of these humans does not exceed 30 years.

In other words, these people probably died in the desert while out exploring.

Soon the group arrived at the oasis, and Qi Yiming discovered the entrance to an underground tunnel in the center of the oasis.

“Do all surviving humans live underground?”

Qi Yiming did not dare to go in directly, but carefully observed near the entrance to see if anyone would come out of the tunnel at this time.

But what disappoints Qi Yiming is that they stayed near the entrance for three or four days without any gains.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only lead people into the tunnel to find out.

The tunnel was very deep, and Qi Yiming and the others walked inward for a day before they discovered some traces of intelligent creations.

After walking for another half day, a huge underground cave appeared in front of them.

The cave was brightly lit, and what surprised Qi Yiming was that it was actually full of people.

And judging from their living environment, the technological level of humans on this planet should be quite high.

The group turned on the optical stealth system on the individual armor and slowly approached this strange human settlement.

Living in caves for a long time has made the humans here smaller than normal humans.

And it can be seen from their daily necessities that the level of technology of human beings living on this planet has entered the information age.

What makes Qi Yiming curious is that in the information age, technology does not have a single usable satellite in planetary orbit, and all satellites launched before have become space junk.

Due to the size difference between Qi Yiming and these humans, Qi Yiming’s idea of ​​integrating into the local society fell through.

Because the locals can easily tell that they are not humans living on this planet.

So Qi Yiming could only look for the archives where they stored the documents.

At the same time, some biological samples were secretly taken for DNA comparison by the scientific officer accompanying the team.

The results of the comparison surprised Qi Yiming.

These apparently human races are actually reproductively isolated from current humans.

So in a strict sense, these creatures with human appearance discovered by Qi Yiming and others are no longer human.

Qi Yiming no longer knew how to describe his mood at this moment. He actually discovered aliens.

However, as the investigation deepened and Qi Yiming read the historical documents of this civilization, Qi Yiming once became confused.

It can be confirmed from their historical data that these aliens who are reproductively isolated from humans are indeed humans.

It’s just that the harsh natural environment on the deserted planet has caused large-scale mutations in human genes.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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