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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 265 To save or not to save?

The atmosphere of a desolate planet is relatively thin and cannot effectively filter out cosmic rays that are harmful to humans.

When these surviving humans crash-landed on the planet along with the battleships, no one realized the impact of cosmic rays on their bodies due to the huge pressure to survive.

But as time went by, some of the tens of thousands of surviving humans gradually suffered from strange diseases. Only then did people discover that cosmic rays had a huge impact on their bodies.

Under the advice of the battleship’s scientific officer, they used the last bit of energy on the battleship and used the ship’s medical equipment to save humans suffering from strange diseases.

Survivors who originally thought they had successfully survived a crisis suddenly discovered that whether they were men or women who had suffered from strange diseases, as long as they formed families with survivors who had not suffered from the disease, the women in these families could not conceive smoothly.

At first, everyone thought it was some unknown pathology in the reproductive system of the sick person that caused women to be unable to conceive.

However, as more and more people start families, some people find that in families formed by people who have had the disease and people who have not had the disease, women are unable to conceive, but the union of two men and women who have had the disease goes smoothly. The real estate gave birth to a baby.

This attracted the attention of some thoughtful people, who seemed to be secretly studying the reasons why this happened.

I didn’t know this, but everyone was shocked when I checked it.

Reproductive isolation occurred among two groups of survivors with different destinies.

Obviously they are both human beings, but from a biological point of view, these two groups of people have become two completely different species.

At first, because of the small population, the two sides could live in harmony.

However, with the increase in population and limited resources, conflicts began to arise between the two sides.

The originally harmonious social environment has become more violent.

At that time, the living environment on the planet’s surface was pretty good. Although people had to live underground, they could still move around on the surface if they were properly protected.

As the conflicts between the two sides continued to escalate, the two races eventually parted ways.

The mutated humans migrated collectively, and the settlements of both parties were far apart, so the conflict was temporarily suppressed.

In this way, both parties lived on this planet peacefully for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years later, when the two sides met again, the war broke out. A war that lasted for hundreds of years swept the entire planet.

At first, both sides could restrain themselves. As the war continued, someone finally took the lead and pressed the nuclear button in his hand.

In just a few hours, the planet’s surface was covered with mushrooms.

Then the planet’s environment deteriorated extremely, and a large number of people died.

The surviving humans had to abandon their surface assets and hide in underground caves to survive.

But what is ironic is that Qi Yiming discovered that the group of humans who were not sick were also reproductively isolated from humans with pure blood.

In other words, the humans on this planet who once claimed to be the mother race are not just a new species separated from human society.

At this point, Qi Yiming completely lost interest in the humanoids on this planet.

Humanoids, yes, Qi Yiming called them that.

Returning to the Xuefeng, Qi Yiming sighed and looked at the unrecognizable planet in front of him. He waved his hand and ordered the Xuefeng to speed up and leave the local system.

Qi Yiming’s adjutant came to him and asked Qi Yiming: “Don’t we save these humans?”

Qi Yiming shook his head: “Pay attention to the name. They look the same as humans, but they are no longer human inside, they can only be regarded as humanoid.”

“But we are the mother clan after all…”

“Naive…think about the humanoids on that planet who claim to be the original race.”

Qi Yiming thought very clearly that these humanoids must not be saved, otherwise the history of this planet will happen again in the escape fleet.

Because they didn’t waste a few days on the deserted planet, the Xuefeng and the evacuation fleet arrived at the predetermined resting point.

At this time, the place where the fleet rested has become a huge construction site.

The platform created during the jump was dragged out of the colonial spacecraft by the engineering spacecraft, and then a large number of industrial equipment was dragged to the platform by small engineering spacecrafts.

Engineers waiting nearby quickly installed the industrial equipment in place.

There are also some engineering staff working around three giant colonial spaceships, with unique hardpoints being spliced ​​onto the outer shell of the spacecraft.

Qi Yiming looked at the project being carried out in an orderly manner and couldn’t help but smile and nodded.

The industrial area inside the Hope has also become a large construction site. Factories have been demolished, followed by apartment buildings rising from the ground.

Those who lived on the small colonial spacecraft were already fighting like crazy for the right to live on a Hope.

The rich use their superpowers, while the poor don’t give in and rely on connections to find ways. It’s like eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers.

Fang Min has been driven crazy recently because of this incident.

All cats and dogs dared to block the door of his house with their belongings.

In the end, he had no choice but to make a random assignment, and whoever the central brain drew would be the winner.

Qi Yiming didn’t say much after understanding the situation.

There are a lot of things in the fleet that he can’t do at once. He just needs to grasp the general direction and let others do other things.

Back in the office, Wang Sen was already waiting for him.

“Why did you come to me again? You are not busy enough with engineering matters?” Qi Yiming said half-jokingly.

Wang Sen smiled and said to Qi Yiming: “While you were away, I sent people to explore this galaxy and found several good minerals. I was wondering if I should send people to mine some?”

“What’s there to ask? We have already started building industrial spaceships. After that, the demand for minerals will be huge. If there are suitable mineral stars, go mine them and fill all the warehouses for me.”

“Our warehouse reserves are limited and we must allocate minerals reasonably.”

“Why don’t you go to the Academy of Sciences or me about this? I can’t give you a detailed configuration plan.”

Wang Sen smiled awkwardly and said, “I looked for it, and the Academy of Sciences also gave me a configuration table, but…”

“But what? He speaks hesitantly…”

“The volume is a bit large. To complete this chapter of the configuration list, we have to rest in this galaxy for at least three years.”

“Three years?” Qi Yiming frowned and repeated.

Let alone three years, it would be good for the fleet to rest in this system for half a year.

Some time has been wasted at the last node. If he rests here for a long time, Qi Yiming cannot guarantee whether the insect swarm will catch up.

He knocked on the table and thought about it for a while and said: “We can collect as much as we can within half a year at most.”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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