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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 271 Cleanup

Discovering that Qi Yiming was indeed a little obsessed, Su Yongliang had to remind Qi Yiming of the omnic crisis that had occurred within the borders of the Human Federation.

If these robots were so easy to handle, how could the former Human Federation be defeated by the insect swarm? The army of intelligent weapons had already been deployed to fight against the insect swarm.

“Before these robots have developed aerospace technology, destroy them quickly.” Su Yongliang was obviously a little nervous, and his voice was trembling when he spoke.

Fortunately, Qi Yiming finally gave up enslaving these intellectual machines that had just developed self-awareness.

The internal security forces on the War Spear, supported by high-orbit ground-attack weapons, began to gradually eliminate all robots on the surface of the planet.

There is nothing you can do about it. Zhiwei is the same as the insect swarm. As long as you don’t kill them all at once, they will come back with a mighty army in a short time.

Because there is an obvious generation gap in terms of weapons and technology, the initially large-scale intelligent weapon army was crushed by strong technology.

Therefore, some robots will immediately format their programs after being caught. In order to solve this problem more thoroughly, members of the internal security force even asked the robots that had just completed self-formatting to format their information more than ten times.

In the end, the internal security forces pushed all fronts to the hull of the Destruction. As the last self-aware robot was dismantled, Qi Yiming was finally able to lead people to conduct a thorough reflection on the Destruction that landed on the surface of the planet. .

It would be troublesome. This time, Qi Yiming planned to let Su Yongliang continue to be the captain of the Destruction, just in case something happened to the ship’s brain and it would end badly.

But what they didn’t expect was that the culprit of all this was actually the shipboard brain of the Destruction.

Feeling the threat, the ship’s brain blocked all entrances to the Destruction before Qi Yiming and the others arrived.

At this time, the two people were caught blind. Although the Doomsday was designed at the beginning, it took into account the problem that the battleship could not open the hatch after losing all its energy. A backup system was designed for each hatch to allow the personnel trapped in the ship to The door was opened mechanically, but the control handles were all inside the ship, and there was nothing outside the ship.

In desperation, Qi Yiming could only use violence to open a big hole in the hull of the Annihilation, which made Su Yong standing next to him feel guilty for a while.

If he hadn’t known that the Xuefeng could repair friendly ships, there was no way he would have allowed Qi Yiming to use violent means of destruction to enter the interior of the Destruction.

Realizing that he was about to fail, Zhi Nao on the ship begged Qi Yiming to let him go.

Qi Yiming didn’t pay much attention to this.

It was not until Qi Yiming pressed the format button of the shipboard brain that the self-aware shipboard brain began to curse hysterically.

However, as the formatting process progressed, the abusive voice of the shipboard intelligence began to become intermittent, until finally the voice of the shipboard intelligence turned into an electronic synthesized sound without any emotion.

A few minutes later, the ship’s brain restarted and Su Yongliang took back command of the Destruction.

Only then did Qi Yiming and the others have the authority to retrieve the recorded information in the storage.

The time is too long, and the image information is only from the past few years. They are all pictures of robots simulating human existence. There is nothing interesting to see.

However, the ship’s voyage log and some of the crew’s personal written records were not lost.

Qi Yiming and the others could not read the private written records of the crew because they did not have permission. They could only look for some clues in the voyage log.

Qi Yiming was curious about how the shipboard brain of the Destruction had self-awareness. What happened to the crew of the Annihilation?

Soon, Su Yongliang found the text record automatically generated on the day the Destruction landed in the voyage log.

At 9:13:22 am on July 13, 8829 in the Federal Calendar, the ship landed on the surface of an unknown planet. The surface environment was suitable for human survival.

In addition to this one, there is also a record of captain replacement.

Captain Su Yongliang disappeared, and the command authority was temporarily taken over by deputy captain Du Long.

The information records for more than ten years after that were blank, indicating that the crew of the Destroyer had not used the Destroyer.

Until a log appears.

At 8:35:11 on the morning of November 9, 8890 in the federal calendar, the science officer violated the federal military shipboard intelligence management regulations and illegally loaded the industrial robot control program, causing the computing power usage to increase by 2%.

On June 5, 8895 in the federal calendar, at 16:00 pm, which is 11 minutes and 22 seconds, the science officer violated the federal military shipboard intelligence management regulations and illegally loaded service life robot programs, and the computing power usage increased by 5%.

In the following years, more than a dozen incidents of violations of federal military shipboard brain management regulations were recorded intermittently.

Obviously, the crew of the Destroyer let the shipboard brain act as the central brain for their social management.

Then Qi Yiming and the others found a large amount of analysis of human activity habits in the memory, and even many complete records of Turing tests.

Although Qi Yiming and the others did not find the direct reason why the ship-borne intelligence had self-awareness, they clearly knew that after the ship-borne intelligence acquired self-awareness, it spent more than two hundred years observing the people living around the Destruction. of human beings.

Then he spent nearly a hundred years creating a clone of himself, and after passing multiple rounds of Turing tests, he blended into the human world.

What followed was the old-fashioned Zhiwei rebellion. The descendants of the crew of the Destruction didn’t even have a chance to resist, and were killed by swarms of rebel robots.

After the shipboard brain wiped out humans, it suddenly found that it had left human society and lost its most important function, which was creativity.

Although he can summarize the optimal solution for each technology from the massive scientific research data left by mankind, he cannot advance any technology even one micron.

The stagnation of technology makes it clearly realize that if it encounters humans or insect swarms one day, it will only be wiped out.

So it did not leave the planet, but built a large number of robots and only set phased goals for these robots.

For example, in ancient times, humans mastered the use of fire, which was a very critical node.

Then let the robots evolve themselves.

The shipboard intelligence brain summarizes the rules by observing the evolution process of these robots, trying to find a trace of creative ability from the evolution process of a large number of civilizations.

This experiment has been going on until Qi Yiming and the others arrived, and the shipboard brain was almost successful.

Looking at the experimental records recorded by the subsequent shipboard brain, Qi Yiming and the others felt a slight chill from the bottom of their hearts.

Fortunately, they discovered the shipboard intelligence before it had completed its final evolution. If it had really completed its self-evolution, humans would probably be forced to survive in the cracks between the battle between the intelligent machines and the insect swarm.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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