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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 272 Laxity

“Only highly intelligent AI can do things like simulating the evolution of civilization.” Qi Yiming sighed as he looked at the text information in front of him.

Su Yongliang didn’t know what he was thinking, and kept frowning.

“What’s wrong with you? What’s on your mind?” Qi Yiming asked curiously when he saw Su Yongliang’s state.

Su Yongliang didn’t know how to describe his current mood.

Those people were his comrades who had been with him day and night for hundreds of years. It was everyone’s instinct to survive. Those people put him into a dormant cabin to force him to sleep and launched the dormant cabin. It was impossible not to hate him.

But he also hoped that his comrades in arms could live well, but who had died against these people.

Hearing Qi Yiming asking him, Su Yongliang finally recovered from his memories: “Oh, I just remembered some things that happened before.”

“Stop lamenting. The things here have been dealt with. It’s time for us to set off to chase the evacuation fleet.” Qi Yiming patted Su Yongliang’s shoulder as he spoke: “Whether the World Destroyer can still fly normally, please let Zhinao know. Check yourself.”

Soon, the Destruction completed its self-inspection program.

Except for some damage to the outer armor of this modular warship, there was no damage to the internal equipment.

If you think about it, you can understand that the Destroyer landed under the control of the crew and did not make an emergency landing on this planet. It is not unusual for the battleship to be in good condition.

After Qi Yiming returned to the War Spear, he transferred some crew members to the Destruction.

After replacing the new energy block, the Destruction finally returned to the vast void after hundreds of years of silence.

Ten minutes later, the two modular warships accelerated into the jump mode and flew quickly to the next resting point of the evacuation fleet.

During the voyage, Qi Yiming and his crew entered the hibernation cabin in batches. After all, there were only two warships and there were not many things to deal with on a daily basis. Only then did Qi Yiming have the opportunity to enter the hibernation cabin.

A year later, the War Spear took the Destruction to rejoin the evacuation fleet.

At this time, the evacuation fleet had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Industrial ships have begun to take shape at this time. After a large number of factories are relocated to outer space, as long as the fleet is in a rest period, these factories will enter full-speed production mode.

A large number of industrial products have entered every household living in the colonial spaceship from the production line, and people’s living standards have been significantly improved.

Wang Sen also immediately organized a mining fleet to set off to see if he could find some useful minerals in the resting galaxy.

All walks of life are thriving.

Coupled with the lack of energy to worry about, some people gradually seemed to have forgotten the threat of the insect swarm.

Some people are even clamoring to find a livable star to settle down.

Qi Yiming was so angry that his nose was crooked. He knocked on the desk and pointed at Fang Min’s nose and cursed: “I have only lived a comfortable life for a few days, and I don’t know how much I weigh? This is so stupid.” Are you embarrassed to mention it in front of me?”

Fang Min felt a little aggrieved. He just reported the public opinion environment in the fleet truthfully.

“Don’t feel aggrieved. Why do these people have such opposites? Isn’t it because those of you who are responsible for internal affairs have neglected publicity?”

Fang Min said in a voice that she could barely hear: “It’s not that there are too many things going on. Who would have thought that such remarks would appear in the crowd.”

But the office was too quiet, and Qi Yiming heard his words clearly.

“Go and count, how many people want to find a livable planet and live their imaginary paradise-like life? I will fulfill their wishes and send them away immediately as long as they pass through any livable planet. Hao Teng Make room for more people to live in the giant colonial spaceship.”

Fang Min heard that what Qi Yiming said was angry, otherwise he would definitely send these people out now, find a random planet and throw them away, leaving these people to fend for themselves on the planet.

After a while, Qi Yiming’s anger subsided a little, then he looked at Fang Min and said slowly: “We must strengthen publicity at ordinary times. If there are still people who want to find a habitable planet to settle, arrange for them to go to the rear fleet. , go to the battlefield and fight against the insect swarm.”

“Should we sort out some battlefield record information and release it? Most of these people have never seen the insect swarm, so they came up with this idea.”

Qi Yiming thought for a while: “Let some out selectively, but pay attention to propriety, otherwise it will seriously damage the morale of the fleet.”

“I know this, and I will keep it in perspective.”

The two of them were discussing the follow-up internal publicity issues when suddenly an alarm sounded inside the spacecraft, and Qi Yiming stood up suddenly.

“What happened?” Qi Yiming pressed the pager on his desk and asked loudly.

Hao Chenqi’s nervous voice came from the beeper: “The news just came from the rearguard fleet, the insect swarm is catching up.”

“Is there any fighting?”

“The specific situation is not known yet.”

“Get Ye Lu for me…”

Soon Hao Chenqi connected with Ye Lu.

Qi Yiming looked at Ye Lu who was already sweating and asked: “What’s the situation now? How big is the insect swarm?”

“Several Leviathan battleships were discovered. We have lost more than a hundred cruisers. They are all warships on guard at the periphery.”

“Why are you reporting it now?”

“The officer on duty left his post without authorization…” Ye Lu knew that she had made a disclosure, and she was a little hesitant to speak.

Qi Yiming was going crazy. He didn’t expect that the fleet would be so lax now?

Ordinary civilians are not alert and he can still understand that your combat fleet will actually leave the post without permission.

“Kill the watchman who left his post without permission…”

“It has been pulled out and killed.” Ye Lu collected her emotions and continued: “According to the intelligence estimates returned, these three Leviathan warships should be the search force of the insect swarm, and it was only a coincidence that they found us.”

“No matter what the circumstances, these three Leviathans cannot be allowed to leave, otherwise our fleet’s whereabouts will definitely be exposed.”

“I have arranged for the fleet to go out to encircle and suppress them, but the battle situation is not very ideal. The insect swarm has changed a lot.”

“Change?” Qi Yiming’s heart skipped a beat. He knew that the evolutionary ability of the insect swarm was abnormal, and it was definitely not a good thing to have mutations at this juncture.

Just listen to Ye Lu continue to say: “Yes, the insect swarm that fought with us before sprayed highly corrosive acid, but this time the insect swarm that attacked us actually used high-concentration plasma to attack us. The Leviathan actually launched a stream of high-energy particles.”

Qi Yiming stood in front of his desk in silence. After dealing with insect swarms for so long, he had never seen an insect that could emit high-concentration plasma, let alone a Leviathan that could emit a high-energy particle stream.

This way of evolution is fascinating.

But for now, these things have to be put aside. The most important thing now is to sink all these Leviathan warships in this galaxy. Missing one will attract the main force of the swarm.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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