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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 273 Special Live Broadcast

Just when Qi Yiming, Ye Lu and others were discussing how to deal with the three Leviathan warships that suddenly appeared, although the alarm sounded loudly inside the Hope, only a small number of people hurriedly rushed to the nearest shelter. .

Most of the crowd just stood on the street with curious faces, looking up at the huge dome of the Hope, as if they wanted to see through the dome what was going on outside.

It was not until armed security forces took to the streets that these people reluctantly walked to the nearest shelter.

When Qi Yiming learned about this situation, his lungs almost exploded with anger.

“What the hell, what kind of idiots did I save? Do these people know how to be afraid unless the insect swarm kills people in front of them?”

Fang Min kept calming Qi Yiming’s mood, fearing that Qi Yiming would lose his mind and go out to the street to reward each of these people with a gun.

Finally, Qi Yiming sighed helplessly: “The environment is still too comfortable. Although we are fleeing, these people have no idea how terrifying the insect swarm is.”

“I will strengthen publicity in the future…”

Qi Yiming glared at Fang Min: “Let’s talk about this later. You should return to your post immediately and organize civilians to evacuate. If the insect swarm breaks through the rear defense line, you must do your best to avoid excessive casualties.”

Fang Min nodded and immediately returned to his office area to handle things.

Qi Yiming then contacted the advance fleet commander He Zhenzhu.

“The advance fleet will set off immediately to the next node.”

At this time, He Zhenzhu hadn’t figured out what was going on, and looked at Qi Yiming in the communicator with a confused expression.

“What happened?”

“The swarm is catching up. Let’s talk about it in detail later. You set off immediately. If you can’t wait for us at the next node, you can continue to the subsequent node with the advance fleet.”

“Can you use Xuefeng’s remote delivery?”

“I hope it won’t be used. We don’t have many ether crystals in our hands. Let’s execute…”

After saying that, Qi Yiming hung up the communication and contacted Wang Shuhua again.

“Organize the colonial spacecraft to go to the edge of this galaxy and wait. If the insect swarm breaks through the defense line, I will rush back as soon as possible to deliver the entire fleet to the next node.”

“The Xuefeng is going to support Ye Lu?”

“The situation is a bit complicated. The insect swarm has mutated. I have to go take a look…”

Wang Shuhua’s expression froze. The current insect swarm was already very powerful, but now it has mutated again.

Qi Yiming once told them that the insect swarm’s ability to adapt to the battlefield is extremely abnormal.

Their outer biological armor will gradually adapt to enemy weapons, and in extreme cases may even become immune to human attacks to a certain extent.

Their attack methods will also change accordingly through attack after attack. As the battle time lengthens, the insect swarms will cause higher damage to the human fleet.

Soon, the colonial spaceships that received the order began to accelerate.

Qi Yiming thought for a while and said to Wang Shuhua: “Synchronize the images from the battlefield monitors to every colonial spacecraft, so that everyone can see what kind of enemy we are facing.”

“This…” Wang Shuhua hesitated: “The battlefield situation is too tragic. This will cause widespread despair at the social level.”

Qi Yiming shook his head: “There are only three Leviathans this time, so we won’t be defeated head-on. No kind of publicity is better than letting everyone see it with their own eyes. As for letting the fleet take action in advance, it’s just a precaution. “

“Okay, I will communicate with Fang Min and Ye Lu.”

The two exchanged a few words quickly. Qi Yiming thought for a moment that there was nothing special he needed to say, so he hung up the communication and quickly walked towards the Hope’s small airport.

Wang Shuhua and the others moved very quickly. Before Qi Yiming arrived at the Hope’s airport, he saw the huge holographic screen floating inside the Hope showing the scene of Ye Lu and the others fighting the swarm of insects.

At the same time, the same scene was playing on the other colonial ships.

At first, some ordinary poor people thought this was a private entertainment company showing a newly produced special effects movie, but as the commentary subtitles were inserted, they realized that the monsters spraying white plasma in the picture were the Zerg that forced humans to leave their homes.

In the scene just beginning, the insect swarm is still some distance away from the human fleet.

Ye Lu organized the fleet to launch multiple rounds of salvos, and the dense blast lasers destroyed a large number of insect swarms.

Almost instantly, all the viewers watching this special live broadcast cheered, and some even said in a disdainful tone: “This is a bug, and it doesn’t look like much.”

However, as the battle gradually became more intense, the audience watching the live broadcast also became quiet.

Many ordinary people whose faces were originally glowing turned pale.

Because they saw three Leviathan warships behind the swarm.

Leviathan, which waved its tentacles and continuously released the insect swarm aerial troops outwards, brought great shock to these people.

Only then did they discover that although the human warships were very effective in attacking individual insect swarms, the number of insect swarms in front of the fleet had never decreased.

When someone saw the image of the swarm rushing to capture the remains of human warriors floating in space after the human fleet was sunk, many people couldn’t bear it and vomited on the spot.

It seems that these people have thought about the fate of those remains.

Xuefeng also joined the battlefield half an hour after the live broadcast started.

Qi Yiming also felt something was wrong. The three Leviathans released the insect swarm troops much faster than before.

The rate of releasing the swarms has apparently exceeded the rate of loss.

“Damn, another mutation direction was discovered.”

Qi Yiming cursed secretly while observing.

Then there is the attack of plasma on human warships, which is obviously much stronger than the damage caused by acidic solution.

As soon as the battleship comes into contact with the plasma, the outer armor is instantly melted, exposing the structural layer wrapped inside.

In this case, it is still a cruiser with a slightly larger tonnage and size. If it is a destroyer or frigate, it only takes four or five plasma to sink them.

And in the attack of the insect swarm aerial troops, are there also a few white streams of high-energy particles mixed in?

However, what makes Qi Yiming feel reassured is that the insect swarm is obviously not very good at using these physical attacks. After all, biological weapons are their strength.

The damage caused by the high-energy particle flow to the human fleet was not high, and it only caused a few cracks on the outer armor of the human battleship.

However, Qi Yiming knew that these three Leviathan warships were just experimental ships of the insect swarm. When the damage of all the weapons tested by the insect swarm reached the results desired by the master, soon all Leviathan warships in these insect swarms would Equip these weapons.

The time it takes for humans to obtain a new weapon and then complete the fleet replacement is calculated in years.

But the insect swarm is different. As long as the weapons are finalized, their equipment changes can be completed almost overnight. This is the most terrifying thing about the insect swarm.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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