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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 28 Confrontation

When Gao Cheng led the fleet to retreat to the second line of defense, he happened to meet up with the fleet coming for reinforcements.

Leading the reinforcement fleet was his uncle Gao Fei.

“Tell me about the situation…” Gao Fei didn’t waste any time and asked Gao Cheng to introduce the situation directly.

Gao Cheng gave a brief introduction to the situation, but was a little evasive when it came to the number of enemies.

Gao Fei glared at Gao Cheng with an unkind expression before he hesitated and said, “The radar detected two enemy ships.”

Seeing that Gao Fei was about to get angry, Gao Cheng hurriedly added: “The enemy ship attacked outside the visual range. I judged that it was two battleships.”

“Battleship?” The corner of Gao Fei’s mouth twitched: “Did you fight against the opponent, just say it was a battleship?”

Gao Cheng lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at his uncle.

“What a waste…”

Gao Cheng could admit that he had made a mistake in command, but he would never think that he was a waste and mustered up the courage to look up at Gao Fei.

“Uncle… two enemy warships destroyed the No. 3 fort with just one round of shelling.” At this time, I was still a little frightened when I mentioned the altitude.

“When I ordered the retreat, the No. 1 and No. 2 forts were attacked at the same time. Before my fleet retreated to a safe distance, the two forts were also destroyed one after another.”

“Is this why you quit without a fight?”

“Yes, I don’t think my fleet can hold down the enemy ships without a defensive line to support, so I chose to preserve my strength.”

The anger on Gao Fei’s face faded slightly, and he looked at the frightened Gao Cheng and said, “Even if there are all kinds of reasons, even I can’t protect you if you retreat without fighting. You and your people should atone for your sins in front of the army.”

Seeing that Gao Cheng was still about to argue, Gao Fei raised his hand to stop him: “It’s not that my uncle is cruel, military discipline is like this. Wait until you attack the enemy ship as the advance fleet. If you are lucky enough to survive, I can ask the military headquarters to help you and your family.” Your family begs for mercy.”

There was nothing much to say at this point, but it was just one death. If it could save his family from the tragic experience, he would not be willing to take this life, but he felt a little unwilling in his heart.

Although Gao Cheng’s men were exempted from punishment because of his order to retreat, as the commander of the border garrison, Gao Cheng’s idea of ​​​​escape without a fight was useless.

Gao Gao hung up the communication and led his fleet to move slowly to the front of the entire fleet, lined up and waited quietly for the enemy to come.

On the other side, Qi Yiming commanded the Lightning and Revenge to complete a large-scale demolition, and then rushed towards the second line of defense of the Flying Eagle Federation.

On the way, Qi Yiming took a brief look at the information about the second line of defense.

There are 16 large rail guns, 11 missile launch nests, and a minefield in front of the defense line to limit the space where the attacking fleet can deploy.

After thinking about it, Qi Yiming finally let the Revenge separate and recombine with the Lightning to form the Xuefeng.

The minefield can be ignored. After all, Qi Yiming only has three warships at full strength, and they are all grouped together.

The 11 missile launch nests posed a certain threat to the Xuefeng, but they were barely able to cope with the Xuefeng’s full firepower.

The most important thing is the 16 rail guns. Xuefeng’s ultra-long attack range does not take much advantage in front of the rail guns.

In addition, the rail gun has an abundant energy supply, so its attack intensity is not low.

The one that poses the lowest threat is the Fleet of the Flying Eagle Federation. Their hands are too short and they will not be able to touch the Xuefeng for a while during the battle.

“It seems that we can only temporarily change the fighting form during the battle depending on the situation.” Qi Yiming muttered to himself while looking at the information in his hand.

Ten minutes later, Xuefeng appeared alone on the outside of the Flying Eagle Federation’s second line of defense.

Soon the Xuefeng’s figure was displayed on the radar in the main defense control room.

“Report, an enemy ship! Based on the plane where this building is located, the angle is 23 degrees positive, 11 degrees left, the distance is 472,000 kilometers, and it has entered the missile attack range.”

Gao Fei’s face twitched again, and he cursed Gao Cheng in his heart: “You little bastard, it’s a shame that I wanted to protect you, but you still lied to me.”

Gao Cheng, on the other hand, looked at the lone red dot on the shipboard radar with a confused look on his face.

At this moment, Gao Gao couldn’t figure out what was going on. He could clearly see that the radar on the first line of defense detected two warships. How come it changed to one warship here?

Could it be that there was a ship on the way? Or are they fighting among themselves and fighting with their own people?

That’s not possible. The two warships attacking the second line of defense are a bit dangerous. How can they dare to come when there is only one left?

Just when Gao Fei was hesitating whether to order the missile nest to launch, Qi Yiming had already ordered Xuefeng to charge the main gun.

“High-energy response, the enemy ship is charging its main gun.” A sharp voice came from the main control room of the Flying Eagle Federation Defense Line, with a trace of disdain mixed in it.

The Xuefeng is composed of a combination based on the Lightning. It already has a good main gun shooting range. Now Qi Yiming has loaded the Probe main control system as an auxiliary, and the main gun range has been increased to more than 400,000. rice.

But what Qi Yiming valued was not the extra shooting distance, but the precise hit rate that the Probe’s main control system brought to the Xuefeng.

The two triple-mounted main guns that had been charged were aimed at the target under the guidance of the fire control radar. After a burst of dazzling light from the muzzle, six burst laser beams accurately hit the target.

I saw a huge rail gun on the Flying Eagle Federation’s defense line being penetrated by six burst laser beams in an instant.

Gao Fei and others watched as it lost the power to maintain its orbit and slowly departed from its original position, followed by a violent explosion.

“The missile nest is launched and the railgun begins to charge.”

Gao Fei immediately ordered a counterattack after being in a daze.

For a time, the defense line was bustling with activity. Thousands of missiles ignited their propellers the moment they were ejected from the launch tube.

A sudden rain of missiles hit the Xuefeng directly.

“With so many missiles, even if it’s a battleship, I’ll make it impossible for you to come back.” Gao Fei stared bitterly at the direction where the laser blast just came from.

“This ship engages the battle on the starboard side.” Facing the incoming missile rain, Qi Yiming was not nervous and ordered the Xuefeng to engage in the battle on the starboard side step by step.

The six secondary guns originally on the left side of the Xuefeng were separated from their respective gun mounts and relocated to the starboard side of the Xuefeng under the tug of the tractor beam.

“The secondary battery works in the shortest charging mode, giving me the densest firepower network in the shortest time.” Qi Yiming ordered the Xuefeng shipboard brain.

If there are enough crew members, Qi Yiming does not need to do this. He only needs to issue an engagement method. The specific attack method will be decided by the gunner at the gun position based on the situation.

Fortunately, the battle was not too fierce, and Qi Yiming still had the energy to take on multiple roles by himself.

Under Qi Yiming’s order, the Xuefeng fired a dense barrage on the starboard side at an alarming speed.

Gao Fei, who was full of confidence, was shocked and frightened when he saw the beam of light flying from the direction of the enemy ship, which was no less than a missile.

“Is this the firepower density of a battleship? Am I dazzled?” Gao Fei rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Little Transparent would like to ask for some recommendation votes. Thank you very much, readers.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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