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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 280 Wang Sen also figured it out

“Are you crazy?” Wang Sen looked at Fang Min in disbelief.

“I’m not crazy. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time.” Fang Min seemed unusually calm.

“We can guide public opinion and instill the threat of the swarm into their minds when it comes to educating the next generation. There is no need to sacrifice ourselves like this.”

Fang Min shook his head: “It’s worth it to exchange my life for Mr. Qi to have a vibrant team…”

Wang Sen looked at Fang Min blankly. He couldn’t understand why Fang Min had such an idea.

But judging from his analysis, this is indeed a good solution.

Over the course of thousands of years, everyone rotates twice.

When they arrived at their destination, the youngest among them was already over 240 years old. Such a leadership team may be more prudent in their acting style, but this kind of team often gives people a feeling of sluggishness.

There is nothing wrong with such a team in peacetime, but such a team often lacks the spirit of adventure and the energy of youth.

When there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, the spirit of adventure and the drive to fight and fight are more important.

Wang Sen looked at Fang Min again, he was a little hesitant.

Instinctively, he wanted to reject Fang Min’s proposal. After all, he had worked hard with Qi Yiming for so long, and he had never gone against Qi Yiming’s ideas on major decisions.

But Fang Min’s statement was very reasonable, which immediately put him in a dilemma.

After a while Wang Sen said: “Let me think about it.”

Fang Min himself knew that it was a bit abrupt to propose such an idea under such special circumstances.

He had no way to prove that he had no different intentions and could only rely on Wang Sen’s trust in him.

Fortunately, the two have known each other for a long time. When they were in the Wang family in the Xuanwu Galaxy, Fang Min was a trustworthy retainer of Wang Sen’s father. Apart from not dealing with Wang Sen, there was nothing to find fault with in terms of character.

In fact, this is also a unique quality of capable ministers and officials in the family power.

As long as it is the family they swear allegiance to, they will dedicate everything they have to the family without reservation, and the same is true now for Qi Yiming.

Fang Min was really thinking about Qi Yiming’s career, and he even wanted to persuade Wang Sen to give up hibernation like him.

However, he could only tell Wang Sen the pros and cons of this kind of matter, and the decision he made had to be up to Wang Sen himself.

The brief meeting between the two ended in an extremely dull atmosphere.

Wang Sen returned to his office in a depressed mood, recalling every word Fang Min said to him, unable to calm down for a long time.

In fact, when he said he wanted to think about it, he subconsciously agreed to Fang Min’s plan.

Otherwise, according to his level of obedience to Qi Yiming, he would definitely order the arrest of Fang Min immediately and impose forced hibernation. He has this right.

While Wang Sen was deep in thought, his secretary walked into the office and interrupted his thoughts: “Executive Officer, the survey telescope observed that the insect swarm entered the territory of the Turing Republic.”

“What?” Wang Sen stood up suddenly. Nothing was as important as the insect swarm: “When did it happen? Why did you tell me now?”

“Just now, a group of people in the control room of the survey telescope have been paying attention to the direction of our escape. They observed the invasion of insect swarms a few minutes ago. This is a picture.” He said and handed the holographic electronic board in his hand to Wang Sen.

The pictures taken by the survey telescope are very blurry. From the pictures, you can only see several star fields in the Turing Republic being slowly eroded by a huge black shadow.

Wang Sen broke into a cold sweat when he saw this picture.

Through Qi Yiming’s description, he had imagined the size of the insect swarm, but when he actually saw the pictures related to the insect swarm, he was still frightened by its huge number.

Those are several star fields, not to mention thousands of light years, but there are distances of hundreds of light years.

It was actually obscured by the swarm of insects.

How desperate it must be for the humans who remain there under such circumstances…

Looking at the fleet in front of us, this may be humanity’s last hope.

Just like Fang Min said, maybe Qi Yiming will fail and mankind will eventually perish in the vast sea of ​​​​stars, but Qi Yiming is the most determined one among them.

It’s worth fighting for this glimmer of hope.

“Send this picture to the publicity department and publish it with explanation to the public.” After saying that, he walked out of the office firmly.

Gently knocking on the door of Fang Min’s office, Fang Min was sitting in his seat in a daze holding the same picture.

When he saw Wang Sen coming in, he did not get up, but just smiled bitterly: “Are you here to perform forced hibernation?”

“No… you are right!!” Wang Sen looked at Fang Min with firm eyes: “No matter what, we cannot leave Mr. Qi with a sluggish team. That would be extremely detrimental to him and even to all mankind. I agree with your idea.”

Fang Min first looked at Wang Sen with surprised eyes. He just thought that Wang Sen would agree to his request, and had no extravagant hope that Wang Sen would join his plan.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and then laughed tacitly.

In this way, the rotation plan set by Qi Yimingxiu deviated from the track. When Qi Yiming woke up, all he was left with was the longing and memories of his old friends.

The result of giving up hibernation was that the two of them would live forever and sail in long deep space. After all, it was considered an alternative life and death choice. After being depressed for a few days, the two of them returned to their work with full energy.

Fang Min re-formulated his work plan.

The direction he is responsible for is people’s livelihood. Because he had to go into hibernation before, a lot of work was done very roughly and he just set up a framework.

Now that he didn’t have to worry about dormancy, he began to gradually improve some of the details that had been missed in the work.

The first thing to solve is the population problem.

After several battles with the insect swarms, he clearly knew that not only the battleships would become expendable, but even humans themselves would become expendable to some extent.

He had discussed this matter with Qi Yiming, but at that time, due to restrictions and lack of energy, the birth control had not been lifted.

Now that he had sufficient energy, he no longer considered the problem of dormancy. It was time to help Qi Yiming solve this problem in advance.

Of course, it is not that everyone is allowed to have children at will at once, but as the fleet’s industrial capabilities improve, more living space can be expanded and the conditions for childbirth will be gradually relaxed.

This matter still needs to be discussed with Wang Sen, because Wang Sen has always been in charge of the industry.

Wang Sen has locked himself in the office these days and is also revising his work plan.

There was not much hair left on his head, but he had lost a lot of it in the past few days, and he was about to become bald.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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