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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 288 The character collapsed

“Tell me what you saw again!!” Qiao Shan looked at the captain of the reconnaissance ship with a happy face in the communication in disbelief.

“Your Majesty, you heard it right! Countless warships, and four huge spaceships…” The captain of the Zhancha ship danced and described everything he saw.

“How is it possible? How did Qi Yiming solve the energy problem?” Qiao Shan was confused: “Did he analyze some amazing technology from the technological heritage? It shouldn’t be…”

Qiao Shan’s attendant interrupted: “Your Majesty, what should we do next?”

“What should we do?” Qiao Shan realized that even if he tried to break his head, it was of no use, so he said with a wicked smile: “Let’s go to the big dog owner… and order the fleet to set sail immediately.”

The attendant seemed to be infected by Qiao Shan’s mood, and turned around with a smile on his face to give the order to set sail.

Ye Lu, who was inspecting the Hope, suddenly received a communication request from the fleet command. She took out her communication terminal and looked at it. It was a red level communication.

Without thinking, he immediately connected. He Zhenzhu’s excited voice came from the communication: “They’re here… they’re here…”

Ye Lu was still a little puzzled: “Why are they here? Sister Pearl, please slow down…”

“I said Qiao Shan’s fleet has arrived…”

It took a long time for Ye Lu to recover from the surprise. She immediately left the staff accompanying her on the inspection and quickly boarded an unmanned flying car and rushed towards the fleet headquarters.

After repeated confirmations, He Zhenzhu determined that an unidentified fleet suddenly appeared in the void three light years away from the local galaxy.

At the same time, it was also detected that a small battleship layer secretly appeared at the edge of the local galaxy two days ago, stayed there for about half a day, and then accelerated away from the local galaxy.

Ye Lu came to the fleet command center out of breath. She looked at He Zhenzhu excitedly: “How is it? Have you contacted Qiao Shan?”

He Zhenzhu shook her head: “It has been confirmed that it is Qiao Shan’s fleet. The acting captain of the Xuefeng just sent a confirmation message.”

Ye Lu’s eyes followed He Zhenzhu’s fingers and saw that in the picture taken by the deep space telescope, a battleship very similar to the War Spear was parked there quietly.

He Zhenzhu continued: “This battleship is the battleship Aurora among the shield series modular battleships. Qiao Shan should be on this battleship.”

“Then did he respond?” Ye Lu looked at He Zhenzhu with expectant eyes.

Unexpectedly, He Zhenzhu shook her head and said, “No matter how we called, the other party didn’t respond.”

“How can it be……”

Just when Ye Luzhen was questioned further, the person responsible for observing Qiao Shan’s fleet shouted loudly: “They are moving, and they seem to be preparing to speed up and fly towards us.”

He Zhenzhu and Ye Lu were relieved. It was a bit irritating that the other party had not responded to them.

However, judging from the situation, Qiao Shan had already discovered them, and then he made the fleet speed up and rush here.

Two days later, Qiao Shan’s fleet finally appeared at the edge of the local galaxy.

This time the short-range communication equipment in the fleet finally contacted the bridge.

Ye Lu looked at Qiao Shan in the communicator, who had a beard on his face, wrinkles on his forehead, and some ripped clothes, and was in a daze.

“Is this Qiao Shan? Is it fake?” Ye Lu couldn’t help complaining.

But Qiao Shan said with a smile: “Sister Ye, long time no see…”

The attendant standing beside Qiao Shan was so frightened that his eyes almost popped out. He had served Qiao Shan for so many years, but he had never seen Qiao Shan with such a gentle side.

When have you ever faced your ministers with a straight face? Now is this a black hole ejecting light? Qiao Shan actually smiled and spoke to a woman.

“Qiao… Qiao Shan…” Ye Lu was a little excited, and her words were a little choppy: “Are you okay?”

“Fortunately, I just suffered a lot in the past few years…”

Ye Lu couldn’t speak anymore, tears kept flowing from her eyes. She was afraid that she would cry when she opened her mouth, so she covered her mouth tightly with both hands.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while…

He Zhenzhu finally couldn’t stand it anymore, pushed Ye Lu to the side, stood in front of the communicator and said, “Qiao Shan…do you still remember me?”

“Sister He Da…how could you not remember…”

“Young man is not bad. You have not forgotten me as your eldest sister… It looks like you have suffered a lot. Please arrange for your fleet to come over quickly.”

Qiao Shan agreed and hung up the communication. He just gave a few instructions to his attendants and then went to the shuttle warehouse of the Aurora alone. He wanted to go to the Hope to see how Qi Yiming solved the energy problem.

Originally, Qiao Shan didn’t quite believe the information told to him by the reconnaissance captain. He knew exactly what Qiao Shan was like when he left the New Federation. At that time, the New Federation simply did not have the ability to build such a huge spaceship.

What happened in the middle really made Qiao Shan curious.

Soon the shuttle that Qiao Shan was on entered its internal docking port under the guidance of the Hope.

At this time, Ye Lu and He Zhenzhu were already waiting in the port security area. Ye Lu stood on tiptoes and watched expectantly as Qiao Shan’s shuttle docked steadily at the berth.

Looking at Qiao Shan through the communicator and seeing him in person, Ye Lu’s feelings changed again.

Qiao Shan is much more stable than before he ran away, and there is no longer always a trace of sadness on his face. There is only a shallow scar on the right cheek, but it is covered by a thick beard, so Ye Lu can’t take his eyes off it. Looking at Qiao Shan, I accidentally discovered this scar.

Seeing this deity, Ye Lu could no longer hold back the suppressed longing in her heart and threw herself into Qiao Shan’s arms.

Qiao Shan’s guard, who was descending, raised his gun and was about to make a move. Fortunately, Qiao Shan stopped him in time.

“Sister Ye, you are still so young, you haven’t changed at all…” Qiao Shan opened his mouth and frightened the guard who came with him half to death.

In their hearts, their Majesty would never speak like this. What happened today? Your Majesty, is he possessed by evil spirits?

Several personal guards looked at each other with doubtful eyes, hoping that their companions could explain what was going on?

However, Qiao Shan came to He Zhenzhu nonchalantly and gave He Zhenzhu a big hug as well, which actually shocked He Zhenzhu.

But Qiao Shan said: “After so many years, it is really a happy thing to see my former companions again.”

Then he looked around and asked, “Why don’t you see Mr. Qi?”

“Oh, he’s sleeping! We are on duty in groups, and it’s not his turn yet…”

“Oh… Sister He, can you please tell me how you solved the energy problem?” Qiao Shan did not ask Ye Lu directly. In his opinion, this issue was a bit sensitive. Qiao Shan knew Ye Lu’s feelings for him. He didn’t want to put Ye Lu in a dilemma because of this sensitive issue.

He Zhenzhu said carelessly: “What’s the inconvenience? We got a vacuum zero-point energy extraction device, and we got rid of the problem of insufficient energy.”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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