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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 290 Mutation

Just as Qiao Shan and his men were discussing what to do next, an alarm suddenly sounded in the fleet headquarters.

“What happened?” He Zhenzhu asked nervously.

“Bugs…bugs everywhere…” The voice came from nowhere in the chaos, which made everyone explode.

“This is a trap…” Qiao Shan and He Zhenzhu shouted at the same time.

The swarm of insects appeared very suddenly, and the outer alert fleet didn’t even find any clues. The human fleet was surrounded by the swarm of insects from all directions.

It is obvious that the swarm master also knows the existence of this meeting point, and has set up a huge pocket here, trying to catch all humans in one fell swoop.

“What should we do?” Ye Lu was already panicking, grabbing Qiao Shan’s arm and asked at a loss.

“You go to the hibernation center to wake up Qi Yiming, and I will command the fleet to defend here.” Qiao Shan said to the two people who were already in a panic.

He Zhenzhu immediately granted Qiao Shan the authority to command the escort fleet to fight, and then pulled Ye Lu out of the door and ran desperately towards the hibernation center.

At this time, the Zerg troops had surrounded them from all directions, and the fleet on alert outside was almost wiped out.

Qiao Shan frowned and looked at the battlefield situation map, and immediately ordered the escort fleet to form a circular defense formation, surrounding all the colonial ships in the center to prevent them from being destroyed by the Zerg.

This time, the Zerg’s attack methods have changed significantly. It is obvious that the Zerg fleet with a certain experimental nature that Qi Yiming and his team had eaten has more or less sent back some star systems. Most of the Zerg individuals have changed from spraying corrosive liquids to spraying high-energy plasma.

This is the first time Qiao Shan has encountered such a situation, and it is inevitable that he is a little flustered in dealing with it.

Fortunately, Qi Yiming’s confidants who stayed in the fleet had taken this into consideration when executing the combat orders issued by Qiao Shan, so when the Zerg launched the attack, the captains of the escort fleet did not show much emotional fluctuations.

Even so, it still could not change the direction of the Zerg war.

The fleet was in a bitter battle at the beginning of the battle.

Qiao Shan tried to concentrate his strength to form a breakthrough at the weak point of the Zerg, but unfortunately the number of Zerg was too large.

Behind the Zerg army was a row of densely packed Leviathan warships, which were constantly releasing individual Zergs. The killing speed of the human fleet could not keep up with the hatching speed of the Leviathans.

In addition, there were some elite Zerg individuals among the huge Zerg swarms. In just ten minutes of fighting, the human defense fleet had lost nearly 10,000 warships of various types.

The Overlord was fighting a rich war. The attacking forces that surrounded them from all directions did not distinguish between the primary and the secondary. All the Zergs were stopped until they tore apart the human fleet in front of them, and their respective Zerg Kings could get a lot of biomass as a supplement.

Looking at the biomass that could be moved, the Zerg Kings responsible for blocking the human fleet had red eyes at this moment.

Without the highest control authority of the Xuefeng, Qiao Shan could not let his Aurora and the Xuefeng super flagship complete the combination, so he could only let the Aurora follow the Xuefeng to assist in the attack.

A large amount of plasma burst onto the energy shield deployed by the Aurora. If it had not just received new energy supply, the shield generator could work at full power without any scruples. Not to mention so much plasma, even thirty or fifty plasmas could completely destroy the energy shield deployed by the Aurora.

Of course, there were countless explosive mosquitoes released from Leviathan in the large amount of plasma, and the attack methods of these explosive mosquitoes had also changed.

The previous explosive mosquitoes would spray out the corrosive liquid wrapped in their bodies after their bodies exploded, but now they have turned into missiles with extremely high intelligence levels.

All the explosive mosquitoes flew towards the weak points of each warship.

The warships attacked by the explosive mosquitoes either had their engines destroyed or their main guns were lifted off the gun mounts by a large number of explosions.

In this way, even if the warships were not sunk, the purpose of weakening the combat power of the human fleet was also achieved.

Seeing that the outer defense circle of the fleet had already shown signs of being breached, Qiao Shan was completely anxious. He connected with Ye Lu: “Mr. Qi, have you not completed the emergency awakening yet?”

“It will be done soon. The emergency awakening drug has just been injected into the body.” Ye Lu said and saw Qi Yiming slowly open his eyes: “Wake up!!”

Ye Lu immediately came to Qi Yiming. At this time, Qi Yiming looked like he had not woken up yet, and his mind was still wandering.

Seeing this, He Zhenzhu slapped Qi Yiming’s cheek hard and said loudly: “Don’t daydream, the bugs are coming! Our fleet is completely surrounded…”

Qi Yiming’s scattered eyes slowly gathered, and then he took a big look at the surrounding scenes.

He could feel the extreme discomfort in his body, which was exactly the same as the feeling when he woke up on that nameless planet. Qi Yiming knew that he was awakened urgently.

And the emergency awakening condition he set at the beginning was only one, that is, the fleet was surrounded by the swarm of bugs and was in a bitter battle. There was no hope of escape before he would perform the emergency awakening work on him.

After focusing his eyes, he finally saw the two anxious governors in front of him.

Ye Lu was holding up the communicator to indicate that someone wanted to talk to him, while He Zhenzhu was rubbing her right hand. It was obvious that the slap just now was extremely strong.

Qi Yiming didn’t care about anything else and grabbed the communicator in Ye Lu’s hand: “Report the current battle situation?”

“The outer defense line is in danger of being breached. The intensity of the insect swarm’s attack this time is much higher than before, but the attack method has also undergone tremendous changes.”

Hearing Qiao Shan’s stiffness coming from the communicator, Qi Yiming was just stunned and continued: “Where is the Aurora now?”

“Right next to the Snow Peak.”

“Arrange a transport boat to take me to the Xuefeng immediately. You will also return to the Aurora immediately and hand over the command to me!!”

Qi Yiming ripped off the various syringes inserted into his body. He didn’t even bother to put on a coat. He just wore tight shorts and rushed out of the dormancy center, rushing towards the nearest transport boat docking point.

While running, he said to the two women chasing behind him: “Immediately return to your own command posts to take over the fleet. I will take over the highest executive authority…”

After the two women heard Qi Yiming begin to issue various orders efficiently, their originally panicked hearts suddenly calmed down.

They knew that the backbone of mankind was back, and no matter how difficult the next battle was, they believed that Qi Yiming would be able to think of a way to deal with it.

When Qi Yiming woke up, the captains of the escort fleet seemed to have received the news. The originally slightly chaotic fleet formation became orderly again within a few minutes, and the cooperation between the ships became smoother. .

In particular, the heavily damaged warships received support from friendly ships and slowly returned to the center of the fleet formation to begin emergency repairs, which reduced the high casualty rate to a minimum in a certain moment.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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