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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 294 Seeing the Wormhole Again

Escaped from the pursuit of the swarm of insects, the Red Dragon was also in a state of exhaustion.

Fortunately, although Qiao Shan led the fleet to evacuate first, he never left the Chilong far behind. Instead, he sent a reconnaissance ship to turn around to see Qi Yiming’s situation.

Therefore, the Red Dragon quickly rendezvoused with the fleet after successfully escaping the pursuit of the insect swarm.

When Qiao Shan returned to the bridge of the Red Dragon and saw Qi Yiming with a haggard look on his face, he knew that Qi Yiming had tried his best to escape the pursuit of the insect swarm. Fortunately, the result was good.

“I wonder if Sister Ye and the others left me a tracking beacon?” Qiao Shan asked about the situation of the colonial fleet that had been remotely transported away after confirming safety again and again.

“Don’t worry, the route is certain! We just need to catch up…” Qi Yiming said casually, then stood up and left his seat and continued to say to Qiao Shan: “You will be responsible for the command, I will take a rest! Recently Really exhausted.”

Qiao Shan nodded and sat on the captain’s chair without saying anything else, taking over from Qi Yiming.

Two days later, the bridge of the Red Dragon…

Qi Yiming slept for two whole days. When he came to the bridge again, the fleet had already entered the jump channel and rushed to the next resting point in the channel.

Qi Yiming did not immediately take over the command from Qiao Shan, but opened the star map and studied it alone.

After Ye Lu and the others were delivered, they did not wait for Qi Yiming. Instead, they commanded the fleet to immediately accelerate into the jump channel, which was what Qi Yiming requested.

If the colonial fleet acted according to Qi Yiming’s request, then the fleet led by Qi Yiming would be about 200 to 330 light-years away from the colonial spacecraft at this time.

This distance is not short at all, because the fleet led by Qi Yiming can reach more than 400 light years in one ultra-long jump, so it is only a matter of time before they catch up with Ye Lu and the others.

What Qi Yiming was afraid of was that the insect swarm was not only besieging their fleet, but was also not letting go of the colonial fleet that had been surrendered.

Therefore, we did not dare to delay for too long along the way. Every time we reached a rest point, as long as the jump engines of all battleships had completed cooling, the entire fleet would continue on the road under Qi Yiming’s urging.

It took more than ten years for the fleet to catch up with the colonial fleet. During this period, Qi Yiming and Qiao Shan took turns taking turns to sleep briefly.

When the escort fleet appeared in Ye Lu’s field of vision, her whole body was shaking with excitement.

When the news spread, ordinary people in the three colonial ships began to celebrate spontaneously.

The atmosphere inside the colonial spacecraft has been very depressing for more than ten years.

Although people’s daily lives are still going on as usual, there is no life on people’s faces when walking on the street. Everyone seems to have lost their soul.

Everyone knows that if the escort fleet really cannot come back, their severely reduced escape fleet will sooner or later be overtaken by the insect swarm.

Now that the escort fleet is back in full force, it seems that the losses are not huge, how can this not make everyone happy.

But when Qi Yiming found Ye Lu and the others at another resting point on the route, the colonial fleet had no intention of setting off immediately, which made Qi Yiming very angry.

Qi Yiming had obviously told them not to stay too long when he delivered them. The jump engine would set sail as soon as it had finished cooling down. The fleet could run as far as it could, but now it actually stopped.

Just when he was about to contact Ye Lu to ask her why she stopped the fleet, Ye Lu took the lead in sending a communication request.

Before Qi Yiming could ask, Ye Lu threw a picture to Qi Yiming.

Ye Lu knew Qi Yiming’s temper, so she didn’t give Qi Yiming a chance to speak.

Qi Yiming curiously observed the pictures sent by Ye Lu, but the next moment his pupils tightened: “This… is this a wormhole? Where was it found? Has it been detected?”

“Sister Pearl has already taken people to investigate in person. You guys arrived just a few days after setting off.”

“Where is the wormhole?”

“It’s about 15 light years away from us.”

“How did you find out?”

“After the delivery was completed, we did not stop at the first two rest points. Starting from the third rest point, Sister Pearl felt that it was necessary to send an advance fleet to confirm the safety of the front before the fleet could continue to move forward, so we resumed the previous fleet navigation. The plan is to shorten each stay from the original six months to two weeks.”

Qi Yiming nodded, confirming their approach.

Ye Lu continued: “After arriving in this galaxy, we sent out an advance fleet as usual. They discovered it when they were eliminating anomalies.”

“Has anyone ever sent anyone into a wormhole? Where will this wormhole eventually lead?”

Ye Lu shook her head: “We haven’t sent anyone in yet. Sister Pearl is going this time to prepare to watch the scene before sending someone over.”

Qi Yiming looked at Qiao Shan: “You go back to the Hope. You and Ye Luyi will be responsible for the management of the colonial fleet. I will leave the escort fleet to you. I will take the Red Dragon to take a look in case the insect swarm opens up.” It’s also easy to find a way to make the wormhole collapse in advance.”

Soon the Red Dragon began to accelerate and left the rest point alone.

Half a month later, the Chilong appeared near the wormhole, and He Zhenzhu had been observing here for nearly ten days.

Nothing unusual seemed to happen, which made Qi Yiming feel relieved.

He connected to the communication with He Zhenzhu: “How is the situation?”

“Are you okay? That’s great…I’m still worried about what we will do if you can’t take it out.”

“It’s a near miss.” Qi Yiming said lightly, and then continued to ask about the wormhole.

“I sent a frigate through the wormhole two days ago, but it hasn’t come back yet.”

“Two days? So long? Did something happen?”

He Zhenzhu shook her head helplessly: “However, we can rule out that this is a wormhole created by the insect swarm master. If it is a wormhole created by the insect swarm, we may all become the food of the insect swarm now.”

Qi Yiming didn’t say anything more. He Zhenzhu’s judgment should be correct. Let’s not talk about whether the Zerg have the ability to open wormholes. Even if they did, the colonial fleet led by He Zhenzhu and the others would have become the nourishment of the Zerg swarm. Why? Maybe he would still stand here and discuss the issue with Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming observed the wormhole carefully for a while and asked again: “Has the stability of the wormhole been measured?”

“When I first arrived, I asked the scientific officer on board to measure it. This wormhole is very stable and can remain in this state for at least a hundred thousand years.”

“Has there been any experiment of massive matter passing through a wormhole?”

“Because I’m not sure what’s on the other side of the wormhole, I haven’t done it yet.” He Zhenzhu glanced at the slightly excited Qi Yiming on the communication screen: “What? Are you going to use this wormhole?”

Qi Yiming nodded. In fact, when he learned that a wormhole appeared on their shipping lane, he had a hunch that this wormhole would definitely be of great help to mankind.

Now we are waiting for the people sent by He Zhenzhu to come back and report the situation.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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