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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 295 Are we coming?

Qi Yiming and He Zhenzhu were waiting for a week before they were impulsive. Just when they were about to send another reconnaissance ship into the wormhole, suddenly a white light flashed in the wormhole, and the reconnaissance ship sent by He Zhenzhu finally returned. .

To their surprise, the scout ship brought back good news.

Not only were no Zerg found on the opposite side of the wormhole, their voyage was actually shortened by more than half.

“What did you say? The exit of the wormhole is less than 700 light years away from our destination?” Qi Yiming couldn’t believe his ears.

“No way? How could such a coincidence happen?” He Zhenzhu was also muttering to the side.

However, the captain of the reconnaissance ship repeated what he had just said in a firm tone: “The situation is true. We also used the survey radar to carefully detect it, and then carefully compared it with our route. It is indeed where we want to go. “

“How can this be?”

People are like this sometimes. When they are unlucky and used to something good happening suddenly, they become a little suspicious.

Qi Yiming and He Zhenzhu looked at each other for a long time, and finally Qi Yiming decided to go and have a look in person.

So Qi Yiming took a transport boat to a reconnaissance ship and personally led the team through the wormhole for on-site inspection.

After a burst of white light, the space in front of Qi Yiming began to become distorted, then returned to normal the next second, and then the reconnaissance ship appeared under an unfamiliar starry sky.

“Turn on the survey radar and conduct a wide-area search…”

The command seems simple, but it takes seven days to complete the preliminary search for this starry sky.

There is nothing we can do about this.

Qi Yiming spent seven extremely painful days on the reconnaissance ship.

When the complete star map was arranged in front of him, Qi Yiming only took one glance and confirmed that the captain was not lying.

His current location is indeed less than 700 light years away from his destination.

“Are we arriving?” Qi Yiming was a little overwhelmed. The surprise came so suddenly. Qi Yiming didn’t know how to describe his mood at the moment.

But the next moment Qi Yiming’s face became serious again.

Qi Yiming knew that the wormhole would become more and more unstable as more material entered it, until it collapsed.

The most important thing now is to test how much material this wormhole can accommodate. Otherwise, the wormhole will collapse when the fleet is halfway through, and things will be a little difficult.

“Let’s go back…”

The reconnaissance ship returned to the original void through the wormhole again.

“How is it?” He Zhenzhu was also restless during the past seven days. When he saw Qi Yiming coming back, he eagerly connected to the communication to ask about the situation.

Qi Yiming smiled and said: “The situation is true, but don’t get too happy too early. We have to first measure how much material this wormhole can accommodate.”

“It doesn’t matter how much material there is, as long as part of the fleet reaches the destination.”

In fact, Qi Yiming originally thought so, but he ultimately rejected the plan.

Because they trusted him, tens of billions of people followed him on the road to escape, abandoning their homes and careers. Although strictly speaking, Qi Yiming was saving them, Qi Yiming could not let down these people who had followed him through so much hardship. People who have gone through great hardships to get here.

“It’s impossible for me to give up some people and survive with others. What do you think of those who have the greatest trust in me?”


“Nothing but, if we really want to use the wormhole, I will drive the transport ship alone and be the last person in the fleet to pass through the wormhole.”

He Zhenzhu sighed.

Qi Yiming’s approach can’t be said to be right, but it can’t be said to be wrong. To put it bluntly, he is not a qualified politician, and it is impossible to watch the people who follow him die in despair and pain under the swarm of insects.

“But don’t worry, we haven’t measured the mass of this wormhole yet. Maybe it can accommodate our entire fleet to pass through?”

He Zhenzhu said nothing more and just asked the ship’s scientific officer to formulate a measurement plan.

In fact, the measurement method is very simple. Just drag an asteroid with a large enough mass through the wormhole, and then based on the change in the wormhole’s stability value, you can determine how much material the wormhole can accommodate.

Unfortunately, the wormhole appeared in an awkward position. No matter was found within a few light-years of the surrounding area. Qi Yiming had to send people back to the galaxy where the fleet was resting to find a small object with a mass equivalent to the Red Dragon. Planet, drag it over for testing.

It went back and forth for more than a month. When Qi Yiming and He Zhenzhu were going crazy waiting, the people sent back finally came back dragging an asteroid.

Soon, under the command of the scientific officer, the test began.

The asteroid was dragged slowly toward the wormhole by a small frigate.

When it was about to approach the wormhole, the frigate cut off the tractor beam and left the current channel, quickly moving away from the wormhole.

At this time, Qi Yiming and the others had taken the fleet to hide in the void 2 light-years away, because no one was sure whether the wormhole would collapse after the asteroid passed through it.

If the collapse is too close to the wormhole, none of them will survive.

The asteroid slowly approaches the wormhole under the influence of inertia, and finally reaches another corner of the universe through the wormhole.

The wormhole did not collapse as Qi Yiming and the others imagined. Not only did it not collapse, the scientific officer found that the stability of the wormhole had only dropped by 0.1% through the values ​​just fed back.

The science officer also knew what this wormhole meant to humans. His trembling hands were writing and drawing on the portable electronic board, and he was quickly calculating the data he had just obtained.

Qi Yiming looked at the mathematical symbols on the electronic board with a confused expression.

Qi Yiming recognized these symbols individually, but when combined together, Qi Yiming had no idea what was written.

Seeing the rich expressions on the science officer’s face, Qi Yiming went a little crazy.

“I’ll wipe it… you can tell me if it’s possible!!”

“The precise mass of the wormhole has not yet been calculated…”

“Holy shit… who asked you to calculate the exact mass? I just want to know if it can accommodate all of our spaceships.”

The science officer was also stunned, and finally said with his head in a row: “I am also stunned. I don’t care about the precise value at this time…”

Then he deleted all the values ​​on the electronic board and started to recalculate.

This time it was quick, and it only took him a few minutes to reach his conclusion.

Qi Yiming had already guessed the result by looking at the science officer’s facial expression, which was so excited that he couldn’t express it in words.

He Zhenzhu asked timidly: “Can the wormhole accommodate all spaceships?”

The science officer was so excited that he could no longer speak and could only nod his head.

The crew members who were holding their breath and gathered around the science officer suddenly cheered.

Everyone hugged each other and cheered with tears of excitement.

Happiness came so suddenly that Qi Yiming was stunned when he heard the structure. It was not until He Zhenzhu excitedly rushed up to him and pecked him on the cheek that he came back to his senses.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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