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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 297 What’s the use of you bad old men?

Qi Yiming looked at the four bad old men in front of him who couldn’t even stand still, and his face turned green with anger.

He guessed the beginning, but not the end.

Qi Yiming had no idea that Wang Sen and others would achieve this level.

At this time, Wang Sen and Fang Min also knew about the wormhole and knew that they would reach their destination early.

Since then, their original choice seems a bit ridiculous.

But who could have imagined that this would happen?

“What do you think? Should I let you retire? Or should I let you continue to work?” Qi Yiming asked several people angrily.

Just as Fang Min was about to stand up and speak, Qi Yiming waved his hand to him to sit down: “Just sit down and talk…”

Fang Min sat down again with a smile on his face and placed his hands on a ball floating in mid-air in front of him. It was a floating crutch given to him by Fang Min’s descendants.

After pursed her lips, Fang Min stuttered and said: “I…I can’t do it anymore…my eyes are blurry, I can’t speak well and I’m leaking…”

Qi Yiming was really angry and funny when he heard this. He really didn’t know how to deal with this matter.

Strictly Wang Sen and the others violated Qi Yiming’s orders, and it was reasonable to punish them.

But Wang Sen and the others were really thinking about the future of mankind. In addition, they were too old to be punished. In the end, Qi Yiming could only wave his hands helplessly: “Forget it, I guess. I’m done with you. Go back and arrange for someone you trust to take over your position.”

In fact, this can be regarded as a disguised reward.

According to the fleet system, when a vacancy occurs for positions of Wang Sen’s level, they must go through a decision-making meeting before they can take effect.

However, Qi Yiming used his personal prestige to ask them to arrange for someone he could trust to take over. This only shows that Qi Yiming is very grateful from the bottom of his heart for the sacrifices made by the four Wang Sens.

After hearing this, the four of them really felt the gratitude from Qi Yiming, and after a short greeting, they were ready to get up and leave.

But I heard Qi Yiming continue to say: “Don’t think that you can just ignore everything. You four bad old men go to the Senate. Although the Senate is not a formal government agency, it has the power of suggestion and supervision to help. I stare at those stupid young people who have no experience.”

When it came down to this, Wang Sen and the others had no choice but to agree.

After a few people left, Qi Yiming called for his help.

He looked at Zhu Li up and down, and said reluctantly: “Bring Hao Chenqi.”

Qi Yiming knew about Hao Chenqi. When he returned to the Hope and saw the wall in the central city and the mechanical army within the wall, he knew that something unpleasant happened between Chen Cheng and Hao Chengqi while they were on duty.

They were all old people, and Qi Yiming didn’t know how to deal with them, because according to fleet regulations, Chen Cheng’s original behavior was considered rebellion and he must be shot.

As for Hao Chenqi, he is somewhere between guilty and innocent.

Although Chen Cheng and Hao Chenqi activated the mechanical army in the early stages of Chen Cheng’s rebellion, as the incident progressed, Hao Chenqi was in a state of inaction throughout the entire process. This alone can be used to convict her of dereliction of duty and then be sent to the final Ten years of working in a dangerous position.

However, Hao Chenqi’s activation of the mechanical army was the direct cause of Chen Cheng’s failure in rebellion. When Ye Lu and He Zhenzhu woke up, it was because this matter was difficult to handle, so they did not make a hasty decision, but forced Hao Chenqi to sleep until they were all ready. Deal with it after Yiming wakes up.

When Qi Yiming heard Ye Lu’s decision, he refused in his heart.

“Why should I deal with such an embarrassing matter…” Qi Yiming looked at Hao Chenqi who walked into his office with his head lowered, and kept shouting in his heart.

For a long time, neither of them spoke in the office.

In the end, Qi Yiming relented. After all, he was still his old subordinate, and punishing Taichung could easily make others feel chilled.

Qi Yiming did not ask Hao Chenqi about the specific incident, but patted her shoulder and said: “An ordinary and peaceful life is what you have always yearned for, so just leave the decision-making level and live the life of ordinary people you want.” day.”

Hao Chengqi didn’t say a word from beginning to end, he just looked up at Qi Yiming and calmly waited for the punishment result.

She thought of countless punishments, but she never thought that Qi Yiming would let her live the life she once longed for.

The moment he heard the punishment result, Hao Chenqi shed tears.

Qi Yiming was most afraid of women crying. When he saw Hao Chenqi was about to cry, he impatiently waved his hand to signal his assistant to send Hao Chenqi out.

At the same time, Qi Yiming also sent the mechanical army back to the warehouse where they were stored.

After dealing with these backlogged matters, Qi Yiming opened the star map in his office.

The fleet has completed its rest half a month ago and entered the transition state.

The distance of more than 600 light-years would take at least five years at the current speed of human navigation.

When he started on the road, he was full of hesitation, thinking only about flying to the destination chosen by the former Human Federation.

But now that it was coming, he became worried about gains and losses.

Qi Yiming was afraid. He was afraid that when his fleet arrived at its destination, the target galaxy would be empty and no human activity would be found.

If this is the case, Qi Yiming will doubt whether he can really lead mankind to complete the Jedi counterattack.

You have to know that those who can be left behind by the Human Federation are all elites. Even in this case, the former Human Federation did not survive on the target planet. What should this mob do?

“Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time…” Qi Yiming comforted himself helplessly: “My ultimate goal is not to colonize here, but to find the super war star that the former Human Federation may have left behind.”

When Qi Yiming thought of the war star, his spirit, which had just been lifted, collapsed again.

He remembered that the war star was still missing a key component. Without this component, no matter how powerful Qi Yiming was, he could not start the war star.

Qi Yiming messed up his hair, sat down on the office chair and said loudly: “Where can I find the key component left by the Zentraedi?”

Qi Yiming was lucky to meet the Zentraedi who lived near the center of the Milky Way. Now let him go to find the Zentraedi again, even if he was beaten to death, he might not be able to find the Zentraedi who had died in the mouth of the Zerg with his people and ships.

He could only pray that the Zentraedians did not put the key component on their spacecraft, otherwise he would have to risk going back to the battlefield where the Zentraedians fell and look for it there to see if he could find the so-called key component.

The more he looked at the star map, the angrier he felt. Fortunately, he closed the star map with a wave of his hand, returned to his seat, and raised his hand to gently massage his temple.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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