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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 3 Foreign Aid

As the first heir to the Wang family in the Xuannv galaxy, Wang Sen really needs a strong foreign aid when facing strong competition from his younger brother.

It was not that he had not thought about taking the Xuefeng as his own at first, but through his conversation with Qi Yiming and his close observation of the Xuefeng.

It’s just that the opponent bombarded a huge asteroid with just one shot and deviated from its original orbit. From the side reaction, the combat effectiveness of the opponent’s warships was not something that the two frigates could compete with.

It is better to have one more friend than one more powerful enemy.

So after confirming that Qi Yiming was a freedom fighter, Wang Sen gave up the idea of ​​snatching the Xuefeng and instead tried to win over Qi Yiming, hoping that Qi Yiming would become a major foreign aid in his competition for the heir.

At this time, Qi Yiming was confused inside, but his expression was natural. The whole person seemed to be accustomed to these invitations. If there was an award for Best Actor, Qi Yiming would definitely be the best candidate to win it.

Seeing that Qi Yiming still didn’t respond, Wang Sen became a little anxious, thinking that he didn’t offer specific conditions to make Qi Yiming mistakenly think that he didn’t value him.

Wang Sen hurriedly added: “In return for joining my Wang family, I will personally provide you with three high-concentration energy blocks for your battleship every month. As for your personal treatment, I will work hard to fight for you after reporting it to the family leader.”

Qi Yiming didn’t hear anything else clearly, but he could hear the three high-concentration energy blocks clearly.

However, Qi Yiming remained unmoved. Instead, he frowned, as if thinking about whether the conditions given by Wang Sen were appropriate.

In fact, Qi Yiming was extremely excited: “High-concentration energy blocks. One block is enough for the Xuefeng to travel normally for half a month. If a battle breaks out, it can last for about five days with full firepower. This deal seems unreasonable.” deficit.”

Qi Yiming, who had a small calculation, did not respond to Wang Sen in time, which made Wang Sen, who was extremely worried, a little anxious.

Wang Sen actually imagined that Qi Yiming was a hawk who would not let go of the rabbit before he saw it.

So he gritted his teeth and said: “Mr. Qi, in order to show my sincerity, I can give you an energy block now. I am in a hurry to come out this time. There are only these in the battleship warehouse! The rest will wait until we return to the Xuannv Galaxy I will give you all.”

If Qi Yiming was still tensed at this time, the scene would have been a bit overdone and would have lost the style of an actor.

So he changed his gloomy expression and said to Wang Sen with a smile: “Mr. Wang is really like everyone, so I reluctantly accepted it. As for the remaining energy blocks, I believe that Mr. Wang is not the kind of person who does not keep his credibility.” ”

Wang Sen’s lips twitched twice and he muttered in a low voice: “He’s such a money addict!!”

“Mr. Wang, what did you say? I didn’t hear you clearly!”

“Nothing, I mean I will send someone to deliver the energy block right away.”

Qi Yiming would not let the other party board the ship. If he found out that he was the only one on board the Xuefeng, you could all know what would happen with your heels.

But he couldn’t do it too obviously to avoid arousing the other party’s suspicion, so Qi Yiming wore exoskeleton armor and blocked the Xuefeng’s hatch with the self-defense weapons used in the ship.

When the person sent by Wang Sen delivered the energy block, Qi Yiming rudely refused the other party’s request to visit.

Wang Sen once thought that he had been deceived and wanted to join him. Why didn’t he even let his people visit the inside of the battleship?

But Qi Yiming’s next words dispelled Wang Sen’s doubts: “I’m sorry, there are members on the ship infected with level 3 alien organisms, which are extremely contagious. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the interior of the warship until they are completely cured.”

Although level 3 alien organisms are not fatal, they are very troublesome to deal with, and necessary isolation measures are still needed.

“That’s really a pity. Do you need help?” Wang Sen’s face became much warmer after he put aside his doubts.

However, watching Qi Yiming personally take the energy block into the battleship’s power cabin, Wang Sen still said doubtfully: “Mr. Qi, do you still need to do it yourself to replace the energy block?”

“The crew members are all in quarantine. Only I, the captain, have the authority to move around, so I can only do this kind of work!”

“Then you are truly a kind captain.”

But when Wang Sen saw Qi Yiming take out an energy block the size of a fingernail from the battleship’s power furnace, his face turned dark.

“Mr. Qi, you…you are so brave!!!” Wang Sen regretted it. If he had known that the opponent’s remaining energy was not enough to fire, he would not have had to be so careful and just grab it. That’s it.

But it’s too late now. The Xuefeng engine, which has been replaced with a new energy block, has been started. The main gun is calibrating the sighting equipment under the control of the fire control system. The secondary guns on both sides of the ship now have black holes sticking out. barrel.

Seeing that Qi Yiming was going to do something dirty, Wang Sen was speechless for a moment.

Seeing the change in Wang Sen’s expression, Qi Yiming knew that the other party had misunderstood him, and hurriedly explained: “Mr. Wang, don’t get me wrong, the battleship has been without energy supply for a long time, and many systems need to be restarted. This is the battleship doing self-test.”

Wang Sen breathed a sigh of relief: “I have to say, you are the most courageous person I have ever met. You are really good at playing the role of the white wolf with empty hands.”

“No prizes, no prizes. In fact, I was scared to death just now. Look at the sweat on my forehead!”

The two of them chatting and joking like this actually drew the relationship between the two of them closer.

Wang Sen originally planned to make friends with a high-concentration energy block. Although mass production is more troublesome, it is not in short supply.

It was just that he suddenly discovered that Qi Yiming was actually at the end of his rope, and that he had missed a great opportunity to take the Xuefeng as his own, and he was a little shocked.

Since he had missed the best opportunity, Wang Sen didn’t care so much about Qi Yiming’s empty city strategy against him.

He tried his best to win over Qi Yiming, hoping that he could be used for his own purposes.

“What about the conditions I just offered you?”

“I need to investigate. This kind of thing cannot be decided at once, don’t you think?”

Qi Yiming still needs to be cautious. He can’t just treat the other person as a confidant if he is given an energy block, and he dares to say anything and agree to anything.

“That’s what it should be, but I still sincerely hope you can join us.”

Qi Yiming did not answer clearly, but just nodded and said he would consider it.

After confirming that there were no other problems with the battleship, Qi Yiming was not prepared to delay any longer and said to Wang Sen: “Let’s set off now. I’ve had enough of this damn planet.”

Soon Wang Sen sent a formation invitation to Qi Yiming’s Xuefeng. After Qi Yiming agreed, Xuefeng slowly took off and joined the small fleet.

The three warships formed a triangular formation and left the atmosphere. The Xuefeng began to accelerate slowly under the guidance of Wang Sen’s Endeavor.

Until they reached the speed to start their jump engines, the three warships started their jump engines at the same time and quickly disappeared into the starry sky.

But what Qi Yiming and the others didn’t know was that shortly after they left. Not far from where they started the jump engine, a miniature wormhole suddenly appeared, and out of the wormhole emerged a small spaceship filled with light.

There was no pilot inside the spacecraft, and a line of words quickly flashed across the display screen in front of the driver’s seat.

“Transition traces detected, energy level LV2, does not meet cleaning standards, information will be deleted.”

Then the miniature wormhole appeared again, and the small spacecraft entered the wormhole silently.

The starry sky fell silent again.

Asking for some attention.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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