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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 301 An unusual scientific research station

Qi Yiming no longer cares about what the Blue Star people think. How to deal with them is something Wang Sen and Fang Min, who have rich experience in plundering the population, can handle very well.

The task of setting up the defense line was completely handed over to Wang Shuhua and Ye Lu, while Qi Yiming focused all his energy on finding the battle star.

It stands to reason that the characteristics of the battle star are very obvious, and it should not be difficult to find them if you look carefully.

However, it has been almost more than a month since thousands of reconnaissance warships were launched, and no good news has been received.

This made Qi Yiming very angry and didn’t know where to start.

When he was at a loss, a message was sent back from the direction of the first planet in the local system, which attracted Qi Yiming’s attention.

The reconnaissance report stated that they found some man-made buildings on the surface of the first planet. When they tried to enter them, they were blocked by automatic defense mechanisms and suffered some casualties.

Qi Yiming guessed that it was a research station or outpost set up there by the former Human Federation, and perhaps he could find some information about the battle stars there.

Soon Qi Yiming took the shuttle to the first planet.

Since the first planet is very close to the star and is locked by the star’s gravitational field, the surface of the first planet has always been in a state of ice and fire.

The side facing the star has a temperature of more than 700 degrees all year round, while the temperature on the side facing away from the star remains at more than minus 180 degrees all year round.

The man-made structures discovered by the reconnaissance ship are on the dividing line between dawn and dusk on the planet’s surface.

When Qi Yiming arrived at the first planet, the captain of the reconnaissance ship responsible for investigating this area was organizing people to try to enter the surface buildings again.

After arriving at the scene, Qi Yiming determined that the surface building was a scientific research station. The former Human Federation seemed to be doing research here.

After determining the building type, Qi Yiming stopped the scouting captain’s actions.

He knew that this would only increase casualties and would not help in handling the matter at all.

The security level of the former human federal research station is no better than other places. In addition to some common security measures on the outside of the building, there will also be mechanical warriors guarding the inside.

If even the mechanical warriors cannot prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, the base’s intelligent brain will initiate a self-destruction program and melt all man-made objects within a radius of 100 kilometers within 10 seconds.

In other words, unless you get permission to enter it, don’t even think about other methods.

“I don’t know if the former human federation updated the citizen database after arriving at the destination.” Qi Yiming muttered as he put on his extravehicular spacesuit, and then asked the scout captain to arrange a transport boat to take him to the laboratory.

When he came to the ground, Qi Yiming did not dare to approach the distant laboratory rashly, but stood there and observed for a long time.

This is a semi-buried laboratory. There is only one building on the ground that should be the entrance hall of the laboratory.

Qi Yiming could only see the main body of the building under the sunlight. Because the first planet had no atmosphere and light could not be reflected, the buildings on the dark side could not clearly see their appearance.

He stood there and raised his hand to click a few times on the control screen on the arm of the extravehicular spacesuit. The equipment bag on the back of the spacesuit opened and an unmanned reconnaissance drone flew out.

This reconnaissance plane was specially brought by Qi Yiming from the Red Dragon. Because it was a product of the former Federation, Qi Yiming thought it should have some effect.

Relying on the power provided by the miniature engine on the tail, the reconnaissance aircraft flew quickly over the laboratory.

The reconnaissance plane soon crossed the laboratory’s cordon. As expected, the reconnaissance plane did not trigger the laboratory’s automatic defense mechanism.

The defense system even sent an identification code to the reconnaissance aircraft.

The identification code passed the verification of the system, and an entrance suddenly opened on the roof of the laboratory in the sunshine area, just enough to accommodate the drone.

Qi Yiming did not hesitate and directed the drone to enter the laboratory.

As Qi Yiming guessed, the surface building is just the reception hall of this laboratory.

After entering the laboratory, the system forcibly seized control of the drone from Qi Yiming, and slowly landed on a platform specially designed for drones to take off and land.

Then there was a robotic arm to recover the drone, but before the recovery, Qi Yiming discovered that the laboratory brain had performed a seven-level alien biological disinfecting procedure under the former federal standards on the drone.

Then Qi Yiming completely lost the picture returned by the drone.

“What’s going on? How could this laboratory implement such a high-level biological disinfecting procedure?” Qi Yiming looked at the information panel on his spacesuit in confusion. The alien threat level on it was zero.

“It looks like we have to risk getting closer. I hope they haven’t updated the citizen information database.”

As he spoke, Qi Yiming jumped up and down and walked towards the laboratory.

The moment he crossed the cordon, Qi Yiming’s nervous heart skipped a beat.

Fortunately, the imaginary attack did not appear.

Qi Yiming stood at the cordon for more than ten minutes, confirming again that he had passed the scan of the laboratory’s defense mechanism before continuing to approach.

The road was covered with corpses, all of which were marines sent down by the reconnaissance ship to try to enter the laboratory.

Qi Yiming frowned and looked at the corpses. They were all killed in one blow. The high-energy particle beam directly penetrated the Marine’s forehead.

When Qi Yiming stood at the door of the laboratory, a string of electronic synthesized sounds came from his spacesuit.

“Colonel Qi Yiming, you do not have permission to enter the laboratory, please leave immediately…”

“The fact that they can identify me means they haven’t updated their citizen information database.”

“Please leave immediately…” Laboratory Intelligence warned Qi Yiming again.

“I request the activation of federal Title IX to redefine my authority…”

The communicator was silent for about ten minutes. When Qi Yiming was impatient, the sound came again.

“Under Title IX, military personnel may be allowed into a laboratory if it is compromised or left unattended for an extended period of time…”

Then the airlock of the laboratory was opened, and Qi Yiming stepped inside.

“I didn’t expect it to be so easy… It seems that in the future, we will have to inform the captains of each reconnaissance ship that if we find similar buildings, we will not allow unauthorized actions to cause unnecessary casualties.”

Before Qi Yiming could stand still after entering the laboratory, the laboratory’s disinfection system began to work, giving Qi Yiming a thorough disinfection from top to bottom, inside and out.

Qi Yiming felt that he was about to be killed by the disinfectant. When he was thinking about how to save himself, the disinfection work was completed.

“Ahem…” Qi Yiming coughed crazily, and it took him a long time to catch his breath: “Zhi Nao, what happened? Why do we need to carry out such a strict disinfection procedure?”

“A super-P7 virus was discovered in this galaxy…”

“Super P7 virus?”

When Qi Yiming heard about this level of virus, he broke into a cold sweat.

But when he calmed down, he realized something was wrong. He had been in this galaxy for more than half a year. Why hadn’t he found this so-called super P7 virus?

And don’t all humans on Blue Star live well? If there was a super-P7 virus, all the humans there would have died long ago.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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