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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 305 A False Alarm

The battle star’s brain has awakened its self-awareness, which will cause big trouble.

With the power currently in Qi Yiming’s hands, it is simply impossible to recapture the battle star from Zhinao.

Without the Battle Star, even if you want to survive the siege of the insect swarm, let alone counterattack the insect swarm, it is a luxury.

“Is it possible that I have to follow in the footsteps of the former Human Federation, lead the current human race to evacuate this galaxy, and continue to wander in the vast deep space?”

In a few seconds, Qi Yiming’s mind was spinning with dozens of plans, but he rejected them all.

In the end, Qi Yiming discovered to his dismay that the only way for mankind to survive was to regain the Battle Star.

Suddenly Qi Yiming felt that his road to revenge was too bumpy, and everything happened to him.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Qi Yiming turned around and flew to the transport boat not far away.

Along the way, he quickly contacted the Red Dragon above the battle star: “Adjutant, issue a first-level battle alert… All battleships move closer to the Red Dragon!!”

The adjutant who temporarily took over the command of the Red Dragon was still confused. He was also aware of what had just happened about the erosion of the Red Dragon’s brain. He had not yet recovered from the shock, so why did an alarm suddenly go off? Level combat alert? However, he still subconsciously carried out Qi Yiming’s order.

The originally quiet galaxy became lively after Qi Yiming sounded the first level battle alarm.

Humans standing on the surface of Blue Star suddenly discovered that a black spot suddenly appeared around the Blue Star satellite.

This black dot was growing rapidly, and after the news spread, it quickly caused strong commotion on the surface of Blue Star.

People with astronomical telescopes raised their telescopes and began to observe the sudden black spot.

When they saw clearly that the black spots were composed of interstellar battleships armed to the teeth, everyone panicked.

They thought that these fellow tribesmen who came from outside were ready to attack them, making the social order that was already in chaos even more difficult to control.

The senior officials of the Blue Star coalition government contacted Qi Yiming in great panic.

But Qi Yiming just told the head of the coalition government in an understatement: “It has nothing to do with you, just live your life peacefully…” and then hung up the communication.

At this point, Qi Yiming couldn’t care less about the humans on Blue Star. He had to first find a way to survive from the brain that controlled the battle star.

The assembly process of the fleet was extremely smooth, and the intelligence brain in the battle star did not seem to have any intention of blocking the assembly of the human fleet.

This made Qi Yiming even more panicked in his heart: “You are so damn confident…do you want to capture all the human fleets in one fell swoop?”

Wang Shuhua, He Zhenzhu, and Ye Lu, who were originally arranging defenses, all immediately joined the Red Dragon when they received the first-level combat readiness alert from the Red Dragon.

“What happened?” Wang Shuhua asked nervously: “Is the insect swarm coming again?”

“It’s not a swarm of insects…”

“Then why are you sounding the battle alarm?”

“The brain in the battle star has developed self-awareness. I may have awakened her when I just tried to enter the battle star.” Qi Yiming briefly introduced what happened to a few people.

The instant communication channel became quiet.

“How to fight?” After a few seconds, He Zhenzhu broke the silence.

But before Qi Yiming could arrange the next battle plan, a strange female voice suddenly inserted into their communicators.

“Lieutenant Colonel Qi Yiming, why don’t you respond to me?”

This voice was familiar to Qi Yiming, but it was the first time for the others to hear it. They all thought that Qi Yiming had found another awakened person. When they were about to ask Qi Yiming further, they saw that Qi Yiming seemed to be in a trance. I have completely fallen into severe self-doubt.

Qi Yiming is really confused now.

It stands to reason that a smart brain with self-awareness would not have such a strong desire to communicate. He was thankful that Battle Star did not attack the Red Dragon immediately.

But now there seems to be something wrong with this smart brain, and it seems to talk a little too much.

“Lieutenant Colonel Qi Yiming?” This time the woman’s voice seemed to be a little anxious.

Qi Yiming thought to himself: “What do you mean? Are you threatening me to become your exploitative husband? Or else you will destroy the human fleet?”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel a chill.

What kind of personality did this intellectual brain evolve?

But Qi Yiming thought about it carefully, and it was not impossible if he agreed to be the husband-in-law of the village to allow this self-aware brain to help mankind.

Come to think of it, the communication that needs to be done still needs to be done.

After all, even if the war begins, the fleet in Qi Yiming’s hands has not yet been assembled, so he should just pretend to be fighting with his opponent to buy time for the fleet to assemble.

So Qi Yiming tried to respond to the other party: “I am Qi Yiming, what do you want to say?”

“Thank God, I thought you were leaving…”

With one sentence, Qi Yiming was stunned again. He kept thinking in his mind: “How far has this intelligence evolved? Why does he speak so life-like?”

Finding that Qi Yiming was silent again, the female voice said anxiously again: “Don’t ignore me… After so many years, I finally waited for a human being who is still alive…”

Qi Yiming finally couldn’t stand it any longer and shouted loudly through the communicator: “Who are you? If you want to destroy us, just do it directly. Don’t scare people with your noises here.”

The communicator fell silent again.

Qi Yiming listened carefully with his eyes wide open, his heart beating wildly.

After a few seconds, a silver bell-like laughter came from the communicator.

It was only when Qi Yiming was about to be driven crazy by the whisper that he heard a female voice say slowly: “You have misunderstood… I don’t know about intelligent life. I am a human scientist whose consciousness has been digitized. My name is Zhang Lei.”

“You’re lying to me! Although I haven’t read much, I still know what it means to digitize consciousness. In the past, it was impossible for the human federation’s scientific and technological means to do this kind of thing.” Qi Yiming was stunned at first, and then immediately refuted the other party.

“Hey…there is some luck involved in explaining this matter.”

“It will take some time before my fleet is assembled. You’d better use this time to explain clearly.” Qi Yiming still believed that the other party was lying and began to try to delay some time so that his fleet could have more time. adequate preparation.

“If you don’t believe it, just go to the central control room of Battle Star and see for yourself.”

A few short conversations made Qi Yiming lose his mind several times. Many times, Qi Yiming asked himself the three ultimate questions of philosophy: “Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?”

But as Zhang Lei’s voice fell, an entrance slowly opened in a circular mountain col on the back of the battle star, and a beam of light blue light shot out from the entrance.

He Zhenzhu, who had been quietly listening to the conversation between the two in the channel, suddenly said: “Are you Professor Zhang Lei from the Institute of Neuron of the Federal Academy of Sciences?”

Qi Yiming was confused again this time. Why is there such a relationship?


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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