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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 306 Digitalized Zhang Lei

“I didn’t expect anyone to remember me?” Zhang Lei’s voice sounded a little excited.

“Oh… Sun Yang, a female friend of mine, is a colleague of yours.” When He Zhenzhu said this, the expression on her face was very serious.

“Sun Yang? Isn’t Sun Yang a man? Did you remember the wrong person?” As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Lei immediately realized that He Zhenzhu was testing her: “Hey…it seems like you still don’t believe me!! “

“The situation you mentioned is really unbelievable. We want to believe it.” Qi Yiming took over.

“Have you been to the federal scientific research station on the first planet in this system?” Zhang Lei didn’t seem to be discouraged and tried to make Qi Yiming believe what she said.

“I’ve been there, what does this have to do with you?”

“What does it matter?” Zhang Lei’s voice sounded a little excited: “It matters a lot, okay?”

It turns out that Zhang Lei was the digitized version of herself when the super-P7 virus was raging.

As Pearl He said, Lei Zhang is a researcher at the Institute of Neuron of the Federal Academy of Sciences.

On the way to escape from the former Federation, Zhang Lei’s research institute made some breakthroughs in neuron intelligence, so it has been trying to replace the intelligence brains of a large number of battle stars with a neuron intelligence brain.

As the 31st person in charge, Zhang Lei has been living in the battle star since she joined the Neuron Research Institute.

It is a pity that the transformation of the battle star brain was not completed until the former human federation fleet arrived at its destination.

Fortunately, the transformation work went smoothly under the leadership of Zhang Lei. After the federal fleet arrived at its destination, it took them just over a year to complete the finishing work.

It is a pity that the Neuron Intelligence Brain failed to meet the original design requirements until the super-P7 virus outbreak, and its computing power is not even as good as an ordinary shipboard intelligence brain.

This has made Zhang Lei very distressed, but she can’t find the reason.

In order to find a way to improve the computing power of the neuron intelligence brain, Zhang Lei unexpectedly thought that the neuron intelligence brain needed a self-aware electronic life as its core.

However, federal laws did not allow the existence of electronic life, so she began to study how to digitize human consciousness and upload it to the neuron brain.

It can only be said that Zhang Lei not only dares to think and do, but is also extremely capable.

In just half a year, she completed the basic theoretical research on the digitization of human consciousness, and then entered the experimental demonstration process.

But theory is just theory after all, and there is still a long way to go before success.

In fact, Zhang Lei had already found a way to extract consciousness at that time.

However, the experiment got stuck at the step of talking about consciousness data. When it was tested on animals, all the subjects who participated in the experiment died in pain because they could not bear the withdrawal of consciousness from the body.

Therefore, whenever an experiment is completed, the consciousness data obtained by Zhang Lei are a bunch of unmistakable gibberish.

Zhang Lei knew that if he wanted to complete this experiment, he must find a medium to reduce the immeasurable damage caused to the experimental subject during the temporary extraction process. Otherwise, it would never be possible to complete the step of digitizing consciousness.

So the experiment came to a halt until the super-P7 virus broke out.

Although Zhang Lei has been living in the battle star, she could not escape the disaster.

Unfortunately, I was infected half a year after the virus outbreak.

Zhang Lei, who was terminally ill, knew that digitizing her consciousness might be the last way to save her.

So Zhang Lei was ready to take a gamble.

In the end, Zhang Lei, who had multiple organ failure, was carried into the life-support cabin at the same time, and then the experiment started after she signed the consent form.

The experiment process was very fast, and Zhang Lei’s vital signs completely disappeared the moment the temporary extraction was activated.

Zhang Lei’s colleagues fired her body after getting a bunch of gibberish.

But when everyone thought they failed, Zhang Lei’s consciousness already existed in the neuron brain modified by the Battle Star Center.

It was just that at that time, Zhang Lei lost herself because of the strong pulling feeling during the extraction of consciousness. Until the super P7 virus broke through the human defense line, Zhang Lei was unable to regain her self-awareness.

Zhang Lei herself felt like she had had a dream that couldn’t last any longer. When she woke up, she found that she had become the neuron-controlled brain of the federal battle star, and her computing power had far exceeded that of ordinary brains by thousands. Ten thousand times.

A brave man’s self-sacrifice resulted in an inexplicable success.

After the initial ecstasy, Zhang Lei, who had controlled her emotions, maximized the computing power of her carrier neuron brain and tried to resume the entire experimental process.

Unfortunately, until Qi Yiming and the others discovered Zhang Lei’s existence, she was unable to restore the experimental process at that time.

This was a little hard for Zhang Lei to accept. Had she not had such a project to bind Zhang Lei over the years, she might have gone crazy without anyone to communicate with her.

After listening to Zhang Lei’s self-narration, Qi Yiming already believed it.

But he still refused to enter the battle star easily.

But Zhang Lei no longer cares about this. She is very satisfied to have a similar person communicate with her again, and she no longer expects anything more.

But Qi Yiming was troubled.

It is impossible to understand the current situation of the battle star without entering the interior of the battle star. If you do not understand the situation, you will definitely be in a hurry when you need the battle star to play its role.

Finally, with Zhang Lei’s repeated assurances, Qi Yiming cautiously entered the battle star.

Even Qi Yiming, a member of the strategic strike fleet, not everyone can enter the interior of the battle star.

It happens that Qi Yiming is one of those who is not qualified to enter the battle star.

When he first entered the interior of the battle star, Qi Yiming’s first impression was that it was huge. The internal space was really huge.

Qi Yiming has been sitting on the transportation boat inside the Battle Star for more than an hour and has not yet reached the Battle Star main control area that Zhang Lei said.

The body of the battle star is an asteroid with a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers. The interior is hollowed out and artificially divided into nine parts.

There are four parts in the left area, namely energy area, fire control area, detection area and engineering area.

The right area also has four parts, namely the support area, the berth area, the armament area and the energy shield area.

At the center of the eight areas is the core control area of ​​the entire battle star.

Depending on the function and the size of the device, the size of each area is different.

By this time, Qi Yiming could no longer use his poor vocabulary to describe his feelings at this time, and could only shout “fuck…” all the way.

But this is only the situation inside the battle star. The weapons and equipment on the surface of the battle star cannot be seen for the time being because of the disguise of the former human federation.

But I won’t be disappointed if I think about it.

Qi Yiming must have at least a thousand super cannons like tachyon light spears, and then there are missile launch nests, at least hundreds of thousands?

But it wasn’t until the battle stars were activated to join the battlefield fighting the insect swarms that Qi Yiming realized how wrong he was.

If the battle stars are only equipped with weapons such as tachyon light spears, it would be more cost-effective to build more battleships.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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