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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 307: Unraveling the Mystery

The traffic boat inside the battle star flew at full speed for nearly 2 hours before Qi Yiming arrived at the core control area of ​​the battle star.

The old-fashioned brain here has been replaced by a neuron brain, and Zhang Lei’s consciousness is preserved in this neuron brain.

Seeing Qi Yiming wearing magnetic boots and standing steadily on the ground in the core control room, Zhang Lei said excitedly: “After so many years, I finally see a living human being again.”

Qi Yiming smiled awkwardly: “Can you tell me about the current situation of the battle star? I heard that the battle star is still missing a core component, because the battle star is not working properly for the time being?”

Zhang Lei hummed and continued: “Although I replaced the core control mastermind of Battle Star, since other systems are not online, I don’t know the specific situation very well.”

“Can the core control area work normally?”

“Except for controlling the navigation of the battle star, no other functions can be activated.”

“Have you tried to access the control systems of other areas?”

“I tried it a few times when I was bored, but I never got any feedback.”

“I want to visit other districts…”

“No problem, I’ll arrange a transport boat to take you there.”

It took Qi Yiming two days to visit all eight areas, and finally found the reason why Zhang Lei could not get a system response when trying to activate these areas.

There is no core control system in the eight areas, but this problem can be understood after thinking about it.

Each modular warship is a control system for several areas, so Qi Yiming is not worried about the operation of these eight areas.

On the contrary, he was most worried about the problem of the Battle Star Core Control Center. Although the former Federation replaced the original intelligence brain with a neuron intelligence brain, Zhang Lei clearly told Qi Yiming that the central location in the core area was not under her control. .

After visiting other areas, Qi Yiming returned to the core area and stood at the position Zhang Lei told him to observe carefully.

The area Zhang Lei mentioned was not large, only about one square meter.

On the surface, it looked like this area was just an ordinary section of floor, but Zhang Lei told him that there was a small cabin underneath the floor. What was going on in the cabin was still unclear.

“Can you raise this cabin?” Qi Yiming observed the surroundings for a while but found nothing special, so he could only ask Zhang Lei to see if she could open the entrance to the small cabin hidden on the lower floor.

“I don’t have the authority…” Zhang Lei was a little disappointed.

“How is it possible?” Qi Yiming asked in surprise: “You, a human whose consciousness has been digitized, can’t get the final authority?”

“I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe I am dependent on the neuron brain for survival, so I can’t change its underlying logic, so many things require authorization from external operators to proceed to the next step.”

Qi Yiming nodded in understanding: “But I don’t have the authority, what should I do?”

“Your authority is easy to handle. We can take advantage of the loopholes in federal laws…”

“How to drill?” As soon as he said the words, he remembered how he got the highest authority on those modular battleships, and then asked tentatively: “You mean the authority transfer rules for battle stars are the same as those for ordinary warships. ?”

“It’s almost the same. It’s just a little more troublesome than a modular battleship…”

“A little trouble?”

“Well, just stand where you are and cooperate with me.”

So under Zhang Lei’s command, Qi Yiming struggled for more than half an hour, doing iris verification and DNA comparison. Anyway, almost all methods that could prove that Qi Yiming was a pure human were used. Only then did the transfer of the highest authority of the battle star be completed.

With the highest authority, Qi Yiming could finally order Zhang Lei to raise the small cabin hidden on the lower floor.

There are no extra things in the small cabin. There is only a half-person-high platform inside. On the platform is a circular groove with a diameter of about 50 centimeters.

Qi Yiming’s heart went cold when he saw it, and he complained wildly to the Zenith Stars in his heart: “Why don’t you know that such a small core component was given to humans in advance? Now that it’s fine… Where can I find it?”

After complaining crazily for a while, Qi Yiming regained his composure and said, “Zhang Lei, is there anything special inside the Battle Star?”

Zhang Lei was silent for a while before continuing: “I wonder if there is a particularly large circular groove on the lower level of the core control area?”

“Why is it another circular groove?” Qi Yiming’s whole body was almost numb: “Take me to see it.”

Before Qi Yiming could finish speaking, a green light strip appeared on the ground in front of him. Qi Yiming followed the light strip to the circular groove that Zhang Lei just mentioned.

Four pillars more than two meters high are erected around the circular groove, located at the four corners of the platform that holds the circular groove.

Qi Yiming looked at this circular groove and felt as if he had seen it before.

It took him a long time to remember that there was a circular groove of similar size in the Federation Light super flagship? It’s just that now there is a jump engine given to him by the Zentraedi in the circular groove.

“Is it possible that the jump engine is going to be used here?” Qi Yiming said to himself.

Zhang Lei looked at Qi Yiming, who was standing motionless in front of the groove, and asked anxiously: “What did you remember?”

Qi Yiming then nodded: “I seem to have a clue. Please contact the Red Dragon.”

Soon the Red Dragon’s communication was picked up: “Captain? What are your instructions?”

Qi Yiming looked at the adjutant who temporarily took over the command and said, “Have the engineering team remove the jump engine from the Federation Light and send it to the core control warehouse of the battle star.”

Half a day later, a small cargo spacecraft entered the battle star under the escort of many battleships.

Along the way, Qi Yiming’s adjutants nervously guarded the jump engine, fearing that something might go wrong with it.

When we arrived at the place, with the cooperation of the engineering robot, we carefully placed the big round lump into the circular groove in the battle star core control room.

But the strange thing is that no one responded after waiting for a long time.

Just when Qi Yiming thought he had guessed wrong, Zhang Lei said to Qi Yiming very apologetically: “I’m sorry, I haven’t gotten used to my identity yet and forgot to proceed with the next step.”

Qi Yiming was speechless for a while. Fortunately, he was not on the battlefield. If Zhang Lei was so stunned on the battlefield, it might lead to the failure of a battle.

As Zhang Lei moved on to the next step, the pillars originally standing at the four corners of the platform suddenly shot out dozens of data transmission lines toward the circular jump engine in the center.

The head accurately penetrated into several sockets of the circular engine.

The next second, the originally dim energy tank on the surface of the folding engine suddenly lit up with a burst of red light, illuminating the entire cabin.

Then Zhang Lei was heard saying to Qi Yiming: “The system prompts that the eight functional areas lack control cores. The control cores need to be installed in place before proceeding to the next step.”

“What’s next?”

“I only received one location message here, but it was encrypted. The system keeps prompting that all regional control systems need to be online to complete the decryption work.”


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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