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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 308 Zhan Xing wants to run away on his own

Qi Yiming didn’t think much about it, but he just felt that this decryption method was a bit too cumbersome.

But when you think about the possibility of unexpected confidential information, it’s no wonder that the decryption process was so careful.

The question now is whether the battle star combination program can be started.

He tentatively asked Zhang Lei: “Can you control the battle star to start the combination program?”

“Are you looking down on me?” Zhang Lei was a little angry: “How many times have I said that this neuron intelligence brain has replaced the former battle star master control brain, and now I and this neuron intelligence brain are one, you said Can I control the battle star?”

“What about energy issues?”

“The current battle star only has the most basic navigation capabilities, so there is no need to worry about the energy issue for the time being. After we arrived in this system and had sufficient energy, we prioritized replenishing the battle star’s energy block warehouse.”

“Then stop looking at this and start the assembly process!”

With Qi Yiming’s authorization, Battle Star’s central control system started the combination program.

The Red Dragon, which was originally not far from the battle star, quickly decomposed itself like a soldier who received the order from the supreme commander when the battle star started the assembly process.

Then each of the disassembled modular warships flew towards the areas they needed to enter.

Once all the modular battleships have opened a channel for each area of ​​the battle star to enter its interior.

The Probe quickly entered the battle star’s detection area along the newly emerged passage, the Wise Man entered the fire control area, and the other modular battleships also entered areas corresponding to their respective functions.

The super flagship Federation Light opened a passage along the central axis of the battle star that could accommodate her huge hull and embedded it inside the battle star.

It only slightly exposed its bow position, probably to facilitate shooting during combat.

As for the Light of Destruction and the Hammer, they flew to the armament area along this passage.

The Azure also followed the shield warship into the energy shield area of ​​the battle star early.

Qi Yiming stood in the core control area of ​​Battle Star and listened to Zhang Lei’s real-time report on the progress of Battle Star’s combination.

“The energy zone is online and the system starts self-test…”

“The support area is online and the system starts self-test…”

“The engineering area is online and the system starts self-test…”

The entire combination process lasted for more than two hours, until Zhang Lei said to Qi Yiming: “All system self-tests have been completed, and the core control system has completed self-tests…”

Qi Yiming had been waiting for this day for too long. Although it only brought the regional systems online and could not turn the battle stars into combat status, it was enough to make Qi Yiming excited for a while.

But just when Qi Yiming was about to ask Zhang Lei whether the encrypted file just now could be decrypted now, the warning light inside the battle star suddenly came on.

“Zhang Lei, what happened?”

“I…I don’t know…” Zhang Lei was a little at a loss: “I just wanted to see if I could decrypt the encrypted files. As soon as I touched the inside of the data flow battle star, it became like this.”

As soon as Zhang Lei finished speaking, the navigation console in the Battle Star Control Center suddenly projected a star map that seemed extremely unfamiliar to Qi Yiming.

Then Zhang Lei was heard nervously saying to Qi Yiming: “Battle Star… Battle Star has automatically started the jump engine…”

“Impossible… There is no ether crystal inside the battle star at all. How can it be possible to start the warp engine? Besides me, the person with the highest control authority, who can control the war star except me, the person with the highest control authority, can give the order to start the warp engine? “

“Quickly think of a way, I can’t stop the program from running… There are only 15 minutes left to recharge the jump…”

“You replaced the main control program. Now tell me that you can’t organize the charging process of the jump engine?” Qi Yiming suddenly felt that he had been fooled and deceived by Zhang Lei: “Tell me, what is your purpose and why?” Want to start the warp engine?”

Zhang Lei felt very aggrieved. She really didn’t do this, otherwise she wouldn’t have become so nervous.

But the whole thing is too weird. As the main control brain of the battle star, it cannot organize the working process of the warp engine. No one can believe it if it is told.

She could only use pale language to say to Qi Yiming: “I really don’t know what happened. The moment the jump engine started, the entire program group seemed to be locked. I simply couldn’t The data flow of the relevant program cannot be touched.”

The situation happened so suddenly that Qi Yiming didn’t believe Zhang Lei’s explanation at all.

He ran desperately towards the cabin where the jump engine was installed.

However, the cabin door was locked tightly, and Qi Yiming could only see what was going on inside through the observation window.

I could see that the circular jump engine was turning crazily at this moment. This was a scene I had never seen before when the Federation Light was jumping.

There is some light red mist floating around the wildly rotating jump engine. The closer the red mist is to the jump engine, the more substantial it becomes. Eventually, the red mist turns into pieces of small crystals and is sucked into the crazy rotation. in the warp engine.

Qi Yiming knew that those crystals should be ether crystals, but they were a little different from the ether crystals they found before.

Finally, we have found the source of the ether crystals needed to start the warp engine.

But this did absolutely nothing to stop the whole situation from developing.

Only now did Qi Yiming realize in despair that he seemed to be unable to organize the war stars to jump.

But now it is impossible for him to leave the battle star even if he wants to. The nearest exit from his current location to the battle star requires a transport boat to fly at the fastest speed for nearly an hour.

Qi Yiming, who had lost hope, could only sit on the ground leaning against the wall of the cabin, waiting for his final fate to come.

At this time, Wang Shuhua and the others also discovered the anomaly of Zhan Xing and contacted Qi Yiming through a personal communication terminal.

“What happened? My battleship just detected extremely violent energy activity in the battle star. Did you successfully activate the battle star?”

Qi Yiming shook his head with dull eyes.

Seeing Qi Yiming’s disappointed expression projected on the communication terminal, He Zhenzhu became anxious: “What happened?”

Qi Yiming took a deep breath: “Inform the humans on Blue Star and prepare to evacuate! The war star has started the jump process, and Blue Star will lose her satellite soon.”

“That piece has stopped. What do you mean by sitting like this?” Ye Lu also connected to the communication at this time.

“It can’t be stopped. According to Zhang Lei, Zhan Xing bypassed her control and started the jump engine on his own. The entire process is irreversible.” Qi Yiming lowered his head and looked at his watch as he spoke: “Five minutes later, Zhan Xing The jump charging will be completed.”

“You mean Zhang Lei lied to us?”

Qi Yiming smiled bitterly and shook his head: “Now is not the time to talk about this. You should immediately contact the Blue Star United Government and ask them to prepare for evacuation. You should also go and rescue as many people as you can.”

“Then what should you do?” He Zhenzhu asked with concern.

Qi Yiming pointed to the folding engine compartment behind him: “Now this engine seems to be able to absorb the ether crystals in the universe on its own, so I will figure out the situation as soon as possible…”

Before he finished speaking, Qi Yiming felt a twist, and the next second he came to a star field that was both strange and familiar.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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