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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 31 Pig teammates

When Wang Zhengfeng woke up, his first reaction was to order his subordinates to quickly organize manpower to support Qi Yiming.

“Ancestors, move quickly… If you go late, the capital star will be occupied by others…” Wang Zhengfeng jumped in anger when he saw his men walking leisurely.

Just then Wang Sen woke up, pulled his father and asked: “Father… is the matter about Mr. Qi true?”

Wang Zhengfeng twitched his lips: “Hurry up, pack up, and take people to the capital star of the Eagle Federation. Mr. Qi has too few people and no one to help him fight the ground battle!”

Only then did Wang Sen recover from the shock. He rushed out of the room without even having time to put on his shoes, shouting at others to organize manpower along the way. He himself quickly headed to the airport to dispatch a large number of transport ships to wait for people to board the ship.

Wang Dong squinted his eyes and watched secretly. Looking at his father who was shouting anxiously and his elder brother rushing out of the door, Wang Dong was really unhappy.

At this time, his heart was full of complaints.

“Old man Fang, you big-tailed wolf! We agreed to organize the manpower to raid the Zheng family. It’s been so long and there’s no movement at all!”

On the other side, Qi Yiming continued to advance towards the belly of the Flying Eagle Federation after completing another demolition operation.

There is no suspense in the rest of the battle, oh… no… it should be said that there was no suspense in this surprise battle from the beginning.

For the upgraded Xuefeng, it was already clear to Qi Yiming that it was invincible below the cruiser level.

If the Flying Eagle Federation’s defense line had not been well managed, it wouldn’t have even taken three hours for Qi Yiming to sweep them away.

When he arrived at the third line of defense of the Flying Eagle Federation, Qi Yiming encountered no resistance at all.

After spending an hour doing the demolition, the raid on the Eagle Federation came to an end for the time being. All that was left was the ground battle. Before the Wang family sent people, he could only cruise around the Eagle Star and sweep away the fish that had slipped through the net.

Qi Yiming was quite certain that the Wang Family would send someone here. He believed that Wang Zhengfeng would always be paying attention to his actions.

“If I’m not wrong, the reinforcement fleet sent by the family master will arrive in the next few days…” Qi Yiming stood in front of the huge porthole and looked at the dark green planet outside, and said to the couple standing behind him .

“In the past two days, you two will take turns commanding the Xuefeng to clear out the remaining power of the Eagle Galaxy. I will guide you from the side.” Qi Yiming turned around and looked at the star-crossed couple.

The couple was obviously stunned, followed by ecstasy.

Chen Cheng ran to the captain’s seat in a few steps and sat down on it.

Hao Chenqi looked at the extremely excited Chen Cheng with a gloomy face, and just snorted, and Chen Cheng took the initiative to give up the captain’s seat with a wink.

Qi Yiming suppressed a smile: “Okay, this is still bronchitis…”

The two temporary captains gradually mastered the battleship command in the past few days while waiting for reinforcements from the Wang family. Although they made many mistakes at the beginning, they were both talented and soon got better and became familiar with the basic process of battleship command. Now, Qi Yiming finally has two people of his own who can be somewhat useful.

The two men took turns commanding the warships to clear the warships, which continued until Wang Sen led the fleet to come for support.

To put it mildly, it is a fleet. In fact, the only ones that can fight are Wang Sen’s Struggle frigate and a destroyer. The rest are transport ships filled with ground combat personnel, a total of five ships.

The people in the transport ship are packed like sardine cans. Sure enough, the people in the Marine Corps are all low-class people…

In fact, after Qi Yiming’s raids and intimidation these days, there are not many troops on the Eagle Star who are willing to resist.

The ground battle was fought lightly, almost as an armed march.

It took more than a month to take over the entire Eagle Star ground defense facility and restore public order.

By the time everything was settled, it was already a month and a half before Qi Yiming set off back to the Xuannv Galaxy.

Qi Yiming has been the center of attention wherever he goes this month, and his combat prowess in the raid has won him the respect of many parties.

Especially the senior officials of the former Flying Eagle Federation, they were mainly disrespectful… Didn’t you see how many people followed him before he went out?

Not to mention his own people, wherever Qi Yiming has been, people from the Wang family will cast their eyes with admiration and envy.

Wang Sen is even more of a follower, following Qi Yiming all day long, and now he can tell what Qi Yiming is going to do as soon as he raises his hand, acting like a butler.

It won’t work otherwise. Qi Yiming is now a great help to their Wang family and should be worshiped like their ancestor.

Whether the Wang family can dominate the Xuanwu Star Territory depends entirely on this person. How could Wang Sen neglect him?

But Qi Yiming’s left eyelid has been twitching these past two days…

“Is the left eye jumping to wealth or disaster? It should be wealth jumping, right? I also helped Wang Jiaping lose the Flying Eagle Federation. One hundred and eighty energy blocks shouldn’t be much, right?” Qi Yiming muttered softly. .

After completing the complete occupation of the Flying Eagle Galaxy, Qi Yiming and Wang Sen completed the handover procedures with the personnel who came to take over and set off back to the Xuannv Galaxy.

On the way, Qi Yiming was still imagining Wang Zhengfeng handing him a large pile of energy blocks in pain, and he giggled from time to time.

The couple in charge of the voyage once thought that Mr. Qi, who created the legend of single-handedly destroying the country, had lost his mind.

But when Qi Yiming and the others returned to the Xuannv Galaxy, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Qi Yiming even burst into tears: “What the hell…why did you get beaten up and come to your hometown again?”

Qi Yiming seriously doubted whether the Wang family could still be a competent collaborator. Who could bear to have people overthrow their old nest at every turn? When he got closer to the battlefield and took a closer look, he saw… an old acquaintance!

Zheng Hu once again led the fleet into the hinterland of the Wang family.

This time, he confidently led his fleet to pursue the Wang family’s defeated army.

Since their last failed raid on the Wang family, the Zheng family has been guarding against the Wang family’s revenge. They even used their money to secretly purchase two cruisers, just waiting for the Wang family to come.

But after waiting and waiting for the Wang family’s revenge, Zheng Hu almost gave up the ambush plan.

But just half a month ago, Fang Min, the elder of the Wang family, suddenly appeared at Zheng Hu’s scheduled ambush battlefield with a large fleet.

What else is there to say? With the home field advantage and some calculations, the Wang fleet suffered heavy losses.

In one encounter, the fleet brought by Fang Min lost half of its destroyers, plus the cruiser purchased by Wang Dong.

There was no need to fight the next battle. Fang Min first braved the firepower of the Zheng family and tried his best to find Wang Dong’s ship from the group of life capsules ejected from various battleships.

Then he led Wang Dong to fight and retreat. In the end, because of the heavy casualties, the fleet turned from retreat to rout.

In this way, the Wang family’s core fleet was like delivering food, taking the initiative to deliver it to people’s doorsteps and letting them take a bite. After finishing the meal, they returned to the Xuannv galaxy with the person who bit them.

Wang Zhengfeng was not prepared for this at all. By the time he knew the news of the fleet’s defeat, people from the Zheng family were already knocking on the door.

Wang Zhengfeng spat out a mouthful of old blood and fell straight to the ground.

It’s so cold… My editor said that the test water push is not effective. There are only 7 follow-up readings


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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