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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 310 The insect swarm is coming

Qi Yiming was looking for core components at the Zenith star camp, while Wang Shuhua and the others were completely busy at the moment.

The sudden disappearance of the Blue Star satellite caused great panic to the Blue Star people.

Large numbers of Blue Star people suffered mental breakdowns, and the Blue Star coalition government even cried and asked Wang Shuhua to lend a helping hand to them.

Wang Shuhua and others, who had received the rescue order from Qi Yiming, also launched a rescue operation against the Blue Star people at the moment Zhan Xing jumped away.

Since the large habitable space station in the high orbit of Blue Star has just started construction and is far from being able to accommodate people, a large number of Blue Star refugees were sent by transport boats to three giant colonial spacecraft for resettlement.

However, more than one billion coastal residents still died from the tsunami. A large amount of seawater poured into the inland due to the loss of the satellite’s gravity. The originally flat plain turned into a swamp in a few days.

The incident happened so suddenly that even if Wang Shuhua and others tried their best to rescue them, no more than one billion people in Blue Star, which has a population of nearly 7 billion, would be able to escape.

The sudden disappearance of Zhan Xing also took away Qi Yiming, the leader of the New Federation.

Therefore, it was not only the Blue Star people who were affected, but the sudden disappearance of the Battle Star also caused quite a commotion within the fleet.

Fortunately, the internal needs did not lead to greater turmoil under Fang Min’s strong suppression.

The interior of each colonial ship has also entered a state of military control.

Just when everyone was focusing on the goal of rescuing the Blue Stars, the defense fleet located in the orbit of the ninth planet in the local system suddenly issued the highest level alert to the fleet command in the core of the system – the swarm was coming. .

The faces of all the core members of Qi Yiming’s team were instantly covered with frost, and they all repeated one sentence in their hearts: “Humanity is going to end…”

The insect swarm that appeared this time had different changes from the insect swarm Qi Yiming sniped last time.

The biomass armor on the insect swarm individuals has a slight metallic shine.

Behind the swarm of Leviathan, the huge hull has also changed from the original pure biomass armor to an outer defensive armor doped with half of the metal armor layer.

If humans could see the structure inside Leviathan, they would find that the changes inside Leviathan are even greater.

Leviathan, which originally used pipe peristalsis to transport biomass, has replaced all biological hoses with pipes with a certain rigidity. There will be a huge biological naan at every certain distance on the pipes.

These biological capsules repeat the expansion and contraction movements all the time, thus speeding up the transportation of biomass inside them, making Leviathan hatch individual insect swarms in their bodies even faster.

Then there is a metal gun barrel with a diameter of more than fifteen meters appearing on the bow of Leviathan. It is not difficult to understand that Leviathan has evolved its own main gun, but I don’t know how powerful it is. It wouldn’t be any worse if you think about it.

Several outposts on the outermost edge of the human defense line have fallen under the fierce offensive of the insect swarm. The outposts only lasted less than ten minutes under the attack of the insect swarm.

Wang Shuhua’s whole body was numb. If Qi Yiming could still bring up some desire to fight, but now Qi Yiming not only no longer has it, but even the Red Dragon, humanity’s greatest support, suddenly jumped away with the battle star.

Let alone fighting now, Wang Shuhua doubts whether the human fleet can organize a decent resistance given the current state of the fleet.

Just when Wang Shuhua was helpless, Qiao Shan stood up.

After all, Qiao Shan has built a Nuoda empire on his own, and he still has the calmness he deserves.

“Immediately order all colonial spacecraft to move closer to the direction of Blue Star, and all fleets to shrink their defense lines.”

Wang Shuhua was a little hesitant, but He Zhenzhu Yelu stood firmly on Qiao Shan’s side.

He Zhenzhu said: “Qiao Shan is right. Both the quantity and quality of the insect swarm have improved a lot compared to the previous time. If we spread out the only power we have, we will only lose faster.”

“But if we shrink the defense line, we won’t even have any hope of escaping…” Wang Shuhua was a little reluctant.

“Run? We can’t run away…” He Zhenzhu was furious. Why did Wang Shuhua, who used to behave so calmly, lose his temper now?

He Zhenzhu stood in the bridge of his ship and looked at the battlefield situation map, then said to Wang Shuhua: “Look at the current situation? This time the insect swarm was obviously well prepared, without the long-range projection of the Red Dragon.” We can’t run away if you give us the ability…”

Wang Shuhua sighed, he was indeed a little panicked.

He has followed Qi Yiming for so many years, and although he has been on his own once, the enemies at that time were all relatively weak of the same kind. This is the first time that he has faced the insect swarm alone without Qi Yiming, and he has indeed performed well. Somewhat unsatisfactory.

However, after He Zhenzhu’s reminder, he also realized the changes in his heart.

After reorganizing his mood, he immediately ordered all colonial spacecraft to move closer to Blue Star according to Qiao Shan’s suggestion, and then ordered the escort fleet to shrink the defense line. With Blue Star as the center, nearly three million warships formed a huge spherical defense. array.

This time, the insect swarms did not swarm forward like before. Instead, the Leviathan warships that had been hiding behind formed an orderly spindle array, and pressed toward the human fleet with dense individual insect swarms.

The swarm has once again broken mankind’s understanding of them. Many people have previously discussed that the swarm is just a group of unconscious creatures that only know killing and destruction.

But when Qiao Shan saw the Zerg’s Leviathan fleet arranged in a spindle-shaped array to attack the human fleet’s defense line again and again, he knew that humans were wrong again.

There are not only intelligent individuals in the Zerg, but their intelligence is no worse than that of humans.

Just look at the human defense fleet that just survived.

Originally, the Zerg’s main attack direction was on the side away from the star. The attack intensity and attack determination were very clear, and they almost broke through the human fleet’s defense line several times.

When Wang Shuhua made up his mind to mobilize the strategic reserve to cross the gap, another Zerg fleet actually relied on the cover of the star to launch a surprise attack on the human fleet from another direction.

If the captains hadn’t rushed up to block the gap at the cost of their lives, it is very likely that the Zerg would have broken through the defense line and launched a brutal stranglehold on the human fleet.

But even if the Zerg’s attack was blocked this time, Qiao Shan knew that the human fleet would not last long.

Now we can only hope for a miracle to happen, so that Qi Yiming can return with the war star again. With the war star, the human fleet may still have the strength to fight.

But in the Zenith people’s territory, Qi Yiming was driving the probe around aimlessly, cursing, hoping to find the key component of the war planet by chance.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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