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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 315: Turning Things Around

Looking at the battlefield full of wreckage, the excitement I felt when I got the battle star suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, it also made him realize that human beings cannot sit back and relax after obtaining battle stars, so the fleeing fleet must remain vigilant at all times in a short period of time. If the situation is discovered, the troops must run away immediately.

As for the insect swarm that had just retreated, Qi Yiming immediately dispatched several fast reconnaissance ships to follow after he recovered.

He had to find out if the insect swarm that besieged them had other reinforcements.

Fortunately, more than half a month later, several fast reconnaissance ships sent out returned safely and brought back good news to Qi Yiming.

The insect swarm did retreat, and several fast reconnaissance ships did not find any follow-up troops following the insect swarm.

If nothing else, repelling the insect swarm this time bought the humans led by Qi Yiming at least two to three hundred years of breathing time.

Qi Yiming’s anxious heart was relieved.

With the buffer time of two to three hundred years, Qi Yiming and the others no longer need to run away, and can first settle down in the galaxy where Blue Star is located.

In two to three hundred years, Qi Yiming can completely manage the galaxy where Blue Star is located into an iron barrel, and with the Battle Stars stationed there, even if another wave of insect swarms comes, Qi Yiming will be confident to repel them.

Thinking of this, Qi Yiming couldn’t help but feel a little sad. If the Human Federation could successfully activate the battle star years ago, humans would not be so embarrassed that they would abandon their home planet and go away.

A few days later, Qi Yiming led everyone to hold a grand funeral for the war dead on the Hope.

Except for the combatants on duty, almost all humans participated in this grand funeral.

Qi Yiming did not speak at the funeral, but just like the previous funerals, he was the last to leave among all the spectators.

In addition to deep remembrance, all Qi Yiming can do is take good care of the families of the victims so that they can live a stable and comfortable life as soon as possible.

After a fierce battle, mankind not only lost most of its combat power, but also lost nearly 8 billion people. These people are all humans with skilled fighting skills.

Qi Yiming is actually much more distressed than others seem.

It’s just that he has experienced too many lives and deaths, and he knows how to transform grief and hatred into motivation for moving forward.

Looking at the spindle formation composed of countless coffins, which was only used when attacking the enemy’s formation, Qi Yiming couldn’t help clenching his fists.

After the funeral, Qi Yiming immediately ordered a new round of recruitment.

Although the insect swarm has temporarily retreated, no one knows when the next attack will occur.

Although judging from various information feedback, the insect swarm will not come again in a short period of time, it is better to prepare in advance than to improvise.

Wang Shuhua looked at Qi Yiming in embarrassment: “Almost every family has relatives killed in battle. Isn’t it not a good time to recruit soldiers at this time?”

Qi Yiming shook his head: “You are wrong… Now is the time when people’s hearts can be used.”

Wang Shuhua looked at Qi Yiming puzzled.

“Didn’t you notice that almost no one cried at today’s funeral? Even if there were tears, there were only tears but no crying…”

Wang Shuhua frowned and recalled it. The situation at the scene was indeed the same as what Qi Yiming said: “What does this have to do with conscription?”

“Although those who have lost relatives and friends are grieving, they are more filled with hatred for the swarm… At this time of recruitment, your recruitment office will definitely be surrounded by crowds.”

Wang Shuhua nodded thoughtfully: “I’ll make arrangements right away…but we don’t have that many battleships now.”

“Train the people first… We will slowly resolve the battleship issue…”

Then Qi Yiming looked at Qiao Shan, who had been silent until now: “Have you visited your sister?”

Qiao Shan nodded: “Qiao Xin had just been awakened before the swarm launched the attack, and I was beside her at that time…”

“Thank you… Qi Yiming said to Qiao Shan solemnly.”

“Thank me for what?”

“You fought hard to bring back the shield modular battleship…”

Qiao Shan smiled and said, “Those battleships are mine. I’m just lending them to you temporarily. After the battle is over, return yours to me. My dream of becoming emperor is not over yet.”

Qi Yiming also smiled: “Definitely…”

Qiao Shan sighed for a long time: “Let’s talk about the next plan.”

Having just attended the funeral, Qi Yiming’s thoughts were still a little confused, but he had been thinking about this issue in the past few days.

Just when Qiao Shan asked, he said it smoothly so that everyone could give advice.

For today’s humans, the most important thing is to restore productivity. Only with enough production capacity can we quickly deliver fresh blood to the escort fleet.

Qi Yiming sorted out his thoughts and poured out the thoughts of the past few days in a bamboo tube like beans.

The first is the development of the Nirvana Galaxy.

The Nirvana galaxy is the galaxy where human beings are currently located.

It can also be called conveniently. Qi Yiming determined the name of the local galaxy at a small-scale meeting two days ago.

In addition to the blue star, the Nirvana galaxy also has eight planets of various sizes.

Among them are one gas planet and two terrestrial planets with extremely rich mineral types and reserves.

Although the remaining planets do not have rich mineral deposits, they are relatively suitable for building colonies.

This made Qi Yiming have to lament the vision of the former top leaders of the Human Federation. They indeed chose an extremely perfect place for humankind to revive.

It’s a pity that the former Human Federation encountered some situations that could have been avoided, which made Qi Yiming a big advantage.

With the support of two resource-rich mineral planets, in the next development, humans do not need to explore the surrounding galaxies for the time being, and only need to develop peacefully in the Nirvana galaxy through dedicated lines.

This saved a lot of time for Qi Yiming’s follow-up plans.

“It’s a pity that when we left the Awakener Galaxy, we couldn’t bring the Engineer with us. Otherwise, we could quickly form a large fleet again.” Qi Yiming tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table.

“If we don’t have the Engineer, there won’t be one. We can first dock the engineering spacecraft in the synchronous orbit of either of the two resource stars, and rush to build one or two battleship production lines first.” Fang Minqiang cheered up and said to Qi Yiming.

The old man is now over 380 years old. Although he has retreated to the second line, Qi Yiming still invited him to participate in such meetings.

Of course, Wang Sen was also present at the meeting. As for the salted fish duo, they were still silent in the virtual world at this time.

Qi Yiming didn’t bother to care about the salted fish duo. He nodded in agreement with Fang Min’s opinion.

But Sun Chao, the 27th president of the Academy of Sciences, who was sitting nearby, had a different opinion. He stood up and said to Qi Yiming: “We just got a research report on neuron connection equipment from Zhang Lei some time ago. According to the Academy of Sciences project According to the team’s estimate, we will be able to produce samples within half a year at most.”

“So fast?” Qi Yiming was a little surprised.

Originally, Qi Yiming thought that even if there were design drawings, with the current level of human science and technology, it would take ten or eight years to fully understand the technology in the blueprints and then create samples. He really did not expect that the Academy of Sciences would be so fast. .

I’m really sorry. Kavinka has been so powerful these days. It stands to reason that the counterattack against the Zerg should start next, but I don’t know where to start. It gives me a headache…


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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