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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 316 Human body modification?

Qi Yiming looked at Sun Chao seriously, hoping that he could explain what the current situation of the Academy of Sciences was like.

Sun Chao looked at Qi Yiming with pride and said: “The Academy of Sciences has made many achievements over the years, especially the analysis of scientific and technological heritage, which has now entered the final stage.”

Just as Sun Chao said, the Academy of Sciences has never been idle since humans embarked on the road to escape.

Almost all scientific researchers in the Academy of Sciences have given up the right to stay dormant, and under the leadership of leaders in various disciplines, they are fully committed to analyzing the technologies in the scientific and technological heritage and transforming them into industrial products.

Especially in the manufacturing of large-scale captains, full 3D printing of the hull can now be achieved.

Taking the construction of a battleship as an example, it originally took half a year to build the hull of the battleship. With full 3D printing, the hull construction time can be shortened to half a month.

As a result, the battleship that originally took a year to enter service took only three months from the start of construction to completion.

If this construction method is extended to the flagship warship manufacturing process, the time can be shortened by about 40%.

This is not what makes Qi Yiming the most happy. What makes Qi Yiming the most happy is that using 3D printing technology, the process of building a giant shipyard can be omitted.

In other words, to build a warship or a large spaceship now, you only need to build a frame in space to facilitate the installation of printing equipment, and the size of the frame can be adjusted according to the size of the hull.

What’s more important is that this construction method is very flexible. As long as you have complete printing equipment and enough materials, you can build warships anywhere.

In fact, when Sun Chao first started to explain this technology, Qi Yiming still didn’t understand it.

After all, 3D printing technology has actually been used in the manufacturing process of warships. Why is there a qualitative leap in this technological innovation for the same 3D printing construction?

Sun Chao smiled and continued to explain: “The reason why the previous printing process was slow was that it only produced the outer shell of a battleship, and did not include the internal circuits and energy pipes of the battleship. The reason why this 3D printing technology is called As the name suggests, full 3D printing technology takes these factors into consideration during the printing process to form a holistic solution.”

“Do you mean to say that after the hull is completed, the engineers only need to install the internal equipment according to the drawings?”

“Yes, we don’t even need to lay the outer armor layers, the inner and outer armor layers will be completed at the same time during the printing process.”

Qi Yiming then nodded: “It seems that your Academy of Sciences has done a lot in the past few hundred years. Tell me more if you have time.”

Sun Chao still looked at Qi Yiming with pride: “Of course… We still have a lot of technologies waiting for the results to be transformed. I believe that in the next period of time you will see more new technologies being applied to various industries. All industries.”

“Then what do you think of that neuron battleship design drawing?”

“The overall design of the battleship is quite satisfactory. The most important thing is the circuit used to transmit neuron signals inside the ship. Originally we thought that its signal transmission uses wireless transmission, but after our study of the drawings, the entire battleship is almost Full of neuronal signal transmission lines.”

“Is the construction difficult?”

“Secondly, it’s difficult. The most important thing is that we can’t mass-produce the materials for making this kind of transmission line. We can only spend a lot of time and money to make some in the laboratory.”

“Is the six months you just mentioned just because of this problem?”

Sun Chao shook his head: “These are all minor problems. It can be made in the laboratory and mass production is only a matter of time. Our progress is currently stuck on the problem of connecting the equipment to the human brain.”

Qi Yiming didn’t quite understand. He thought that neuron connection was like playing a training game and just wear an external helmet. But according to Sun Chao, it didn’t seem that simple.

Sun Chao’s explanation to Qi Yiming was that although an external helmet could be used for signal transmission, the signal strength and sensitivity could not meet the design requirements of the warship.

In order to meet the requirements on the blueprint, the human body of the battleship operator must be modified. To put it bluntly, three to four neuron interfaces are installed in the back of the human brain and spine. These interfaces connect the nerve centers in the brain and spine, so that Only the output neuron signals can meet the design requirements on the blueprint.

The Academy of Sciences has also thought about lowering the requirements on the blueprint, but according to calculations, after lowering the requirements, the control level and control reliability of the battleship will be greatly reduced. If it goes to the battlefield, it is likely that the pilot will fail to fire the gun, or miss it. The best time to fire.

“Will this modification cause harm to the human body?”

Sun Chao shook his head: “It involves human modification experiments. This is a big deal. We just submitted an application to the administrative department a few days ago and are going through the process.”

Qi Yiming frowned and thought for a moment: “There’s no need to go through the process, I’ve approved it… You should go back immediately to gather volunteers for the experiment.”

“But…” Sun Chao still hesitated.

“There’s nothing wrong with it. Whether we humans can survive in this universe is a question now, so we don’t care about ethics. Survival is the first priority.”

Sun Chao looked at Qi Yiming in embarrassment.

“What? Still have questions?”

“We have done some animal experiments on this kind of transformation, and the mortality rate has reached 40%… If it is tested on humans…”

Qi Yiming understood the implication of Sun Chao’s words. Everyone has only one life. Knowing that the mortality rate is very high, it is not easy to find suitable volunteers.

“Let me do it……”

Just as Qi Yiming was thinking hard about how to solve this problem, Fang Min stood up.

Qi Yiming subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Fang Min said first: “It’s just right for me, an old man who is about to die, to do this experiment. I will die sooner or later anyway, and I can’t help but make some contribution to mankind before I die.”

“But the mortality rate is too high…” Qi Yiming stared at Fang Min and said apologetically.

“It is precisely because the mortality rate is so high that people like me, who have one foot in the coffin, have to do it. Since we are in this position, while enjoying the convenience brought by rights, we must also shoulder the responsibilities that rights bring us. I think To convince others to volunteer, at least one of us must set an example, right?”

Qi Yiming wanted to say something more, but was interrupted again by Fang Min: “Mr. Qi, you don’t need to say anything…my life is life, aren’t the lives of ordinary people also life? We can’t let these good things happen to us. There is no excuse for the high-ranking people occupying the position, but when it comes time to die, we hide behind.”

In the end, Qi Yiming failed to overturn Fang Min, so he had to tell Sun Chao not to try human trials easily if he was not completely sure.

What else could Sun Chao say? In addition to ensuring that the preliminary preparation work is as perfect as possible, we will do our best to ensure that Fang Min can complete the transformation alive.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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