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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 317 Technology Upgrade

The development planning meeting lasted nearly two days. There were thousands of projects decided, each of which determined the next direction of human destiny. Qi Yiming and everyone else seemed very cautious.

Fortunately, the leadership team was not old scholars. Just as Wang Sen and Fang Min thought back then, the young leadership did not lack the appropriate spirit of adventure.

So even if there were many projects that required certain risks, they were still implemented under the insistence of Qi Yiming and others.

After the meeting, Fang Min followed Sun Chao directly to the Academy of Sciences to do the preliminary preparations for human body transformation.

Qi Yiming required that he must be notified when the experiment was launched, and only after his approval could the experiment enter the substantive stage.

In fact, Wang Sen also wanted to participate in the experiment, but many of the projects determined at the meeting required his assistance. After all, Wang Sen’s designated successor was still too young, and many things were somewhat restrained, and he had to step in as an old man to solve them.

Wang Sen’s successor is a leader selected from the many younger generations of the Wang family. His name is Wang Wei. He is in his forties this year. Considering the average age of 290 years old, he is indeed a little younger, but he left a good impression on Qi Yiming.

He looks very calm, which is much better than the impression Wang Sen gave Qi Yiming at the beginning.

When Fang Min and Wang Sen were asked to choose their own successors, Qi Yiming had already thought that they would choose their descendants from their respective families, so he had no objection to the successor chosen by Wang Sen.

Although all the tasks have been arranged, it does not mean that Qi Yiming can be idle.

Especially in the escort fleet.

The escort fleet was completely crippled in the battle with the Zerg, so now the escort fleet is not only short of people but also warships.

But seeing that the neuron warship will be officially put into production in half a year, Qi Yiming is very entangled in whether to build a conventional warship or directly launch the neuron warship?

Later, he and Wang Shuhua and several others discussed and decided to first build a batch of conventional warships to strengthen the troops, and then decide whether to equip the neuron warships according to the results of Fang Min’s human body transformation.

So with the help of the Academy of Sciences, more than 20 sets of full 3D printing modules were installed on the industrial ship and went directly to the sky of the fifth planet closest to the blue star, mining and manufacturing warships directly in the synchronous orbit of this resource star.

At this time, Qi Yiming knew that the Academy of Sciences had made some modifications to the warship blueprint.

Especially the improvement of shipborne weapons. In the previous battles with the swarm, the front-line combat personnel repeatedly reported that the shipborne close-in defense guns were too weak to hit the individual swarms.

Although it seems that the close-in defense guns fire high-energy laser beams, and they are still continuous attacks. But the flying dragon’s movement speed is too fast, and the close-in defense guns can’t do continuous tracking at all. Even if the close-in defense guns can maintain long-term laser beam irradiation, it’s useless if they can’t hit it.

So the weapons experts of the Academy of Sciences simply changed the beam close-in defense guns of all warships to 105MM electromagnetic rapid-fire close-in defense guns.

This close-in defense gun does not pursue precise strikes, but only seeks surface damage.

When attacking, the shells will be thrown out like water, forming a huge attack fan.

According to the results of tactical simulation, this improvement can effectively curb the momentum of Feilong’s close-range attack on warships.

Of course, there are other considerations for this transformation. The energy consumption of electromagnetic guns during shooting is much smaller than that of energy guns, and the energy saved will be supplied to the newly installed micro energy shield generator on the warship.

Yes, the Academy of Sciences has completed the miniaturization of energy shield generators. Changing all high-energy-consuming close-in defense guns to low-energy-consuming electromagnetic weapons is also to free up energy to support the work of energy shield generators.

Although the shield generated by the miniaturized energy shield generator can only wrap the warships installed with it, it is already a considerable improvement. At least it adds a layer of protective shell to each warship, which improves their battlefield survival rate.

Of course, the main weapons have also been updated. The original burst laser cannons have been retired and replaced with high-energy particle cannons.

As for the energy of warships, Qi Yiming also thought for a long time before asking the Academy of Sciences to change the design drawings.

Previously, all warships had to use energy blocks to restrict the fleet commander, but after two long journeys, Qi Yiming hated this energy supply system.

He asked the Academy of Sciences to change the energy supply system of the warships, so that they could not be energy self-sustaining in combat, but they must be energy self-sustaining and ensure the daily needs of the crew on board during regular voyages.

This was also a preparation for the long-distance expeditions in the future.

Qi Yiming knew very well that if all combat ships could not be energy self-sustaining during regular voyages, then the expedition he planned would be a castle in the air.

So the Academy of Sciences moved the antimatter power furnace onto the warships and converted the warehouse that originally stored energy blocks into an energy storage room.

When the warships are fighting, most of the energy used by various weapon systems comes from this energy storage room in addition to the energy provided by the power furnace.

When the energy in the energy storage room is used up, the warship will either withdraw from the battlefield or be sunk by the enemy.

If the battleships withdraw smoothly, the antimatter power furnace will begin to slowly charge the energy storage room until the energy storage room is full.

Of course, Qi Yiming will also build some logistics ships accordingly. These logistics ships will have a huge energy storage room and will also have a nano-repair robot production line inside. During fleet operations, they are responsible for replenishing energy for friendly ships on the battlefield. It can also repair the armor layer of friendly ships.

As a result, a new fleet system must be formulated.

According to the recommendations of the Academy of Sciences, a medium-sized logistics ship can support fifteen friendly ships in high-intensity operations under extreme conditions.

Qi Yiming first made a trial version of the fleet organization table.

A squadron consists of 17 battleships, including one battleship, two battlecruisers, three cruisers, four destroyers, five frigates and two logistics ships.

Five squadrons are organized into a squadron, while five squadrons are organized into a group.

As for how to configure the fleet, Qi Yiming has not yet decided. After the fleet is gradually formed, he will consider what kind of organization to use at the command level to facilitate the fleet commander’s dispatch.

Next is the flagship combat power that Qi Yiming is most concerned about.

Originally, the former Human Federation also had flagship blueprints stored in the battle stars. However, according to Qi Yiming’s energy self-sustainability requirements, coupled with the upgrading of equipment, the design blueprints of these flagships have become somewhat outdated.

Therefore, the Battleship Design Institute of the Academy of Sciences simply started from scratch and redesigned the flagship.

When the designers submitted the blueprints to Qi Yiming, he was actually frightened by their unbridled ideas.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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