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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 321 Strange Box

The next second, something magical happened.

Qi Yiming’s blood was gradually absorbed by the transparent cover and turned pink.

“I wipe… is this okay?” Qi Yiming screamed strangely.

Sun Chao looked at Qi Yiming again with doubtful eyes.

It took him a long time before he said, “Is this temple built specifically for you?”

Qi Yiming actually frowned and stood there thinking about the possibility of this matter.

After a while, the pink color on the transparent cover gradually faded away, and then the cover slowly lifted up and automatically floated in the air in front of everyone’s eyes, revealing the contents inside.

Qi Yiming was about to take it directly with his hands, but was stopped by Sun Chao.

“Do you think this is really your home, and you can do whatever you want? Are you sure you can put your hand in and take it out again?”

While talking, Sun Chao controlled the robot hand behind his back to slowly reach in and take out the square box. The whole process seemed extremely careful.

Finally, the box was put into a sealed transparent container and carried back to the temporary laboratory by a special robot.

Qi Yiming and the others continued to look around the temple.

As they saw when they first entered, there was only this huge platform floating under their feet in the entire temple.

Originally, Qi Yiming was thinking that if he opened the transparent cover, some different changes would appear inside the temple.

Unfortunately, nothing changed inside the square box until the robots took it out of the temple.

“It seems like this place was really built just to store that box.” Qi Yiming looked around and then looked at Sun Chao beside him.

Sun Chao said: “This huge floating platform is enough for our research institute to study for a while.”

“Isn’t it just anti-gravity technology?”

For the sake of Qi Yiming being the head of the new federation, Sun Chao decided to endure it, but still looked at Qi Yiming as if he were an idiot: “Such a big platform, with our current level of technology, we can’t do it. Strong anti-gravity effect.”

“Differs greatly?”

Sun Chao frowned and thought for a while: “It’s hard to say now. We’ll have to wait until we find the anti-gravity facility here before we can be sure.”

Qi Yiming couldn’t help with scientific research matters, and he was just asking out of pure curiosity. In fact, what he was most concerned about now was what the box that had just been taken away was.

“What on earth is that box?”

“On the surface it looks like a data storage device, but what it is used for can only be known after it is dismantled in the laboratory.”

In fact, while the two of them were looking around in the ruins, the staff of the laboratory had already begun research on the square box.

The square box was placed in a vacuum chamber, and scientific researchers controlled various detection equipment from the outside to conduct preliminary material research.

What surprised the researchers was that the square box was made of a very different alloy material, and only a small amount of unknown ingredients were found inside it.

However, researchers speculate that this ingredient may be the main reason why the box has been well preserved for tens of thousands of years.

And it is very likely that due to the existence of this unknown component, no matter what method the researchers use, they cannot detect its internal structure, which makes everyone feel very troublesome.

If you cannot see the internal structure, you cannot conduct further research on the box. If you try to forcefully open the box and damage the internal structure, although it will not lose the research value, you will definitely miss some key information.

Zhang Lei, who participated in the research, watched the entire process through the fleet’s internal network. After finding that everyone was helpless, she thought of the blood in Qi Yiming’s body that had repeatedly created miracles.

Then Zhang Lei’s voice sounded in Qi Yiming’s communicator: “Qi Yiming, lend us your blood…”

Qi Yiming had a black line on his head and couldn’t help complaining in his heart: “Oh my god, are you really using me as a human key? You want to use my blood for anything that can’t be opened?”

Soon, a test tube containing Qi Yiming’s blood was placed in front of several researchers.

Everyone carefully put the test tube with blood into a syringe, and then sent the syringe into the space where the square box was through a square transfer port.

Then a drop of bright red blood fell on the square box.

As expected, the square box reacted. Qi Yiming was stunned after learning the situation. He remembered what Sun Chao had just said to him: “Is this ruins specially built for you?”

After the square box was opened, there was no complex structure inside as everyone imagined. Instead, lying quietly inside was a round button-shaped object about ten centimeters in diameter and emitting light blue light.

“What on earth is this?” Looking at the button-shaped object floating quietly in the confined space, a researcher with a vicissitudes of life whispered.

Just as another researcher was about to speak, the button-like object with blue light suddenly flashed red.

“Oh my god…it’s a bomb…”

In the panic, everyone was looking for shelter, but Zhang Lei, who observed the entire experimental process through the camera, discovered something different.

When the box was opened, she had some unusual feelings. She always felt that the button-shaped object was trying to pull her thinking data out of her neuron brain.

Perhaps there was no direct contact, and she only felt a weak pulling sensation, but when the button changed from blue light to red light, she felt that the pulling feeling was getting stronger.

At the same time, another stone door that had been closed suddenly opened, startling the staff next to the stone door.

Of course Zhang Lei could see all of this through the cameras placed around the ruins.

She immediately contacted Qi Yiming, who was still in another ruins: “Mr. Qi, another door has also opened.”

At first Qi Yiming didn’t react, but with Zhang Lei’s explanation, Qi Yiming finally understood that the two doors lead to different places.

So they quickly left the ruins they had just explored and went to another ruins.

After entering the ruins, like the previous ruins, there is also a huge platform floating inside.

But there was something like a medical warehouse placed on the platform.

Qi Yiming and Sun Chao cautiously stepped forward to observe.

The inside of the medical cabin was filled with white mist, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

But it can be seen from the display on the side of the medical cabin that there is an adult body inside.

Then there is a line of strange symbols next to the corpse icon, which should be some explanatory text.

Zhang Lei also saw all this clearly through the camera on Qi Yiming’s extravehicular spacesuit, and she was equally confused.

Two such large ruins, why are these two things placed there inexplicably? What does this ancient civilization mean?


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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