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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 325 Nomadic? settle down?

It was impossible to achieve mass production and service of neuron battleships in the short term, so Qi Yiming completely gave up on this route.

If in the future development, the digitalization of human consciousness can be successfully integrated with the neuron battleship, Qi Yiming will use this part of the combat power as human beings’ special combat power.

Therefore, in the next few decades of development, population will become the biggest obstacle restricting human development.

Although most industrial facilities have achieved fully automated production, technicians are always needed to patrol the production lines.

As for the production of some high-precision equipment, even if full 3D printing is currently implemented, it is still impossible to produce with guaranteed quality and quantity, and can only return to the most primitive hand-rubbing state.

The places where these high-precision equipment are most used are various types of warships.

The fingers of Qi Yiming’s right hand bent and tapped rhythmically on the table floating in the air, while he kept chanting: “Population…population…”

After nearly a thousand years of escaping and fighting against the swarm of insects in the Nirvana galaxy, humanity now has less than 10 billion people left. This is extremely incredible for a civilization that can travel across thousands of light-years.

In fact, Qi Yiming really wanted to follow the practices of the former Human Federation and use a large number of artificial spare tires and cultivate them artificially, so that a large population could be created in a very short time.

But this will invisibly divide human beings into two classes.

Qi Yiming is very clear that when a large number of artificially cultivated humans enter the workforce, it will indeed have a profound impact on human development in the early stage. However, as time goes by, human society is filled with arguments that natural humans are more noble than non-natural humans. .

Many things cannot be solved by a single decree, especially some views on specific things that naturally arise from the depths of human hearts and cannot be easily changed by the authorities if they want to.

This situation may gradually be alleviated as non-natural people account for an increasing proportion of the population, but some sharp social conflicts will inevitably arise during this long process.

But Qi Yiming knows that the current situation does not allow humans to slowly digest these sharp social contradictions, so Qi Yiming does not want to use this method.

The only way Qi Yiming can think of to promote rapid population growth is to link the number of children per family to citizen welfare.

Arrange certain benefits into a sequence that rewards childbearing.

The most direct one is to improve the level of citizens.

The improvement of the citizen level means that one can enjoy more social resources and some privileges on specific occasions.

Then it is to reduce the time cost that families have to pay for raising offspring.

In highly civilized societies, people with higher levels of citizenship are less willing to give birth to the next generation. The most direct reason is the cost of time.

Because there are too many things to do, most of them would rather realize their own self-worth than spend time cultivating the next generation.

Then the government departments can take over the task of cultivating the next generation, which means that everyone only cares about the students, and the government departments are responsible for how.

But then there will be another problem, that is, whether these children who are raised by the government have a sense of family belonging.

But now Qi Yiming has no way to estimate these. Compared with sharp social conflicts, Qi Yiming is more willing to face problems that can be solved by arranging more psychological counseling.

Soon, several regulations on encouraging childbirth were reviewed and issued by government agencies.

After a period of trial implementation and some detailed modifications, it has indeed had the effect of promoting fertility.

Within six months of the promulgation of the policy to encourage childbirth, more than 30% of families chose to have another child in order to improve their citizenship level.

Although the growth rate of this population is not as fast as that of artificial embryo cultivation, Qi Yiming believes that as the human population base increases, the number of newborns will increase geometrically in the next hundred years.

Perhaps it will take less than 150 years for the human population to double.

The problem of population growth has been solved for the time being, and then there is the issue of the development of the Nirvana Galaxy.

Originally, Qi Yiming did not want to establish colonies on the major planets in the Nirvana Galaxy, because no one could say when the insect swarms would appear around the Nirvana Galaxy again, so humans must be prepared to evacuate at any time.

However, with the issuance of government orders to promote population growth, Qi Yiming had to face the dilemma of extremely shrinking human living space due to population explosion.

In fact, Qi Yiming can continue to expand the Hope and the other two giant colonial spaceships, or build more giant colonial spacecraft to carry more people.

Qi Yiming thought so at first, so he approved and started building two giant colonial spaceships.

But as time went by, Qi Yiming discovered some strange problems.

During many inspections, he found that productivity growth in human society was slow due to a lack of a sufficient sense of urgency, and even tended to decrease year by year.

At first Qi Yiming didn’t understand what the problem was.

But a conversation with Ye Lu made him realize the problem.

Qi Yiming was worried about the slow growth of human productivity at the time, and was afraid that when the insect swarm arrived, humans would not have enough strength to deal with another attack by the insect swarm.

So he asked Ye Lu if she had any good countermeasures.

But Ye Lu’s answer surprised Qi Yiming. Qi Yiming clearly remembered what Ye Lu said at that time: “There is nothing to worry about. We have enough colonial spaceships and long-range delivery from the battle stars.” , If you can’t fight, you can’t run.”

This sentence impressed Qi Yiming deeply. He did not expect that Ye Lu, a fleet commander, would have such negative thoughts.

Qi Yiming then conducted an extensive social survey, and the final results showed that more than 85% of humans have more or less similar thoughts to Ye Lu.

Qi Yiming broke into a cold sweat after seeing this result.

If this kind of thinking widely exists in human society, then why talk about counterattacking the insect swarm?

Everyone has the mentality of running away if they can’t fight, so there is no need to fight this battle. Humanity will be wiped out by the insect swarm sooner or later.

The direct reason for this idea is that humans have been sailing for nearly a thousand years after escaping from their homes. In a sense, humans have changed from a settled civilization to a nomadic civilization.

The nomadic civilization is based on giant spaceships, and they can fly wherever they go.

So it’s not unusual to have the idea of ​​​​running if you can’t fight.

If there was no threat from the insect swarm, there would actually be nothing wrong with humanity continuing like this.

But the problem is that the insect swarm is encircling humans. If humans continue to wander around as a nomadic civilization, sooner or later they will be surrounded by the insect swarm and swallowed one by one.

There is only one way to solve this problem, and that is for humans to regain their sense of belonging to a fixed home. With a fixed home, humans will be able to unleash greater potential when facing the threat of insect swarms.

The problem of slow productivity growth that Qi Yiming was worried about has been solved.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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