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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 33 News

Zheng Hu really didn’t expect Qi Yiming to be so shameless. This was Chi Guoguo’s blackmail.

But what can he do?

Qi Yiming happily handed over the combat readiness energy block on the Black Tiger. Qi Yiming did not do too much, leaving enough energy for Zheng Hu to go back. He said lightly: “You go! By the way, Don’t forget to order your ground troops to stop resisting…otherwise you know…”

In this way, Qi Yiming once again saved the Wang family.

When he saw Wang Zhengfeng, Wang Zhengfeng was crying like a child while pulling Qi Yiming’s sleeves with snot and tears.

Wang Zhengfeng was tired. When Fang Min led the team to set off, he was also dazzled by the news that Qi Yiming single-handedly destroyed the Flying Eagle Federation fleet. He drifted away!

Let Fang Min blow so high in one breath…

Feeling proud, he agreed to Fang Min’s proposal.

Originally, he thought that the Zheng family must be prepared, but it had been several months since the last attack on the Zheng family. No matter how vigilant the Zheng family was, they would not have thought that the Wang family would suddenly attack at this time.

But this slap hurt so much.

Instead of letting down their guard, the Zheng family spent all their wealth to buy two cruisers and waited for the Wang family to deliver food to their door.

The Wang family’s core fleet, which was deployed in full force, was ambushed and defeated all the way back to the Xuannv galaxy.

Qi Yiming didn’t bother to listen to Wang Zhengfeng’s explanation. He waved his hand and said, “Where’s Fang Min? I want to ask that old boy what he thinks in his head?”

In fact, all of this really has something to do with Qi Yiming.

The main reason is that Qi Yiming’s performance was too evil, and he destroyed the Flying Eagle Federation by himself.

Wang Sen led the Marines to occupy the capital star of the Flying Eagle Federation, which all contributed to his success as the head of the family. As a staunch supporter of Wang Dong, how could Fang Min sit idly by and ignore this?

It was only then that Qi Yiming took advantage of the opportunity to attack the Flying Eagle Federation and forcefully passed the proposal to attack the Zheng family at the retainer meeting, hoping to save Wang Dong from some disadvantages.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that things would backfire and lead to the current situation.

Originally, Qi Yiming had planned to lead the Wang family fleet to wipe out the Xuanwu Xingyu after defeating the Flying Eagle Federation. However, because the Wang family’s core fleet was almost completely destroyed, he had to postpone the action.

Fortunately, the trophies brought back from the Flying Eagle Federation gave the Wang family a boost of blood, otherwise Qi Yiming really had plans to find partners for cooperation again.

Qi Yiming’s journey had a purpose. Ever since he knew that members of the original human federation like him would wake up from time to time and reintegrate into the new world, he became a little nervous.

It is true that he wants to return to his hometown to take a look, but more importantly, there is a large amount of scientific research data of the Human Federation stored in the central brain of the capital star.

As long as he can get those scientific research materials, he believes that he can break into his own world even without the help of the Glory Federation.

Qi Yiming had to get back there before others arrived, otherwise his authority would be locked by others, and he could only look at the information and sigh.

“When will you regain your strength?” Qi Yiming pushed away Wang Zhengfeng who was wiping his nose with his sleeve.

“With the legacy of the Flying Eagle Federation, soon…” Wang Zhengfeng thought for a while and then said: “There will be a large caravan coming to the Xuanwu Star Territory recently. I can purchase enough warships through them. It won’t be long before our Wang family You can resurrect with full blood.”

Qi Yiming nodded and said sincerely: “If you don’t have your own military industry, you can only walk on one leg!”

Wang Zhengfeng smiled awkwardly. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to build a warship assembly factory, but that the Wang family really didn’t have the strength.

Looking at the Xuanwu Star Territory, no one has the strength to establish a warship assembly factory on its own.

First, the industrial strength is not good enough, and the most important thing is that the scientific research strength cannot keep up.

They do not have the ability to reverse-engineer existing warships. Without drawings, how can they start assembling warships?

Half a month later, a huge transport fleet arrived at the Xuannv Galaxy accompanied by a convoy fleet that Qi Yiming thought was of acceptable strength.

The team was led by a slightly stout middle-aged man who called himself Fatty Tang. Wherever he goes he always has a professional smile on his face.

His caravan should have already inquired about the current situation of the Wang family when they came. It has to be said that profiteers are profiteers. When they quoted Wang Zhengfeng, the prices of various models of warships had almost increased by 20%.

Wang Zhengfeng could only hold his nose and admit it.

Wang Zhengfeng purchased 5 cruisers and 20 destroyers at one time.

Such a big deal made Fatty Tang laugh so hard that he couldn’t even see his eyes.

He still had a conscience, and when Wang Zhengfeng proposed to buy frigates, he sold Wang Zhengfeng 27 frigates half for sale and half for free.

However, Wang Zhengfeng wanted too much at one time. Even if he gave Wang Zhengfeng all the second-hand goods in the escort fleet, he would not be able to fill the hole.

Besides, Fatty Tang has to go to other star regions to trade, so the combat effectiveness of the escort fleet must be guaranteed.

He said to Wang Zhengfeng: “I will send a message to the headquarters and ask them to send a group of warships. It won’t take long.”

In this way, the caravan temporarily stopped in the Xuannv Galaxy, waiting for the headquarters to deliver the goods.

For a time, various entertainment centers on the Gray Rock Star were overcrowded, and people from the caravan came to the surface of the planet for vacation while taking advantage of their rest.

In the bar, Qi Yiming was chatting with Wang Sen. He was a little distracted. The main topic of conversation between the two caravans in the booth behind him aroused Qi Yiming’s interest.

“Have you heard? The Wanluo Empire discovered a mysterious battleship in the K-332 galaxy.”

“I’ve heard about it too. It’s said that the empire lost many fleets because of that battleship.”

“I heard that the battleship is a relic of our ancestors…”

“Do you still need to hear about it? It’s obvious!”

“It’s a pity that the battleship’s self-defense system is always in working condition. As long as a battleship approaches her, it will be attacked by a burst laser with intensity close to that of a battleship.”

“How many years have passed, and the energy on that battleship has not been exhausted. The relics of the ancestors are really elusive.”

Hearing this, Qi Yiming’s heart flew away.

A battleship from the Human Federation era? Is it a warship of the strategic strike fleet?

“Mr. Qi… what are you thinking about? You are drinking…” Wang Sen, who was a little drunk, did not notice anything unusual about Qi Yiming.

Qi Yiming can’t think of drinking now: “No, I have to go and see… what if it’s a modular battleship.”

Thinking about his own concerns, Qi Yiming raised his glass to fool Wang Sen.

After coming out of the bar and looking for someone to take the drunk Wang Sen back to his residence, Qi Yiming went directly to find Wang Zhengfeng.

Wang Zhengfeng was now more friendly to Qi Yiming than he was to his father. He invited Qi Yiming into the living room to warm him up, and sat upright to listen to Qi Yiming’s reason for coming.

“I have to go on a trip…I don’t know how long it will take, but I will come back as soon as possible.” Qi Yiming said the purpose of his trip directly without being polite.

Wang Zhengfeng was stunned at first, and then he said with a smile when he heard Qi Yiming said he would come back: “Mr. Qi, feel free to go, I will reorganize the Wang family fleet as soon as possible and wait for Mr. Qi to come back so that I can sweep across the Xuanwu Star Territory.”

I’m studying, and I believe there will be some improvement in the plot later.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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