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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 332 The beginning of the decisive battle

As Qi Yiming said, the master has indeed kept the bug cabin that stores the complete DNA galaxy very tight.

And this bug is next to the master, and this bug is not the type of Zerg individual that Qi Yiming and the others guessed. It is more similar to a super biological intelligence brain. All female bugs will use one when hatching new Zerg individuals. A special method to communicate with this biological brain.

The intelligent brain will send corresponding DNA information to them on demand through the request sent by each female insect. The female insect can re-edit the DNA chain based on this information to hatch new Zerg individuals.

Therefore, it is impossible for humans to find the special bugs that Zhang Lei guessed on the battlefield, because such bugs do not exist at all.

If humans waste a lot of time looking for a bug that doesn’t exist at all, the master will complete the modification of the underlying logic of the Zerg’s DNA.

By then, there will be no doubt that Qi Yiming activated the Battle Star, and humanity will lose its last chance to defeat the Overlord.

Faced with Qi Yiming’s persistence, everyone didn’t know what to do for a while.

At this time, Fang Min, who was in charge of another cutting-edge combat force of mankind, said: “Listen to me, everyone, in fact, death is not a terrible thing for us commanders of the modified neuron battleships. The worst thing is The consciousness is transported back and then lives again in a new body.”

Fang Min’s attitude was obvious. He didn’t mind the special fleet following Qi Yiming on his adventure.

Fang Min collected his thoughts and continued: “As Mr. Qi said, the Overlord is trying to make its army familiar with high-energy particle oscillation. If we don’t have any better way to prevent this from happening, in fact, Humanity has lost this protracted war.”

Everyone fell silent after hearing Fang Min’s words.

In fact, for the insect swarm, there is no need to be 100% immune to the damage caused by the oscillating stance.

They only need to be partially immune to gain an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield.

In other words, the expiration time of the high-energy particle oscillation stance is actually much faster than what everyone has guessed. Perhaps it will take less than a few battles for the master to achieve his goal. By then, even if humans have battle stars, they will still be there later. Completely defeated in the war.

Looking at the silent crowd, Fang Min asked another question: “Who is sure to find that special Zerg individual before the Overlord achieves his goal?”

Everyone lowered their heads when they heard Fang Min’s question.

However, Qi Yiming was reminded by Fang Min’s mention of the situation of the special fleet. He had indeed forgotten Fang Min and his group of battleship commanders who were really not afraid of death.

With Fang Min’s reminder, Qi Yiming made up his mind to raid the master’s lair.

He cleared his throat and took over Fang Min’s words: “I know everyone is worried about the safety of the raiding fleet. If it fails, the special fleet will only lose a batch of neuron battleships. The battle stars can jump away from the battlefield at any time, so if this raid If we succeed, we will accomplish our goal in one battle, and if we fail, humanity will not suffer any injuries.”

Seeing what He Zhenzhu wanted to say, Qi Yiming immediately spoke again: “In the past few days, the insect swarm has besieged the battle star twice. According to calculations, the time it takes for our battleship to destroy an individual insect has now increased to 35.32 seconds. , Presumably the frontline combat fleets in other theaters can also clearly feel the changes in the insect swarm.”

Ye Lu in the communicator between them nodded: “Indeed, a front-line commander has reported to me today that the resistance of insects to various weapons of the fleet has been slightly improved. The theater I am responsible for cannot get the assistance of battle stars.” , in the recent firefight with the Zerg swarm, the damage caused by our ship-borne weapons to the Zerg individuals was indeed reduced. “

He Zhenzhu and Wang Shuhua also nodded and said that this situation also existed in the war zone that they were responsible for.

Qi Yiming struck while the iron was hot: “In this case, raiding the master’s lair has become an urgent matter for us. Of course, it is not impossible to find special bug individuals at the same time.”

Qi Yiming poured out his thoughts through the bamboo tube like beans.

At the beginning of the plan, he will lead a special fleet to use the jump function of the battle star to directly penetrate the master’s nest, which is the capital galaxy of the former Human Federation, through precise jumps.

Of course, the period during which the battle stars are interspersed will be the time when the ordinary human fleet is under the greatest pressure.

The Overlord will definitely intensify its attacks on humans from all directions in order to bring out the suddenly missing battle stars.

During the period when Zhan Xing was missing, Wang Shuhua and the others could try to find the special bugs Zhang Lei mentioned among the insect swarm attack troops while defending against them. However, Qi Yiming did not hold on. Too much hope.

When Qi Yiming led the fleet to the raid site, it was time for the final battle between humans and the insect swarm.

At that time, not only Qi Yiming will be besieged by the insect swarm’s elite troops, but Wang Shuhua and the others will also be attacked by the insect swarm even more frantically. Their pressure will be even greater than Qi Yiming’s on the raid mission.

After all, if Qi Yiming’s surprise attack failed, he could just jump and run away. However, Wang Shuhua and the others, who were responsible for protecting the achievements of the New Federation from the Nirvana Galaxy, really had no way to retreat. They had no choice but to fight to the death.

The temporarily organized high-level meeting suddenly became quiet, and Qi Yiming looked at everyone nervously.

A few minutes later, He Zhenzhu took the lead in passing Qi Yiming’s proposal.

With the first vote in favor, others began to express their opinions.

In the end, Qi Yiming’s plan was supported by most people.

Although the plan has been approved, it still takes some time to prepare.

In order to prevent the master from further understanding the harmful principles of the position and changing the DNA information in a targeted manner, Qi Yiming abandoned the newly established defense line and quickly retreated to the hinterland of the New Federation.

Fang Min also immediately organized a special fleet to set off to join Qi Yiming’s battle stars after the plan was approved.

Replenish supplies while walking along the way.

The area that Fang Min was originally responsible for defending was handed over to Qiao Shan.

As expected, after losing the position of the battle star, the swarm launched an even more frenzied attack on the human fleet from all directions.

The defensive pressure in each theater increased sharply. This situation made Qi Yiming a little confused.

He could think that the insect swarm had retained a certain strength in previous attacks, but judging from the recent offensive, in order to increase the frequency of battles with human battle stars, the Overlord had painstakingly suppressed the power of attacking humans in various war zones to compete with the human fleet. On a considerable level.

After losing the trace of the battle star, the hidden attack power was completely erupted in order to draw out the battle star.

Suddenly, two war zones were breached by insects.

This suddenly strengthened everyone’s determination to support Qi Yiming in executing the raid plan.

Soon various theaters received orders from the New Federal Military Headquarters to shrink their defense lines.

A large number of human colonies were abandoned, and the humans who abandoned the colonies took this giant spaceship to retreat to the hinterland of the New Federation through the stargate network.

Wang Shuhua organized all the human fleets to block the only route for the insect swarm to attack the Nirvana galaxy. Here they will build the last line of defense for mankind.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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