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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 333 Departure

Thanks to the establishment of the stargate route, the special fleet only took 4 days to reunite with Qi Yiming’s battle star.

Qi Yiming’s raid plan sounds very simple. It is just to use the war star’s warping function to suddenly appear in the galaxy where the master is located, and then launch an attack.

But the actual difficulty of execution is not much easier than Wang Shuhua and others trying their best to block the attack of the insect swarm.

The first is the route issue. Even if the battle star has the ability to jump, according to the calculations of the ship’s scientific officer, Qi Yiming’s current location is more than 112,100 light-years away from the master’s nest. With the battle star’s ability to jump and sail, Qi Yiming Ming’s raiding fleet will have to make at least 3 to 4 jumps to reach its destination.

This is just an ideal situation. If there are some unexpected situations on the road, the number of jumps will be increased.

After reuniting with the special fleet, Qi Yiming first asked Fang Min to command the fleet to enter the battle star.

There is enough space inside the battle star for special fleets to dock. Even if some large battleships cannot enter the interior of the battle star, they can still dock on the surface of the battle star.

When everything was ready, Qi Yiming took a deep breath: “Start the remote precision jump program…”

Then Qi Yiming clicked on the star map and determined the destination for the first jump.

“The jump procedure has been started, and the destination has been confirmed…” The electronically synthesized voice of Zhan Xing Zhi Nao was no different from that on other battleships, and it still contained no emotion.

Inside the Explorer, which is the core navigation system of the battle star, all the work lights are beating crazily.

At this time, the Probe truly showed its performance. With the assistance of the internal equipment of the Battle Star, the Probe’s detection range of stable gravitational lines in the universe exceeded 30,000 light-years. This is also what the Battle Star can do in one jump. The farthest distance reached.

Before Zhan Xing entered the jump, Qi Yiming had the last call with Wang Shuhua and the others.

At a distance of 30,000 light years, even with the most advanced communication equipment, it is impossible to achieve real-time communication with current human technology, so many things must be communicated in advance.

At this time, Wang Shuhua was already very busy.

The insect swarm suddenly lost the trace of the battle star. In order to force the battle star out, it could only strengthen its attack on the human fleet.

The news from various war zones was not very good, so the evacuation plans of major colonies began to be implemented in advance.

Wang Tao, who succeeded Wang Sen, urgently organized a huge engineering fleet and began to build large fixed forts at various major defense nodes to prepare for the protracted war.

In order to coordinate the smooth retreat of various fleets, Wang Shuhua had not slept for three days and three nights, and his eyes were already bloodshot.

Looking at the haggard Wang Shuhua in the communicator, Qi Yiming said apologetically: “I’ll leave everything here to you. You must hold on until I successfully complete the raid mission.”

Wang Shuhua nodded firmly: “Don’t worry, for no other reason than for my descendants, I will fight tooth and nail to block the bugs.”

Qi Yiming smiled. Wang Shuhua had been with him since he started.

Putting aside Qi Yiming’s revenge for him, the life and death dilemma they have experienced together for so many years is enough for the two to trust each other’s back.

Therefore, there was not much communication between the two. Qi Yiming only explained the approximate time when he would complete the raid mission. If the mission was successful, Wang Shuhua and the others should also know the result as soon as possible.

After all, the insect swarm master is under attack, and it is impossible for the insect swarm on the front line not to be affected.

The reason why Wang Shuhua was told the detailed time point was so that they would have hope when they were in a desperate situation and would not make extremely irrational judgments.

Qi Yiming then contacted Qiao Shan, who was rushing to put the duck on the shelves.

After Qiao Shan brought his empire into the new federation, Qi Yiming originally wanted him to join the management directly, but Qiao Shan himself refused.

This is not Qiao Shan’s pretentiousness. First of all, Qiao Shan does not understand the organizational structure of the New Federation, and it is easy to cause problems if he starts hastily.

Secondly, the people he brought have just begun to integrate into the new environment. At this time, he is in a high position and has some power, and it is easy to form factions within the new federation. This conflicts with his idea of ​​integrating into the new federation, so He did not accept Qi Yiming’s invitation and only participated in the daily work of the New Federation as a spectator and staff member.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and those who followed Qiao Shan have basically integrated into the New Federation system. In addition, mankind has indeed reached the most critical moment. Qiao Shan, who has rich combat experience, was forcibly pushed to the fleet command by Qi Yiming. in the official position.

But what Qi Yiming said to Qiao Shan was completely different from what he had just told Wang Shuhua.

He told Qiao Shan that if the raid failed, Qiao Shan must lead mankind to flee again as soon as possible, and save the human fire no matter what, because only by living can miracles happen.

Qiao Shan was not surprised by Qi Yiming’s order. On the contrary, he had already thought of Qi Yiming’s meaning from Qi Yiming’s deployment position of the fleet in his hands, but everyone understood it tacitly.

After hanging up the communication with Qiao Shan, Qi Yiming said goodbye to the others one by one.

When it was He Zhenzhu’s turn, Qi Yiming said to He Zhenzhu out of nowhere: “When I come back, we will get married…”

He Zhenzhu was completely stunned at that time, and the slightly tragic farewell atmosphere that she had agreed upon was completely changed by Qi Yiming’s words.

When the two hung up the communication, Qi Yiming couldn’t believe that he would actually say such a thing.

But Fang Min, as a bystander, had his own views on this matter.

To be honest, Qi Yiming is often incompatible with people of Fang Min’s era. Ever since He Zhenzhu and the others were rescued, even Qi Yiming himself didn’t feel much. In his daily life, Qi Yiming consciously or unconsciously Chao Hezhu and the others moved closer.

If Qi Yiming hadn’t always treated everyone equally in daily management, Fang Min even felt that Qi Yiming would gradually kick people like them who did not belong to the same era out of the management.

Living in an era that is incompatible with one’s own, and meeting a person from the same era, the two people’s hearts will naturally be closer than others, and slowly the two people will develop feelings that even they themselves are not familiar with. Feeling a slightly different emotion.

Therefore, Qi Yiming’s performance just now can be said to be a natural expression of emotion. Except for themselves, who were surprised by it, Fang Min and other outsiders thought it was a very natural thing.

However, these stories about the love between children can only be a little embellishment of personal life in the great era, and cannot influence the balance of victory or defeat in the war.

It’s just that Qi Yiming has new hope in his mind, which may play a little role in subsequent battles.

The battle star loaded more than 400,000 neuron battleships and millions of combat personnel on board, and disappeared in the sound of the countdown of the battle star intelligence brain.

The fleet responsible for supplying the battle star could only see the slowly closing artificial wormhole opened by the battle star’s jump engine at the location where the battle star had just disappeared.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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