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Star Wars: My battleship can transform — Chapter 336 The Raid Begins

The tactical console of the battle star is displaying all the information within the 3 light-year range detected by the probe.

One of the objects with high-level energy fluctuations caught Qi Yiming’s attention.

Qi Yiming pulled Zhang Lei who was standing aside: “Tell me, this thing is not the jump blocker you mentioned, right?”

Zhang Lei leaned next to Qi Yiming and carefully read the information sent back by the probe.

“The energy fluctuations are too high. It doesn’t look like a naturally formed star.” Zhang Lei scratched his head: “It’s 3 light years away, which is not that far away. Why don’t you tell the scout ship to go over and have a look, just in case.”

Unfortunately, Qi Yiming received a reply from the front a few minutes after ordering the two high-speed reconnaissance ships to turn and fly to the target point.

Two high-speed reconnaissance ships approached the target point from two different directions. Unfortunately, as soon as they entered the jump channel, they encountered a common jump blocker and were thrown out of the jump channel.

Then the two reconnaissance ships simultaneously discovered that dense swarms of insects were blocking the channel to the target point from four directions.

Fortunately, the place where the two reconnaissance ships were thrown out of the jump channel was relatively far away from the insect swarm. In addition, the reconnaissance ships were not too large and were not discovered by the insect swarm. Only then did they have the opportunity to calmly send Qi Yiming what they had. Detected information.

After receiving the message, Qi Yiming instantly understood that they had found the right person. Even if the thing with high energy fluctuations was not the jump blocker Zhang Lei mentioned, it must be something extraordinary, otherwise the master would never So many troops were deployed to guard there.

“What’s the plan?” Fang Min also received a report from the scout ship at this time and connected to the communication with Qi Yiming.

At this point, Qi Yiming didn’t have many choices. He gritted his teeth and said: “Let’s do it. If you have dates or not, hug the pole first! What if you are right! Besides, there is nothing around here that can be guarded by insects. That thing is even weirder, it’s most likely the jump blocker we’re looking for.”

“But once we launch an attack, the Overlord will definitely know about our existence. When the time comes, he will be prepared and our trip may be in vain.” Fang Min expressed his worries.

“Don’t worry, I know what I know!” Qi Yiming glanced at Fang Min confidently, and then said: “You set off with the special fleet first, the battle stars will follow you from a distance, remember to pay attention to my orders, Tell your men that no matter how ridiculous the order is, they must execute it immediately.”

Seeing that Qi Yiming was so confident, Fang Min stopped nagging and began to organize the fleet to leave the battle star, and began to organize the formation at a distance of 0.3 light minutes from the battle star.

More than 400,000 neuron battleships, each 100,000 forming a spindle formation, began to slowly accelerate towards the target point 3 light years away.

The Battle Star followed behind the special fleet and began to accelerate slowly.

When the special fleet voluntarily exited the jump channel and returned to normal space in order to avoid the interference of the jump blocker, the huge attack fleet was immediately discovered by the guarding insect swarm.

At this time, the special fleet was only 1.5 light years away from the target point guarded by the insect swarm. As for the battle star commanded by Qi Yiming, it was still accelerating due to its large size and had not yet entered the jump channel.

The reason for this arrangement is precisely because the size of the battle star is too large.

Whether the battle star enters or leaves the jump channel, it will produce huge energy fluctuations.

The energy fluctuations generated when entering the jump channel have no effect, but when leaving the jump channel, this effect is fatal, especially when leaving the jump near the battlefield.

The huge energy fluctuations generated when the battle star leaves the jump channel is the best reminder to the enemy. You must know that no matter how advanced the battleship is, the moment it leaves the jump channel, a layer of molecular-level chaotic energy field will be formed outside the battleship. .

And this energy field directly affects all energy consumption equipment and energy supply equipment inside the battleship. A slight external attack will cause a huge chain reaction, causing an instant energy spillover inside the battleship. The more powerful the energy supply equipment of a battleship like this, Energy spillover will become more serious.

At the level of Battle Star, the energy spillover caused by her can cause Battle Star to lose all its combat power in an instant.

Therefore, for safety reasons, Fang Min could only be allowed to lead the special fleet to attack first, creating a relatively safe battlefield environment for Battle Star.

The moment the special fleet and the bugs came into contact, Fang Min felt something was wrong.

More than half of the bugs responsible for guarding the insect swarm belong to elite units. They are much more resistant to attacks by special warships than ordinary insect swarm individuals. Even all neuron warships are equipped with the most advanced high-powered human beings. Particle beam cannons have no advantage at all in dealing with these bugs.

But when he thought about the battle stars that were about to enter the battlefield, Fang Min could only bite the bullet and order all the battleships to activate assault mode and launch wave after wave of attacks against the insect swarms at all costs.

Fortunately, the neuron battleship only needs one captain to control it. Not only is its armament much better than ordinary human battleships, but it also has more than twice as many layers of armor as ordinary battleships.

In this case, although the insect swarm had a numerical advantage, the commanders of the special fleet no longer feared death. Coupled with meticulous battlefield command, the human offensive was actually stronger than the previous wave. The fleet was pushed forward by 0.3 light minutes under the fearless attack.

The distance of 0.3 light minutes is not large for the huge interstellar battlefield, but it is enough space for the battle stars to escape from the jump.

After a strong space fluctuation, the battle star suddenly appeared in the universe 0.3 light minutes away from the battle line, dragging a long blue trail.

The moment her surface layer broke away from the transition, a layer of energy visible to the naked eye completely enveloped the battle star.

Fang Min knew that that was the biggest threat that Battle Star would face after leaving the jump.

Fortunately, the insect swarm at this time was relatively far away from the battle star, and the high-end combat power was firmly held back by Fang Min’s special fleet, making it impossible to launch an attack on the battle star that had just emerged from the jump and was in its most vulnerable state.

Qi Yiming’s entire plan is 90% completed at this point.

Now he only needs to wait a few seconds for the thin energy field to dissipate on its own before he can carry out the next step of his plan.

At this time, Fang Min was still commanding the special fleet to launch an attack on the guarding insect swarm. The whole battle only lasted 5 minutes from the beginning to the present. Whether it was the corpses of the insect swarms or the wreckage of human warships, they were densely scattered on the battlefield. Every corner.

Fang Min watched with distress as the number of warships in the special fleet dropped from 430,000 at the beginning to 390,000.

This is the first time the special fleet has encountered such a high-intensity battle since its formation. Fortunately, at the moment of death, the consciousness of all the sunk battleship commanders will be instantly transmitted back to the battle star where they are placed to receive the information. These digitized personalities are stored in the device, and then wait for the day when their new bodies take shape.


Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Star Wars: My battleship can transform

Status: Completed Author:


Qi Yiming woke up from the hibernation cabin a thousand years later.
He drove the technological crystallization left by mankind, a super battleship that could transform at any time, to re-enter the galaxy.
Is the enemy warship too far away? Transform me, load the main control program of the Probe, and let's do a super long-range sniper attack.
The enemy warship's firepower is too fierce, and the outer armor of the warship can't withstand it? Transform me, load the Guardian master control program, and let our nanobots get up and do their work.
A battleship that can change its combat form at any time according to the battlefield situation brings Qi Yiming endless wealth and great power, but also brings responsibility and responsibility.

PS: This book has no superpowers, no ancient weapons, it is a pure world of giant ships and cannons. This book is not a Star Wars fan. When I named it, I just wanted to express that it is an interstellar war novel. I didn’t think much about it. I want to read it as a Star Wars fan. Sorry.


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